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Everything posted by jfreeman420

  1. LOL Happy birthday. I think we all know it is MR Pugwash.
  2. This is one of the UGLIEST watches I have seen so far. I could put up with the 187 because it was a chrono, but this thing is nasty. These were meant to be deep sea diving watches and should stay there in the depths and darkness. Is everyone jumping on the band wagon because it says panerai, or are peoples' taste getting worse? Keep in mind everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is just mine. If you like this good for you, but if I pass you on the street and laugh don't be mad.
  3. ROTFLMAO Ahhhhhhhh the memories...... Anyone remember my PAW pics?
  4. Cocaine isn't addictive ........sniff sniiffffffff lol....... The problem is this hobby is way more expensive than cocaine........
  5. Because it is hideous................. Dealers must keep this model hidden out of public view for fear of going blind.
  6. BTW, how long did it take you to get it?
  7. @elwopo: Thanks!!! That is exactly what I am looking for at the right price. I just placed my bid on the one ending soon. I looked all over ebay but missed that one for some reason.
  8. I would not worry with this seller. They have 6 positive feedbacks from today alone. The negative feedbacks look like [censored]. They also have over 100 items still for sale, all antiques. These don't look like the normal items that are conducive to fraud. All auctions state check or money order. I know many sellers hate paypal because of their screwed up policies.
  9. That would be safer, but my way could be cheaper...............
  10. All you need to say is "that's right [censored] I bought another watch. you ain't my momma, I'll do what I want". Grow some balls............ And if that doesn't work two dozen roses and a watch for her would be nice...
  11. Very slim....Most people who own a genuine own one good watch. Something they reward themselves with after years of hard work. There are some hardcore WIS out there but the guy wearing a gen TT or SS sub is most likely not one of them. I have traded off my rep for a gen many times to compare and the gen owner had no idea until I told him.
  12. I am shopping for a watch winder box on ebay. I see there are many different models and prices. I want to buy one that will wind between six and eight watches. Are there any difference in the winding mechanisms? Are the more expensive ones better for the movement or do they all pretty much accomplish the same job? Will keeping the watches wound help extend the life of the movements (especially chrono movements) ie; reducing wear and tear while setting the watch? Does anyone have a good source for these other than the bay? Your help is appreciated.
  13. I think the subdial spacing and size is different also. Better to start with a DW with mystery movement, no?
  14. This should be an easy task for any jeweler. I have had many custom pieces made (not watch related). All one would need to do is take the rep bezel, make a wax mold then rubber mold and fill it with gold. Probably wouldn't be too expensive and the same could be done with the gold on the clasp if it can be removed.
  15. It has happened to me as well. I contacted a good friend of mine at area 51.5 and he looked into the matter. It seems that there was some kind of celestial phenomenon at exactly 2am. This group has more time keeping apparatus set to the same time than ever anticipated. The simultaneous beat of over 1,000,000 mechanical movements and over 25,000,000 jewels has reacted with a black hole that at the exact moment all of our timepieces struck 2am was aligned with the international date line. At this exact moment a meteor reflected the sun's light ray into this black hole which refracted in a way to hit the earth and cause a subsonic reverberation that was the exact frequency of 28,800 bph. This frequency reacted with the mechanical movements and caused a bump in the time space continuum that froze time for exactly one hour. All electronic and human function ceased to exist for exactly one hour. The mechanical movements were not affected by this due to the independant nature of their functions, thus the mechanical watches continued to tick while everything electronic and alive stopped for one hour. So today we all seemed to gain one hour. This hour is not guaranteed to be added to your life span however because it is anticipated that on the first sunday of April 2007 the phenomenon will reverse itself and the time space continuum will be adjusted by bumping the earth's orbit ahead by exactly one hour. The only way to stop this is to have Tanfoglio send me all of his watches so they can be properly disposed of. This is the only way to ensure that the circumstances for this to happen again will not be as conducive to the bump in the time space continuum next year. Since this is not likely to happen because Tanfoglio is a greedy watchaholic that won't share with anyone, remember to set your clocks ahead in April. I do not envy him however when it comes to adjusting to this event next year.................
  16. The second one costs more so it MUST be better..............
  17. Get her a watch from WalMart and you might be looking for a new girlfriend.....
  18. For old school sound I have the old Sansui reciever with the [censored]s. Deep bass from this one feeding the old school pioneers................. This is my spare bedroom system.
  19. I saw on another board this is the exact reason these people got busted: Smuggle Me Elmo
  20. Hey Joshua: Don't let these guys get to you. It takes years and years to become as knowledgable and quick witted as our senior members. A toungue lashing from TTK is even looked upon as a compliment in some cases. Look at this as the frat hazing..........If you come back for more you are one of us. BTW, make sure the date changes at 12AM and not 12PM. I hear that is a common defect in this model..
  21. I have just received an order from Paul today and have an order on the way from Andrew. I can definitely say they are NOT the same people. Packaging and shipping cities are different as are the products they carry. Paul may be just be lazy or uses the same factory and didn't have stock to take his own pics. JMO.
  22. True, but then they wouldn't be here buying watches either.......
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