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About yannis7777

  • Birthday 07/03/1977

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  1. Bought a 2006 pepsi GMT II yesterday! Amazing watch and fiddling with it gets u to realise why gen Rolexes are so expensive!
  2. Thanks for the response man but my question concerned a list and the prices for genuine parts (from Rolex) that can fit into the Euromariner not the prices for the Euromariners themselves. Thanks anyway fella!!!
  3. OK from what i have gathered across this fantastic thread, you can pop some genuine parts into the Euromariner without any hassle at all! Can someone please list a price in Euros for the original parts that can replace the replica ones? Also can you fit the genuine bracelet? If someone could come up with pces of the parts and prices i would be grateful! Thanks felas!!
  4. OK from what i have gathered across this fantastic thread, you can pop some genuine parts into the Euromarinerwithout any hassle at all! Can someone please list a price in Euros for the original parts that can replace the replica ones?
  5. Thanks fellas!!
  6. Man thanks for the welcome!! smile.gif I can see Eurotimez looks like a serious business it is just that i read that there is no replica Rolex with a genuine mechanism made in Switzerland, but instead, copies of that mechanism made in China. So i thought genuine ETA meant that it is an exact replica of the mechanism. If not so then genuine ETA means that the mechanism in the top priced euromariners is the same one as that used in the genuine Rolex????
  7. Man thanks for the welcome!! I can see Eurotimez looks like a serious business it is just that i read that there is no replica Rolex with a genuine mechanism made in Switzerland, but instead, copies of that mechanism made in China. So i thought genuine ETA meant that it is an exact replica of the mechanism. If so then that means that the mechanism is the same one as that used in the genuine Rolex????
  8. Well hello to everyone! I am thinking of getting the Euromariner 2008 with the ETA mechanism but i have one question! Is the mechanism a chinese copy of the real swiss mechanism right? Also a question about the mechanism. How accurate is it guyz? Thanks and congrats on the forum fellas!!
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