No worries, Ryyannon. I'm no expert on these things so I had to use other means. You said it exactly, you have to worry about the seller, not the photo. While everything in that photo looks gen to my untrained eyes I wouldn't drop my cash just on that. During all my research I fell in with a bunch of crazy hermes PIS. They actually authenicated the seller of this bag and a few others. Actually they were very helpful. You are very right about how hard it is. One of the sellers on the bay that was very well know as selling gens had a photo of a bag that I sent to Sash. He thought for sure it was a rep but the seller checks out with this group that buys hundreds of bags from the AD mostly but buys from resellers when the wait is too long for some bags.
So the short answer is I don't really know but I have it on good advice that it is a gen, for what that is worth.