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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Good God. Is there a 'just shoot me' option at the start? Different strokes for different folks. This is what I did last week for ha-ha's; I think I had too many beers. It was a close call.
  2. Brother man? I originated; 'quoting one's own self, and reply........'. After the swamping of RWG, 'original recipe', I went from 1,900 posts to 'POWERMAX'. All by myself. I have screen shots where I was the only member shown on the main page. For days. Then I fished 'Omni' and 'Ryyannon' from the water and the rest is history. When 'johnnyboy' and 'watcher71' were seen drifting aimlessly in the Southern Latitiudes, we pulled them in like Spanish stallions cast overboard in the doldrums of the Sargassum Sea. It was hairy.
  3. Good Lord, that's a loaded question. Have you seen his avatars?
  4. Remember, you can only be young once, but you can be immature forever.
  5. At what point does 'help' leave it's own definition? Imagecave is back up, but I'm going to switch. Oh bother, to transfer my brilliant tutorials and pictorials. Oh well, 'tis the price we pay for brilliance. And sharing.
  6. Cheers! Get a life dude. Seriously.
  7. Thank you gents............I'll just ride it out for the mo' and switch to photobucket in the future............... I'll never forget the iUploads fiasco that dumped all of The Zigmeisterzumba's posts back in the day. I'd rather rebuild the Hindenburg from leftover parts. Oh. The humanity.
  8. I link to an off-site host for posting pics, www.imagecave.com. None of my photos nor avatar seem to be linked now. I've noticed a few other members' photos or avatars are Xed out. Also, while surfing RWG a few minutes ago (no other windows/sites open) my firewall blocked two Trojan viruses? Anyone want to hazzard a guess to these issues? www.imagecave.com is up and running, however they were down yesterday...........
  9. He blew his mind out at a watch work bench. And though the tools were rather small, now we know how many tools it takes to fill the Albert Hall.
  10. Sounds good T'J. And I have to say there seems to be a putsch for 'budget watches' these days. Pieces brought along for modding, experiment or for the sake of, well, 'budget'. It's good as I sometimes feel for the noob who may get star struck by the 'super reps' and all the high end BK speak. It is great, but, hmmmmmm, dunno, 'expensive replica' is kind of an oxymoron in my book. I have a $300 HIGH end limit on these things. There are some gentlemen around here with some pretty deep pockets. Hell, I couldn't even touch most with regard. Maybe 'could' but certainly 'wouldn't'. Franken this, Franken that, they are what they are, 'fake' a novelty. We laugh and joke about "I'm addicted!" "My better half will kill me!" or worse "My better half will never know!". Oh. Dear.
  11. Living in the Southeast US the older generations still refer to themselves as 'Negro' if their generations take them back to the 1800's US. Funny, the Black Cubans call themselves, well, Cubans. And speaking of 'pride' anyone who floated 210+ miles on a lawn chair held up by a few inner tubes to get here? They can throw out their chest in Latino pride anytime in my presence. That's basically how F-L-O-R-I-D-A was discovered in the first place. @ Bob, No doubt. But you know, it's really up to the parents to sort this stuff out. You've obviously taken the reigns, and speaking of which, my daughters being delved into the equestrian pursuits know failure after hard work certainly. The infrastucture is 'private' so, no ribbons given for poor performance. Tears? Sure, but later, after the fanfair for the Champion and Reserve and 'other' riders walking from the arena with ribbons on their bridles. They get theirs too, but a third place 'show'? Like solid gold. But, that leads to another conundrum. The 'team'. Up till now, they have no concept of letting down the 'team', only themselves. All organized team sport around here is as you've outlined. We may have to wait until high school for that. They'll be ready.
  12. Too cool for school. I love this; "Oh, that engraving on the caseback of my replica SMP? That's for anti-counterfeit. Like this here, see the engraving on the rehaut of my replica Submariner? That's for anti-counterfeit too."
  13. Well, OK, maybe not a 'ball' at all more like lipstick tube shaped things......... Dayum, that's a serious piece of ordnance. And the Russians developing one as well? Hmmmmm, the Russians, Afghanistan, they wouldn't. Would they? Payback's a [censored]. Well, if Obama is second guessing troop deployment into the region and thinks a hail storm of these will do the trick? I suppose. I'd prefer an 'Air War' approach. The pundits have maintained; the terrain there is no place for standard troop deployment. It has to be more tactile. It could also be win/win for the Democrat party. If enough of these super bombs go off, often enough, the resulting shift in the Chandler Wobble could seal the deal on that global warming thing. Sly boots, that President Obama.
  14. My Furuno depth/fish finder is like that. Couldn't imagine liking a watch crystal like it. Either.
  15. What kind of prat would spend $540 on a shirt? Ken? What could you do, say, for a dozen sans the DV label? Same quality.
  16. I took the test, and guess what? But that should bear ZERO clue as to how I scored on the test. Here's the flaw of the test and the whole arguement. The presumption is; if you feel in your conscious that one race is inherently superior to another, than you must, they must, think you consider your race the superior one. Therefore a predjudice against a race other than your own exists. I've already addressed that fallacy with regard to 'Africans' and my personal relatonship with regard in my previous post. Don't even get me started on Native American peoples. I wish.
