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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. That, is pure class. Congrats!
  2. LMAOPMITR!! (laughing-my-as-off-push-me-in-the-river!!) "So, what's on for today guys?" "Just hangin', doin' the 'crow' thang" I bet the locals get a good laugh, when us flatlanders see a Baldie and run out of the river fumbling in our packs to fish out the camera. "Cool, a spot just opened up on that cottonwood hole. Morons." It's like down here, if I walk into the oyster bar and there are no stools available at the bar, I'll walk on over to the railing. And wait for it. It only takes a minute. Then; 'Thar she blows! "Hey everybody!! Bottlenose Dolphin!!" "Where!? Where!?" And just like that; twelve seats to choose from. Morons.
  3. The Beast 666? RUN! All these eagle shots bring back a memory I have of browsing around a gun show in Tampa; It was the usual, but I'm usually drawn to the older vintage military stuff. Love it. Anyhoo we came across a table with a lot of Nazi paraphenalia including a few standard issue Lugar P-O8's, one in a Luftwaffe holster that I was really keen on, and yet another Sauer 38H beautifully decorated piece replete with the German Eagle atop Swastika on the hand grip. Probably once owned by an SS officer. I commented; "Hey look Garry, this has the Eagle looking over it's left shoulder, the symbol for the Nazi party!" The German man selling commented; (read this as if 'General der Infanterie Albert Hans "Hansy" Burkhalter' from the old Hogan's Heros were saying it) "Well, you know somethings about history young man, but not much. Indeed the left hand profile is the symbol of the party, the right to the Reich, but, that is a Falcon, a predatory bird, your Bald Eagle on the other hand is a scavenger bird. That [censored]. But it's largely true. All the photos here in this thread are of 'Golden Eagles' who won't live in the same area as Baldies, they chase them off. The Bald Eagle who will hunt, is just as much at home standing in shallow water with sea-gulls picking over carrion Salmon. Not very domineering. I took this picture while cleaning fish and was amazed, until a week later I saw a few in Anchorage just sitting on top of the Carr's supermarket watching the world go by. Anyway, I argued with the guy that it was indeed an Eagle, but he wouldn't relent. He was smug as all hell. My friend, picked up the Sauer from the table, gave it a once over, and returned it to the guy's own hand with a harrumph; "Well, it may be a Falcon, but they weren't praying on much particularly by the time 1945 rolled around. Then, were they? C'mon let's go." The man turned beet red. That U.S. Marine was ready for all contingency.
  4. Eight tiny reindeer?
  5. The again, 'right click>properties' reveals; alaska.net/images/disappearing_squirrel_trick.jpg So. If airplanes hitting the ground left such 'evidence' the NTSB would be a breeze job. I dunno, I think the power needed to 'lift off' a fox from deep snow would at least scatter the wing imprint with down wash, not to mention the violence of touch down. In a whole day of trying I don't think my kids could leave such a perfect 'snow angel'.
  6. I would love reading that post. Excellent point. I think it were in your 1665 thread 'Lanikai; that Freddy made comment; the steel is wrong for this vintage with regard to 'color'. I can see it now; "For Trade; An MBK 1665 pre-316F steel Sea Dweller, correct color and feel............" Sigh. In '04 I bought two TWB LV's from Eddie Lee. I swear as I remarked them then, they were 'brighter' than any Rolex rep bracelet I have bought since and to date. I thought they were onto something then as the nickel content in gen Rolex SS is higher, hence the 'brightness'. Reading this thread I have to guess that 'one batch' of 316 (440?) just happened to be mixed that way. I think the 316F is the way to go for latterday Rolex only. Or not. sidebar: Reading this thread with regard to 'quality control' of Chinese steel, and as we hammer again and again on irate noobs with crooked cyclops, or stripped bracelet screws; "These are replica, contraband, there is NO point of assembly CQ..........." I have to say there is NO point of assembly CQ in any damn thing coming out of China. Everytime a hand tool or appliance comes apart in my hand, I roll the darn thing over; "Made in China". I hate to have accepted that from a personal financial/investment POV, but it really is the one weak link in China emerging as a manufacturing super power. They gotta get ahold of that.
  7. Nothing much else to add Red aside my sentiments in 'P4GTR' 's "I got engaged today" post. Maybe do a 'Search'? Good luck!
  8. I like your watch j. Aside the funky crystal, it looks every bit as good as my 1680 that I paid $250 for in '04. Taking aside mine has a gen ETA, you still made out. These vintage Rolex replica are neat, but I just don't know about wearing them around. It's like fibbing about getting laid. Saying you went home with a waitress from the oyster bar is one thing, saying you slept with Cindy Crawford? C'mon.
  9. I'll say! Are these with your new DSLR? If so, I think you nailed it.
  10. Through my 'Search'-ing yesterday I came across two pieces of obscure info with regard; One countered what 'Francisco' had to add; that depressing the 'stem-release' button, while perhaps not essential, was the course to take when reinstalling the stem (this is my experience as well), and another member suggested rotating the stem clockwise slowly while simultaneously inserting the stem. I did a tutoral for dummies with regard on the old RWG, both of which are lost in the annals, but, it was explained to me that the position of the stem, how it is aligned in rotation upon removal, must be the same at the point of reassembly. I would observe the 'flats' of the stem, and orient them; one parallel to the top of the movement and one parallel the bottom, then removed the stem. If you made no note of their relative position when you removed the stem, then yes, rotating the stem while re-inserting, the flats would, may, find 'home'. The other, as it were explained to me, was the stem needed to be removed in the 'hack' position. It always worked. That aspect has been deliberated ad nauseum. The premier watchsmith here maintains that he always removes the stem from the winding position with every mechanical movement save one Russian made. Just curious, at which detent (stem position) was your crown when you released the stem?
