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Posts posted by fredmc

  1. Fancy posting it here so I don't have to register over there?

    As per your request here it is! :)

    to old RWG members,

    I know that most of you want to know where I was and what in the world happened over the past 5 months, so I'll cut right to the chase.

    In my country we have a mandatory military service, that I have been illegally avoiding for two years since I finished school. I had a very good reason for this. I was planning on going home for New Years, apparently not thinking straight, not realizing that this could get me into trouble. Yes, this is a serious offence back home, and it involves jail time, and many other things.

    The moment I came into the country my problems began, everything that happened after that is now history. As this is a public board, I will not get into many details, but please believe me that I could not come to the forum. I had so many other things in my life that were postponed (and ruined) because of this, that RWG was naturally not, and could not be the first thing on my mind. Please understand this. At the time I arranged with Matrix to come and take care of the board, at least a few times. He is now a basketball scout, and he travels around the world a lot. I didn't even know until now that he didn't show up to explain the situation, I thought that an explanation was provided explaining that I would be gone for quite some time . Just last week, when I came back, I found out everything. I was completely clueless on what was going on, including RWG and RWG watch.

    All things came together at the same time, along with a big case of miscommunication, to make one big mess. Also, as most of you know, I promised everyone a safe haven, which was called offersland.com

    I spent $3,500 for offersland.com since it was promised, for development and hosting. When the site was finally done, by the end of December (two months late) i was going to open it, but never managed to do so. It was running on my credit card that had $1000 credit limit, and the cost was $200 per month. After five months the website went down because I had no more money on the credit card, and I never had a chance to even put a link to it on RWG to make it work. I still have plans to bring it back, and right now I am trying to get in touch with it's developers to implement it into a new host.

    RWG Watch:

    First, I want to thank everyone who backed me up on this and who believed that I was not trying to scam anyone.

    Like most of you know, even though I took the RWG watch project on myself, I was not the one behind it. I was merely a middle man and I had a friend who was taking care of it for me. I know that this is not an excuse, but how can I stress enough that there was nothing I could do to make it different, except maybe getting on the plane and going to china myself, which I was not able to do anyway, from january on. Yes, I am guilty of taking a project on myself and not delivering in time. The problem is that I contracted someone else to do the job, and you were my clients. The person I "contracted" did not deliver in time. My friend who was taking care of the project totally bailed on me, and never delivered. She left china without sending out all the watches and never came back. We got into a huge fight over that, and some other things the end result being we are not friends any more, I don't want to see her ever again. Literally!

    So what ended up is 40 watches sitting in storage for almost six months. The money was gone the moment I sent the money to make the watches, which was in September if I remember right, so don’t think that I ever saw a dime of your money.

    The difference now is that I took the whole thing on my self, and starting tomorrow (just waiting for the final list to be delivered to me) all people who did not accept a refund will get the watches in around 10 days. We are trying to figure out right now what to do with the rest.

    My goal is to eventually sell off all RWG watches (to new members, if old ones are not interested any more) and pay off everyone who donated to the cause, and I really appreciate what you did. This including the "mysterious" member who donated $2,000, for whom I have the utmost respect.

    As most of you think that I let you down, at the same time I was let down by other people involved in the RWG watch project. I seriously regret the day I took over the RWG project, believing I could make it better. For me, now is the time to look into future, and try to forget the past.

    Making RWG2 was a good decision, even though RWG should have been manageable, even without the admin. If only Matrix had come...just once. But you guys did the right thing, you saved the community.

    We will not recruit any members from RWG2, we will respect everyone's right to choose one board, two boards or all of them. We will not compete or show any ill will towards our old friends, I want to retain my duty to reopen my site and reimplement my site's mission.

    Whoever was on the board around two weeks ago was not me, nor was that the post from Matrix which was made around two weeks ago. I actually found out who was posting, but that will be kept secret.

    Everyone is more than welcome to be a part of RWG again. I have already put over 60 hours into the forum since I came back. I want to extend a very big thank you to all the Mods that worked hard to keep the board alive while I was gone, also a very big thank you to all the members who showed RWG such loyalty, I am grateful.

    To prevent the same thing possibly happening in the future, I have several things in my mind.

    First of all, I gave my login info to two of my friends who work with computers and are always on the Internet, so in case something happens to me, there will be someone to take care of the board.

    I will give much more power to mods, And most important of all, will move RWG to a more reliable host. As of yet I am not sure why are there only registrations and posts up to Jan 12. It looks like the whole database was modified, and my current host was not able to supply me with backup. Another reason to move.

    So in closing please accept my apology for things that were beyond my control and also for things I could have done better.


  2. 3 things don't add up:

    1) Random coincidence I swear: my board gets hacked and after months of no replies I instantly show up to respond.

    2) Matrix is my good friend and co-admin but he also disappeared for exactly the same period of time.

    3) Legal reasons removed me, but they did not shut down my board. It's one thing to still be around (i.e. the members mentioned). It's quite another for them to put you away for 60 days but leave your board up (the original source of the legal problem).

    I grant you that he didn't have to come back at all to post (except to try to shoo away the hacker), but I'd rather he not explained himself at all then throw out stuff that doesn't add up. I'm sure most everyone will accept everything at face value, and I respect your right to do so. I just ask that you also respect my strong belief that this is not on the level :).


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