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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I came. I know that's vulgar, but, c'mon look at her.
  2. What is it you guys say? Oh yes, +1 Vintage 1680 and 1665's are one thing, but 'Reds' ? C'mon. Winder Queen.
  3. That cat looks as if it just ate a guinea pig. And it wasn't even hungry. I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die........ Johnny Cash
  4. Three years later and this dang thang 'aint no closer to gen. As a matter of fact it 'de-volved' from 'Baltic' 's version. For cryin' out loud............. It just occured; when my father-in-law ran a paper mill in northern Thailand he had to have quite a few esteemed Thai men, retired military, and diplomatic corps types on his board of directors or it would be impossible for him to navigate the tight business circles as a farang (Thai slang for 'ferener, direct translation: "Dog Face"), much less an American Ex-Marine Corps fighter pilot. Trying to instill what he knew; free trade capitalism, he would try his best to impress upon the board western business models and practices. The board were smart, a lot of them educated in the west. They understood and agreed that his methods would bring the best prosperity. "So, it's settled and agreed, this is the direction we shall proceed?" "No." "Why not!" "Because it is your idea and you are a farang." "D'OH!" It doesn't matter how much we kick and scream about hesalite crystals, solid case backs, proper chapter rings and the modified 7750 w/ tighter subdials. It's going to have to come from the factories' own sweet time and will. C'mon Joshua, Andrew, Chris, give a farang a break. Work on those guys..................THE ROUND EYES WANT MOON WATCH!!
  5. Sheeesh! could you gentlemen please take this to the Mods' forum? I don't see why we have to suffer this. OT Yes, and this explains some things; for instance, why 'Lanikai' keeps heading up 'Today's Top Posters'. Apparantly a 'Today' in the Pacific Zone is 30 hrs. Whereas in the Eastern Zone it is only 4. I'm going back to 'quality' over 'quantity'. And they never heard from 'Demsey' again..................
  6. lol Pub lunch farts. Bubble and 'Sqeak?
  7. That's right kb. I whole heartedly agree. I do, and that much of the administration I am enjoying. I am. Only a repressed, brainwashed, war mongering, sabre rattling, subjugated population of bent minded automatons in the politically misconstrued name of a benevolent diety would not embrace the wisdom and outreach of the olive branch. Unfortunately the world is full of nations like that. They will only take unfair advantage of 'civilty'. Therein lies the rub. "We were the good guys" by our lofty subjective standard is noble. But not worth much when sabre meets neck. Or jet meets building. What to do? What to do? I'm scared. I have been for the better part of two decades that started well before the reign of W. I don't scare easily. Man, that was funny. Good post JJ.
  8. Not so sure that's fair. I think the OP was neutral. Maybe he knew what to expect, but certainly couldn't have known what he was starting. Perhaps I'm too thick skinned or politically incorrect but I just think it's people talkin'. The view points are varied and honest but not inciteful. I am considering all of them. If I take issue with it at all, and it's not really an issue, more of a curiosity, is; why it was originally posted in "General Discussion"? If a member of the common membership had posted it here, it would have been moved to "Off Topic" immediately by the first moderator to come across it, merely as a matter of board policy and design. There is a large portion of the membership that really has no taste or want for anything off-topic of watches. The basic tenet dished out to those who feel that way is; "Stay out of "Off Topic" and certainly the "Loony Bin". Considering the genre of RWG I don't think those who want only to participate to that end should have to see this thread title in "General Discussion". There's a reason why "Off Topic", "Humor" and "The Loony Bin" are at the bottom of a very loooooooooong scroll of watch related sub-forums. You certainly know where to find it if you want, but it's not in your face if you don't.
  9. Great post P4! I envy where you are in life. I have a great relationship with my wife of 20 years and everything is cool, but to be back where you are now? The people we were then? Just for a day!? Shoot, you could have my watch and the arm it's hanging on. Have fun.
  10. This is a good post and I agree with a lot of it. And said same could have been accomplished if Gerneral Colin Powell had run and won. He sure as hell would have had my vote. In the booth and of confidence. I don't think anyone in this thread is begrudging President Obama for who he is and what he's accomplished. I think the rub lies in who he isn't and what he has yet to accomplish in execution of duty to the office he holds before he lays on the brocade of "Peace Maker". The blind faith of the masses to a quasi 'Second Coming' is not of his doing. It's a pony trick that has taken on a life of it's own. Aside the man. "Change" is not a plan of action and "Hope" is not a destination. To suggest this web site is an irreverent cover for bigotry and racism is not right, nor is it accurate. The membership wouldn't stand for it, nor would the Administration allow it. One of the reasons I come here is to find a refuge from what you're talking about Kevin. I could honestly give a toss about watches in a grander scheme. If you try real hard, you can see an ocean where a forest stands. That's an individual's perspective not a truth.
