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Everything posted by trailboss

  1. Well there you go. Question answered. Good to see another Aussie on the forum mate. Where in Oz are you? If it's SE QLD that will make four at least when rc42 turns up in Feb. And isn't there someone up on the Sunshine Coast? Mate if you buy from Josh within the next few days you should get your watch by Xmas. EMS doesn't slow nearly as much as the post over the holidays 'specialy at the CN end. Customs clearence thru BNE takes an average of two hours for my stuff. I'ts in the mail or at the PO for collection the next day. From Josh you shopuld have it inside a week. Email him and ask what the odds are. Others can proberley sugest dealers allmost as quick. Regards, Col.
  2. Jake: When buying a new car, do you belive all the salesman tells you? IMO you can expect only one conclusion from folk if you describe parts as "18k yellow gold". That meens the part IS 18k yellow gold. Exactly what else would it meen? This Involt guy appears to know his stuff. He was asked some quite tecnical questions regarding chemistry and metalurgy and knew the answers. If you read the whole thing he is backed up at least in part by other members. Notice WM9s reply. To the efect of "you meen there's no gold in there at all? Please keep me informed" does not strike me as a very strong denial by someone who knows what goes into the product he sells. Regardless of the right or wrong of this debate I fail to see why the OP was roasted by some folk. All he is doing is passing on info that otherwise would be denied people trying to make up their own minds on the subject. Should they not have acess to all available info/oppinion? Do not most of us live in countries that cherish freedom of speach? Oh I know in some fora folk are spared the tedios task of sifting thru piles of info and makeing up their own minds on matters such as this. They have mods to make up their minds for them! Arn't they just sooooo lucky? Deny me infomation or desire to do so and you hurt me. I have a right to listen to the pros and cons from both sides of such important discussions and then decide, if I care enough to do so. That's what free thinking people do. I would give your side a lot more consideration if you didn't come out fighting and stick it up the OP. Every time somthing negitive is posted the poor bug*er gets a flaming. Look at the first few pages of the K2222 thread for example. Then when things go bad folk come out of the woodwork once it's in the open and too late. The progresion in the K2222 thread is almost classic in this regard. Of cause little hicups happen to dealers and a lot of the time peeps do overreact but most of the senior posters here can smell a rat once it's pointed out to them. Thanks to the OP for this thread. Regards, Col.
  3. Probley a bit late now but it has come to my attn that the hotest trade item in country ATM is the Aussie issue sunnies. A good pair of sunglasses is a must in the desert (well, for western eyes anyway) and these are da bomb. Apperantly your guys will trade anything for a pair but there's only so many Aussies in Iraq so in the intrests of providing a truly usefull xmas gift for your pals in country I give you Fuglies. Fuglies Mill Spec Polarised, shatter proof and most importantly, sand proof. Cheap too. Regards, Col.
  4. Brilliant! Ta muchly, a great tip there mate. Col.
  5. This is rather nice for the money. Ypu will find it HERE Col.
  6. Never mind that. A gen MVT for 108 bucks? Seriously tho That's not good at all. Col.
  7. Guys I think it's about time you got a few of HU's mates to go have a "chat" with the dear boy. Enough is enough and it's come to that IMO. Col.
  8. A dealer that doesn't dropship and will QC? Hmmm, geting rare now days. Eurotimez is out of action for a few weeks, Ruby also appears to be in hiatius. Hont in is GZ and actualy handles your watch or there's Narika. There are others but your probly not ready to deal with some of the smaller dealers yet. Who ever you chose tell them you have had probs and ask them about their responce to simmerlar probs and see what the reply is. Never be afraid of asking questions by email first. AS we say "first chose your dealer. then chose your watch". Col.
  9. Verynice indeed! I shudder to think what that dial cost let alone the bracelet. Worth every cent tho. Great job. Col.
  10. OMG, James Tayler is a [censored]! kinda knew that one allready. As long as Harry Chappin and Jimmy Buffet are oke I can still sleep at night. Luthier, you didn't happen to make a guitar for Ian Hauge from Powder Finger did you? A nice little Spanish steel jobby? Col.
  11. Yep, you can get a noob almost anywhere. Josh for speed and price and Eurotimez for QC. ET, however is on a break to deal with some stuff but should be back on deak shortly. watcheden would be another good bet for cheapies like the BM. He should have it for 80 bucks or so including the discount coupon that should be on the first page, top left in red. Col.
  12. No, the rotor is supposed to spin when the watch is moved about, that's how it self winds. How ever as the Zigmiester said it's not suposed to when hand wound. If you MUST hand wind an auto to start it, a few turns only and very slowley! Col.
