Wiseman you deserve a whole case of gold stars for this one. You are indeed a fine example to our hobby and a credit to your country. Good work. Keeps us informed guys, I hope this works out.
Onz, how many noob FMs do think there are? I hate to tell you but all my current noob army 'cruits are male. Besids, using females as cannon fodder just ain't nice.
Kinda cool, yes. defendable, no. you would be relying on your perimiter not being breached and eventualy we would run out of noobs to throw at it.
BTW, exactly how many noobs can you fit in two containers?
Ofensive to whome? Nazis? They'l be gone soon, they'v served their purpose but if you find them ofensive I'm a little worried you may have misinterpreted them.
Ya, its printed on the little dymo label on the dash above the ASI :-)
BD is indeed a little 2 seater. Mill version of the 150 (sort of) with a few extra horses and more wing and flap area enableing lower stall speed plus a perspex floor between your legs. That one was VH-KMQ now long gone, I hope! Log remarks on dash nearly falling out and stuck fuel drain requiring attn during preflight. I used to carry a tin of 2 and 4 BA screws around in for years. A habit picked up from DC-3 days.
I'm a qualified Load Master not a pilot tho I can fly and have ground taxi permits for most heavy props. Been a long time since I'v been in a Cessna tho.
Last Cessna I flew accoeding to my logs was a Bird Dog in '98.
I must open the site in composer and chk just what meta tags he has on there. Probly not enough. You cana have too many meta tags if your after traffic.
Nice goat John, very nice. The Carger ain't bad either.
Yes Alpha, somehow I think 300 is a little beond VNE for a 172. Beond what it could achive in a vertical dive I suspect. It'd break up first :-)
Ooooooh! Ask and ye shall recive. Charter membership has been bestowed upon me. Thank you RWS.
Yes dave we get noobs. At the rate of about two or three a week. How do they find RWS? Well I know its complicated mate but there's this thing called Google . . .
John, I am not selling my noobs for medical experiments! Or whatever else you have in mind. "sides do you know what a fully trained noob is worth? Save your bucks and I'l lend them to you sometime. 'sides you have an invoice on the way for 2doz containers. Better add a cpl more for our noob defence force. We can't have them cluttering up the main area can we now?
Can't belive I have missed his section! Wow there's some nice stuff in there. Lets see, a new suit, some shirts, jeans and one of those A&F jackets should do for starters when he's back on deak.
Ya, somthing not quite right with the OP.
/me steps back and inhales deeply. "Funny, I smell rat. No, not quite rat more like . . um, ah! yes! Shill"
Reptep, don't bait the noobs! The RWG1 equivelent of this thread went on for dozens of pages.
Steve: do a search on here for "thin red line"
BTW, wasn't this locked last time I looked? Seems a few nuked/locked threads have made a reapearence of late. Over active mod?
I don't know about alive and kicking but it ain't dead yet, quite. Three mths on tues. No one has been asked to donate. As yet. Most of the time its me and a few noobs. Its fun having your very own pet noobs. Someone has to hold their hands. Still waiting for my charter membership. Seems fair since I spend more time there than the admin!