  17. That's what I'm talkng about. I love all my watches. For what they are. If I thought about what they weren't Id hate them. And may be tempted to take it out surreptitiously on a dealer(s). It's amazing. The evolution of the hobby. I remember contacting EL for my very first watch. I didn't Kow Tow, but approached it like I was asking a favor. Because I was. Selling great replica watches is what Eddie did, as favors. He had a real job too. I think that's why he dropped off the radar, with the advent of the proper "Web Sites" (back in '04 any .com site was blanketly considered a rip-off site) buying a rep is like using Amazon.com. It is faceless and emotionally disjointed. If you are dealing for your daily bread, you have to go that route. There's not enough time in the day for hand pressing. Pity. A lot of these dealers are great people, personally. I think I was the very first to buy from Joshua. A 16613 Swiss Black Dial. I remember 'DLGates' posting "Looking forward to your experience here Dems. I've contacted this dealer by PM, he seems a good sort" was how it went. Personal contact. I used to PM Joshua for "Wazza!?". Now I wouldn't beleaguer his schedule. So, when new guys have bad experinces with the faceless purveyers of rep watches, I hold no grudge to them. It would be hypocritical. When I get the run around from Amazon.com I rail too. It's just a 'corporation' to me, who took my money and bunged me up. But Amazon links to cottage industry. They're mothers, fathers, grand parents, trying to get by. It's a delicate situation in the 'now' with regard to replica and the people involved. It rests on the old timey guys to smooth out the wrinkles with noobs. There isn't a single 'bastard' that deals here. How are the noobs to know? lol, What was the thread I was reading the other day? "Had a bad experience with KB". As if. Can't wait 'till some clueless noob types in his incorrect credit info to 'offshore' and calls him a scammer. That thread is going to be a pile on! Uh oh. In after TT.
  18. +1 Oh dear, I'm doing the +1 thing. Damn.
  19. Or maybe they never opened a history book and take some inane OpEd piece in the New York Times to the bank or from 'on-high' because that's the periodical that is thrown on their driveway each moring and as far as their thought process takes them. Anyway Fakey, my reference to the past two decades goes back to the Gulf War, but, I could beg the statement and go back further. I don't know how old you are, but remember this charming piece of goat [censored]? If anyone is at a loss, Google 1972 Munich Olympics. Gloss over the Mark Spitz stuff and expand your search to 'terrorists'. Well, the fact he, an American Jew won seven gold medals didn't help, but it's a real sweet little primer to 'the screwed up thing this world is' to this, then, twelve year old. I'll tell you, those images scared and scarred me more than any Frankenstein movie I'll tell you. All this; "Oh great, W. stirred up the hornet's nest and now all our babies and women are going to die. That moron!" Is ignorant. It doesn't even deserve a debate. From me. And no, it wasn't #41 marching into Kuait City, nor Clinton emasculating the CIA and defense and letting Bin Laden slip through his fingers on a legal technical, nor Reagan calling them 'shitheels' for not returning the hostages on schedule and lobbing shells from the six fleet into Lebanon, nor Carter for his mishandling of Iran and the hostage situation or any of these 'last guys'.............it's basically down to two criteria; The West's alignment with Israel (there's another Google; Balfour Declaration, that's right New York Times readers, the British first suggested and pushed the State of Israel. In 1917. And had less to do with Zionists than it did with proffers to the Crown to screw over Arabs (hell didn't anyone watch Peter O'Toole in that film? 'Lawrence of Somewhere) and alignment with the House of Saud. Oil wealth going to belly full infidels as Arabs starve. That's gotta step on your war nerve. So now it's PRESBO's turn. Undo all the world's history from Alexander on. Good luck. Say, can a Nobel Prize for Peace be recanted by the Norwegian Committee when the whole [censored] house goes up in flames in the Middle East? They might have to get on that if, no, when, Obama drops the ball in Afghanistan. We have to be fair though, it won't be President Obama's fault. It really is bigger than the man. And campaign speeches. There just are people in this world who need killing. Hell, I've known that since I was twelve. I'll coin it here first, maybe I'll submit it to one of those far Right periodicals. Think of me when you read it; Nobel Peace Prize? Obama's Nobel Peace Price. Ohhhh, I likie.
  20. Bummer jc. Not sure any course of action over a period of say, a few hours, will prevent irreversible damage from the salt as exposed to air. If it were fresh water then.........a different story. I soaked a SD in a Salmon River to the point there was half a crystal of water in the thing (What a Nanuq thing to do, except his would have been part of a concertive 'plan'). Unscrewed the caseback and dried it high above a propane stove. The watch still runs after years. It is known, but perhaps just Urban Folklore; if you drop a camera into any body of water submerge the entire camera body in a sealed container of fresh water and deliver it to a service center that way. Of course, the theory goes, you are only sparing certain parts corrosion from exposure to O2, that may be returned to service after a complete rebuild. Perhaps that is what you should have done in this case? I would go with what 'offshore' suggests at this point. Why not? This got me thinking though. What if we kept at home, and travelled with, a container of say Bergeon 2552 or similar? The mainspring de-greaser. I believe that is the solution 'hack' watchsmiths use in the infamous 'dip and swish' method of cleaning a watch. The entire movement is dipped in the stuff without a single phase of dissassembly save uncasing. Then the jewels are oiled topically and returned to service. The description of the product claims a sparing of 'laquers', but a cleanse and a residual protective layer. http://www.watchtool.co.uk/bergeon-2552-solution-mainspring-degreaser-p-6539.html
  21. I think RG regarded that dial, in terms of 're-lume', as the one that separates 'the men from the boys' to get done well. Like a practical exam. 'Sandwich' for obvious reasons is a primer. I've seen excellent results there from first timers. 'Lanikai', your Slevin, did RG do that one? Those first ten minutes of the inner bezel. Like running through Laos 1968. In bare feet. Hazardous. Leave it to the pros.
  22. Good kitty.
  23. I can only imagine. Because they took down the auction. Somebody busted it. 'offshore' ?
  24. Does this guy actually own this piece? What the hell is 'Stefano Mazzariol'? The screen name for the Sultan of Brunei? Jeez...........
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