  13. It turns out (for those who can't be bothered skiming it) that the OP posted some pics and text from a My Space site and then later posted the link to it. It's real but it's not the guy who posted. The REAL couple have now taken down their my space pages as you would. Aperantly folk from the site and elswhere started to post crap on the MS page. What a freaking um, freak! Big I can understand but she's butt ugly as well. That's what happens when you leave your MS page open. The site is geting swamped from everywhere. 1,000,000 views! One of the alltime classic threads. Col.
  14. Where I grew up The Ballad of Stroker Ace was a hymn and dirt track speedway was the religion. Skid control was never a problem for me It's a downright joy for a country boy When he hears them engines moan But you gotta hang tough and it gets real rough When you're out there on your own Cause they'll push you around, they'll knock you down They'll shove ya up against the wall And you always know when an engine blows That a man can't win 'em all You could push that car just a little too far any Sunday afternoon And if you break your neck in some damn fool's wreck they'd forget about you soon But old Stroker Ace was born to race and it's worth all the try'n Just to drink champagne in the Victory Lane and to hear that concrete whine Stroker Ace. verse 3 Col.
  15. Yes but half the problem is you don't learn how to drive a car. You learn how to pass a driving test. Driver education is pathatic in most countrys. Some steps have been taken to tighten things here in Queensland. Learners now have to do a cpl of hundred hours behind the wheel including twenty odd with a instructor befor doing their test. What's needed however is more advanced training. The first time most drivers get into a skid it's a real situation. Imagine geting a piolets licence without ever having done a stall recovery? Emergency brakeing. collision advoidence, correct cornering, skid control on the pan, front drive VS rear, these things just arn't done. It's madness! That's all called "Advanced" driver training and costs big money. It should be BASIC driver training! Col.
  16. Not just UPOs. Most noobs suffer the same problem with the plain ss Sub being worst. My torture test sub has been pearl less for months due to the fact you can't but just a damn pearl and by the time I bring a whole WM insert in I'm up for going on eighty bucks Aussie. I'd do it but I have neither the time or patiance to file the insert down so it would go in a draw for thw time being which makes for a $80 pearl. I'm gunna ask my watchmaker 'cause someone must do just a pearl! Col. PS: If I find some I can allways airmail 'em to folk.
  17. Don't worry mate. I'm not on his case. This is just a friendly discussion B: I realised some pages back that Robbie is prob smarter than he came across in that first post. This is just a debate for the mental exersice now from my POV. Anyway the cool thing about Robbie is you poke him with a blunt stick and he simply pokes back I have no problem with you streching the legs on your toy. 130 on a deserted freeway is hardly pushing it as long as your aware how fast stuff happens at that speed. Things just arrive. Only likely to hurt yourself any way. I think that if the cop had been genuinely horrified by your actions you would have been inspecting his cells. He saw a deserted hiway and a car that is designed to cruise all day at that speed and decided to just yell at you for a bit. I would much rather have you doing 130 on the freeway then the fools in 4X4s who do 45 up our narrow, twisting, blind cornered, creek below on one side and bank on the other, dirt road. It's not the speed, it's the where and the when. Oh, and the who. Col.
  18. No one is going to tell an Imam in Iran or Palistine what he can and can't teach. Where action should be taken is in places like the US and Australia where extreamism is rare. The Isamic Council here has Taken steps to gag a couple of rabble rousers recently. One selling DVD sermons saying stuff like rape victims are responsible "if they display themselvs like meat" in responce to atacks on western girls by a gang of Lebenese youths in Sydney. He was also praising Jihad and "dieing for the glory of Allah." Not the sort of guy I'd want preaching to my kids. Apparntly the council shares my view 'cause he doesn't anymore. Havn't heard a peep from him in months. Unfortunatly this doesn't seem to happen in some places. London is a good example. There are a cpl of Imams there who realy are a worry. And now it looks like at least seven of the terrorists in India had UK connections. These good people who live by God's law and not the teachings of some twisted indevidual with an agenda should clean house of these extremeists befire they start reading about their sons and daughters blowing themselvs up in Picadilly. It's the young they get. They want to serve God and here is this respected person telling them the best way is to die for Him. It's a crazy world we live in. Who said Life Of Brian was farce? Col.
  19. It is a PR problem tho. Look at it this way. From a western POV the word "Muslim" conjures up an sterotype image of a male of middle eastern decent who is a wife beating, jew hateing, enemy of the west explosives expert. At the very least Isalm has a very strict and cruel image in the west. While this may be true in some places it is of cause small groups who have these type of extream views yet all branches of Isalm are lumped in together. Just beacuse there both christian no one would expect say the Methodists to be held up as responsible for the actions of the Branch Divideons at Waco. No reasonable person would even blame the Seventh Day Adventists whome this mob of loonies split from. Nore do I hold the parisheniers at my local Roman Catholic church as complicient in the actions of their brethren in Belfast. Why would I? The majority of them are as horrified as me. Oh there's proberley some who secretly agree, even some who sent money for guns in the bad days but by far the majority of them are as appaled as I. But with Islam the weight of the sins of a few are carried by all. Fire bombing the local Mosque in Alabama beacuse of what some extreamist on the other side of the world did makes about as much sence as blowing up the local Salvation Army hall in retaliation for the actions of "Christian" hit squads in Bosnia. Chances are the two parties have about as much in common. Col.