  11. It seems a lot of concern is for folding and locking blades. I would imagine a good three rivet 'through handle' utility knife, as a fillet knife, or skinning knife would be a good bet. Lord knows I've had enough 'production' blades come apart. So..........
  12. Good points Col., but the issue really comes down to part semantics and part history/tradition. Before the move to 'off shore' clandestine servers RWG (back in the day, original recipe) was compromised by the forces that be, for obvious reasons that really needn't be explored further. The harm there was it compromised the original RWG site mission; 'to guide the unsuspecting from the sharks in infested replica waters on the internet'. The tolerance, and that's what it indeed was, by the original webmasters of RWG and TRC to 'collectors', if we must, was a service to the membership. It made some sense; ".........do not buy from these sources........". Well then, from whom? The membership solely made those chains among themselves with no hand by the administration. There eventually were 'trade sections' and that's where it all began to unravel. You were certainly part and parcel to the old RWG and will remember there was an unspoken 'zero tolerance' for any mention of 'trade' or replica 'commerce' in the public forums. We were rudderless, with no administration, or protections. You have to admit, aside some unrelated petty squawks in "Off Topic", there was an even strain with regard. To all things 'watches' we all got along most famously. I would wager here, upwards of 98% hard feelings posted, revolve around 'trade'. I think Shakespeare could have fashioned a play around the merchants and shylocks of RWG. Oh, he had already. Anyhoo, certainly no-one here is fooling anyone with regard, and despite the protections RWG has in place (this is very costly and what should be considered in the call for membership upgrades, nobody is getting wealthy here) the Admin. here have raised a bar to 'honor among thieves', as that is indeed what we all are. Party to that is; not to rub anyone's nose in it, especially those of the authority. It's just not on. I think a few clicks and a good scroll just good form. Maybe a secret handshake is in order?
  13. Hey, As the others have noted; "You're here, you made it......" but you may want to consider <Time Zone Watch School> <<<<<link. It will give you a good basic primer and the skills you need to then 'think outside the box' and modify replicas. That is a back alley craft that is well and above classical watchsmithing. The on-line course is designed to be at your own pace and is very comprehensive. Good luck, welcome.
  14. Good work Tt, I went on a little 'search' myself but came up dry. The new 'Search' function really needs to be used in it's 'expanded' form to get anywhere. MmmK hopefully MrK will see this and have a go.............the tutoral from 'Bazz' is really worth saving to 'Favorites'. Also, the link to 'bigredjoe69' 's tutoral was a hoot; It may be plain, but I certainly wouldn't call it anything close to 'English'. Plain 'Merican will do. Having sequestered myself on the old RWG when this board was born I completely missed Joe's falling from grace. Pity. He was well revered when they all went over the side, then a pariah. It wasn't until a member returned to the old RWG and clued me in as to why. It's just sad, the dynamic of these forums sometimes. We all tout our 'closeness' in a purported 'brotherhood', but the medium is so detached from anything coming even close to 'human' that one false turn, one misunderstanding, one show of actually being human and the deal goes down the drain. It happens so often as to be remarkable. This strap was a gift from Joe. For no apparant reason other than he thought I should just have it. The bastard. Joe's downfall? Many have their theories and reasons, but I'd put up dollars to dimes it had a lot to do with the last pic in his tutoral. Red neck's should not work on watches.
  15. "Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that rep collectors tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and 'TTK' will get you." And no-one ever really believes.............."
  16. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.............. There was a member; 'King Jubilee' who dealt in rep knives, knew his stuff, and was a square shooter. I just looked into his profile to see he hasn't been active in well over a year. Maybe send him a shout in the blind by PM. He might ping back...............................
  17. Talin' 'bout the MB&F Hike. The B&R? Badass watch. ETA 2824-3 no doubt. When you're knuckle dustin' you need 25 jewel Novodiac shock protection by Incabloc. Accept no substitutes.
  18. I didn't think a watch could be any more repulsive, then I saw; they also offer it in Rose Gold It is an interesting site tho', this caught my eye on the homepage; Just in time for the Halloween holiday, and a 'must have' piece for the latterday pirate, or Airborne Ranger.
  19. Yes, it is ironic. The one who sold watches but considered himself, above all else, a 'collector', was banned. Anyhoo, it's probably along the lines of why politicians call themselves civil servants, it just looks better in court when they are caught with a dead girl, or a live boy. And for the Administration of said same.
  20. Oh. Cruel fate. What 'tool' did you use to depress the stem release Mk? Please do not tell us it were a 'pin' or similar.
  21. So. It is confirmed.
  22. Maxi dial (larger hour markers), fat hour/minute hands.
  23. Hey, Moose, where iz squirrel! One day, walking through Anchorage, I spotted a moose standing in front of the public library. It walked across the street to the commons. Better grazing there.
  24. Whoa. I was lit last night. I started reading this thread this morning like it was the first time. Imagine my surprise when I read my reply. Not much to add pho, I would A) Do as Freddy suggests or 2) Go with 'Omni' 's advice. Prolly better. I'm thinking 1K at a community college could send you down the path of prosperity, like something 'vocational' in an Associate's program. Court stenographer always sounded cool. Or Criminologist. You already have more than enough on your reume` to be "President of the United States" apparantly, so yeah, there's always politics. Buy some votes. Good luck!
  25. Look at the bright side; there were people who paid a premium for 'serviced, water-proofed, and crown guard shaped by Swiss trained techs "perfect Submariners" that were hacked A LOT worse than that. They also leaked in the shower. Some of them.
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