  11. Understand you Chief, but I'm gonna hang it out there. Fuggit. Yes mp, I got as far as the first line of Andrew's post "I received an email today................." and went no further. And for everyone's infos Robin Williams doesn't hate all Mexican Immigrants or all Muslim Americans either............so if anyone went out and bought the entire "Mork and Mindy" DVD box set for some misplaced solidarity, because they are biggots too and want to support a phantom, well, enjoy the sitcom. At least. I doubt I will read the rest of Andrew's post, not that I don't think it is an interesting debate worthy of *some* discussion to those predisposed, it's just that I know already I am a racist. And lets' define the term; the belief that one race, as a whole, is superior to another by character trait and natural capability.. I'm a first generation white European-American Brit who firmly believes the Black race is superior by biological planform despite "Thug Life" and social dogma. I live in Floriduh, and my exposure to the African is through Cuban immigration largely. I feel inept by their resolve, faith, physical stamina, soul, philosophy and loyalty to those whom they embrace, especially 'family'. In those areas I constantly feel as though I am "trying to catch up". As a WASP. I am comfortable in my skin and only want to bring my race a rung up the ladder. That is a racist statement(s). I still prefer Led Zeppelin over Sean Combs tho'. There's no escaping your roots.
  12. I've given this thread 48 hours of thought. Yes. Yes it is worth getting. If I had a genuine Submariner I would be big happy. I would be big happy for you too Maciek. Wrist shot please. On Ola if you don't mind. I remember she modelled a 16520 on the old RWG. I thought then; "Whoa, those are the most beautiful hands I've seen." Then again, her holding 'Arta', it reminded me. Do it!
  13. In that case I would suggest visiting The Firecat and The Queen's Castle on Patpong. And dine at The Oriental. Have fun!
  14. 'nsaids' you are my favorite new member. I think I might like you more than 'Stuie' on Family Guy. And that is A LOT.
  15. Man there is some great stuff in this thread.
  16. Bro', next time snap the tablet in half. You're over medicating.
  17. Fakey's remarks are tongue-in-cheek Freddy. Facetious. Sarcastic even. If I know Fakey. And I do. I hold less animosity to the man than I do his constituency. I think that is a thread running through this topic. Which is more frighteneing to me. He's just one guy. The fact there are so many 'subjects in the Emporer's' kingdom who can see his clothes' scares the crap out of me. Maybe him too. If my sister wanted to marry Barack Obama I would be so glad. For him to be the CIC? Not so much.
  18. Yes. Good point. And to be fair, President Clinton did put forth measures to Congress from his desk to reign in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that were ignored and voted down. And too President Bush. Ironic. Bush's means to that end were shot down, but his will and want to invade Iraq, purported by some the biggest blunder of this millenium so far, was successful and had Congressional support. I think the ire of the American people is aimed at the wrong building(s) on Capital Hill. Yes. It was too flippant, my remark. It gives no due credit to Israel. The harbingers of a Six Day War. Before it's even ramped up. Before the faintest shadow of the inevitable is cast, before the first set of wheels up, like Nostradamus, I will tell you; "Israel has achieved air superiority". I think Tehran had better start thinking better of sabre rattling. I mean, Lord. Think of the children. President Obama will have no collateral then. You are right.
  19. Whoa! It's like you've known me my whole life! Welcome 'nsaids'.
  20. OMG! Too funny! You know, Alfred Nobel, industrialist and the inventor of dynamite among other things, stated in his last will and testament; the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. Uh oh. If President Obama had refused the award I would have a shred of hope. I'd hate to be the last guy out of Afghanistan. It will be off an embassy roof by helo. Somebody pop the red smoke. Those guys are offically on their own. No wonder the world loves this man's politics. He's bringing the US down to levels. The Republicans left the Left an economic mess. The Democrats are going to leave the Right a nuclear one. Israel is so 'done'. Now.
  21. Demsey

    OK WTF?

    Also available @ Bergies Belts. $69.95 plus shipping and handling. No C.O.D s. Offer void where prohibited by law and common decency. Member BBB.
  22. Understood. My comments were contrived and facetious. Just firing for effect as the meteorological picture you painted, and the geography which I know, certainly did conjure up Valhalla and the Hammer of the Gods. Hence the tune. If you think Mrs. Demsey is anywhere near the man cave when I turn the Marshalls up to 11? Well, you must meet her some day. She's the classically trained pianist. Trust me, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is no stranger to my stereo. It's awesome and I'm sure Jimmy Page if not only John Paul Jones would certainly agree! There's the music you like, and then there's the music that comes out. Enjoy the new digs. Very happy for you.
  23. Schweeeeeeeeet! But Mozart?! Romantic fireside chats?! I think Ken was getting closer. Still. From the desription you gave Bob, I'm thinking something a little more edgy, like standing on the balcony with a bottle of spirits, full frontal into the wind............ "So I'm packing my bags for the misty mountains. Over the hills where the spirits go now. Over the hills where the spirits fly!"
  24. The Emporer's new Watch! Until you get the stem sorted out, maybe fashion a cardboard 'sun dial' to stick in there. You know, Like a Flintstone's watch. Sticking with this old school SD. Hmmmmm, all my reps are 'old school'. I keep saying to myself; When the movements (true ETA's) give out, I'll remove, and have them serviced and held in reserve for some new modern cases bought with Asian copies. But, they just won't give up!
  25. Oh for heaven's sake. I had to roll my eyes on this one. The first thing that came to mind was this internet forum. The Admin. here are more proactive in strengthening international ties than the US President. Honestly. He has my support for the office he holds and my gratitude. The world is so freaking gaga he could march into the Sudeten with a column of Panzers and get a ticker tape parade. He's an intellectual man. This must be taking his humility to the brink. I would only hope.
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