Hello everybody.
This is my first real post, so here goes.
Just wanted to say how impressive this place is, so much info!
I would also like to say that i had no idea that replica watches could be so good. I used to think of them as poor copies, only just managing, in most cases to look like the original. Or more often than not, looking like 2 watches after they had been put into that machine that Jeff Goldblum stepped into (you know the film).
I guess there is a difference between fakes and replicas.
So now i am looking for a watch and have been for about 2 weeks, i think. I do have 3 gens all Omegas, but have allways fancied a sub. The only problem for me has been that when trying one on (a gen) i have been very impressed with the look but not the weight and build of the watch (compared to my seamaster pro). Now i don't mean to offend anyone but thats just the way ive felt. However, now as if by magic ,i can have one and not be too unhappy about the feel of it! Jobs a gooden!
looks like a noobmariner for me!
kind regards. Marc.