Pity it's static. If it flew it would be something.
Doc: I flowen in a two seater Spit. Great aeroplane, responsive beond belife and a lot of fun to fly (propper flight trainer, dual control). Especialy when you take it's age into acount.
Flowen in dual controll F4U and Lightning as well, unbelivable, esp the Lightning but the Spit and a D/C P51 also experianced are a different feel entirly and in their own way are just as exciting. Also flowen the CAF's B17 and B29 as well as B25, Neptune and others. That's a different thing again. Ten minutes at the helm of a B29 is somthing everyone should experiance.
I'm fortunate enough to have had a go at the controls of things from a 747, DC10, 707, Connies, Herc to DC4s and nothing gives you the feeling of being in control of a great hunk of metal hurtling thru the sky as a B29 does. The only thing that came close was a Sunderland. Actualy have a ground/water taxi lience for Sunderlands. I have a lot of others as well but that's the rareie.