That is one of my favorite Nardin watches and it looks great. My only question is with the bracelet clasp. On the other Nardin reps I have purchased the clasp falls apart. I have gone through three of them in less than 6 months of casual wear. Is the bracelet clasp the same or has it changed?
I did sand down the edges on the bracelet (took it completely apart) and let is sit in silicon. The result was great I am just worried about the clasp.
Well our former President and almost got his ass blown up over there.
Oh and our current President Barack Neville Chamberlin Obama won't do anything about Iran but send them harshly worded statements telling them how bad they are.
Not here in the US. Trying to take someone's watch off their wrist will get you a punch in the forehead and a kick in the b*lls.
Wearing a rep into an AD is just absolute bad form. It is insulting to all parties involved. Plus, that AD may be handy some day for a franken project, you never know.
I know Chris at Eurotimez carries the noobmariner in stock. High is right, tough to justify the expense if you are going to end up setting it aside or selling it.