  20. OKE, we have now established several things. !/ there WAS a reason for the 45 zone AND the heavy enforcment of it. From this we should learn that there is somtimes a good reason for silly little speed zones. 2/ It would in fact be a good idea if the cops took the time to tell folk why they were so down on speeding there. No one like silly laws but if a good reason is apparent most will comply. 3/ Two wrongs (Uturn & speed) can make an even bigger mess. In major aircraft crashes it's hardly ever down to one cause (with the exception of " a bomb blew the tail off") it's usualy a train of smaller events any of which are no big deal on their own all coming together to create a much bigger problem that brings down heavys. Everyone has seen one of the many air crash investigation shows and knows what I meen. Same with driving. We all know our limits. Or should. The problem lies with the unexpected. If we have any brains at all when driving fast one leavs allounce for external influences like somone coming the other way as fast as you are or debris on the road but what if both occur at once? Come arround the corner and there's somone useing every last inch of their lane plus some of your side and right In front of you he ends up side ways on a patch of gravel? Or a cow walks out in front of you? Any one of these you could handle. Oke, you were going to clip that apex but since he's using it you have left enough spare that you can tighten your line a little and so can he, no prob. Oh cr*p! There's a cow in front of you. No wuckers, the bloke comming the other way is doing 55 and can stop/pullover in time to let you slip past. Lucky he wasn't moving as fast as you were. Hell, the cow on it's own may be enough thanks to the punture you picked up a mile or so back. No indercation yet that there's only 10psi in the left front. Geting it? The faster you go the bigger margin for other peoples error you must leave. The garage stuffs up your brake job. You only have 40% brakeing on one rear wheel. Np prob, the think has plenty of brakeing power to spare and you'l pick it up eventualy when you realy stop hard. You drive arround for a week or so, the problem still un noticed as you havn't had call to brake hard. On your way home a head light goes out. Slow down a bit to compensate but Porsche lights are good so not that much. The truck comming the other way blinds you just enough that you don't see in your weakend beams the black horse run out in front of you till quite late. Not that late tho, even with the ruduced brakeing, even in the damp conditions you have time to stop and jump on the anchors and let the antilocks and brake assist do their stuff. Oh dear, the three wheels that have full brakes quickly come to the limit of adhesian and the electronic brake force regulater in concert with the antilocks sends the power to the rear wheel with the faulty brake 'cause it aint locking yet and reduces the amount available to the ones that DO work. SMACK! one dead horse, wrecked 996 and prob a dead driver as well. If any one of the above had not occured the outcome would have been much better but all together . . . Driving much more than 7/10ths on a public road is asking for trouble. Doubleing the speed of surounding traffic is somwhere arround 8. BTW, speaking of speed on a public road, anyone ever seen "Ghost Rider"? Now THAT guy is insane! Col.
  21. Interesting point that. If the Pope and the Arch Biship of Canterbury had stood side by side and demanses, on pain of excoumunication that the violence being commited in God's name stop there would be far fewer young widdows in Belfast and Ulster. The western world has done so many fu**ed up things in the name of God we are barely in a position to complain. There were the inquisitions, the crusades, the Refermation, witch hunts and of cause every one in every war has "God on our side/Got mit uns". The stupid thing is in all cases, inquestidor or terrorist are doing stuff that is so far from the teachings of their God I fail to see how they think religion is a reason. Islam is a peacefull religion. I speak to a lot of Muslims mostly owners and crew from Middle Easten yachts and none even those who have some sympathy for various causes can rationalise the use of terrorism to further the cause of Islam when this kind of behavior is specificly forbiden. It's allmost painfull at times to see how much these happenings affect the heart of a good Muslim. To see these horrors perptrated in the name of that wich they hold sacred is obviously very hurtfull to them. Most spend a lot of time appoligiseing on behalf of Isalm and trying to assure you this is not the teachings of Islam at work. One Saudi gentleman I know who is rich enough to buy out everyone on this forum (inc you , Robbie) from the contents of the petty cash safe on his yacht was close to tears one day describing to me how he felt about what was being done in the name of God. He must look down some days and think "WTF?" Col.
  22. Ahh, so folk have a habit of doing illegal Uies there do they? Gee, lucky no one ever comes flying thru there at 90 'cause that could lead to a rather nasty crash. Col.
  23. In that case I will stop playing, Oh well the thread served it's purpose before turning into a nazi bash I supose. Thanks for leting us run it. If it keeps heading downhill lock it by all meens. Col.
  24. The chance to be flamed by true pros whilst providing entertainment to hundreds? Col.
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