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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Good for you T'J. I have a lot of that; 'barnyard engineer' in my line as well. I don't think I ever heard of my grandfather sending out a small appliance or small combustion engine for repair. You just dug in and sussed it out. Cogs, levers and cams. Thay all have a job to do; turn, push and pull. Something is interupting the flow. Find it, isolate it, replace it, or repair it. Easy. Life is harder for people who are so inept that they have to send their underwear to the dry cleaners. You will do well in this world my son. 'Conservatism' has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with being self sufficient. Those bastard politicians just took a sound Anglo philosophy and ran with it. Are you sure there is no Scot in you? An aside for no good reason; In '05 I bought my second watch from Joshua; a 6263. Upon receivng the piece I saw the crystal had been pressed on askew of the plastic spacer and bezel. No bother, send it back. But, I noticed the start/stop pusher was bent. So what? Not my problem. I made it so. I fiddled with it until fell from the case. Idiot! Embarrassed as this situation was not included in the email to Joshua, I opened the case back and messed about with it off and on for a week. No joy. I emailed Rob about how much would be fair to fix what had broken, on the already broken watch. He gave me the estimate and I included the cash with watch when I sent it back. Joshua would have none of it and said he would discount my next purchase the same amount. He then opened his Perfect Clones store and I bought every watch full price through the shopping cart. Three years and a lot of watches later there was a CC secure server problem with PC and I did a deal by email to Joshua for the PO Chrono through PP. Joshua discounted the watch for the inconvenience and though three years had gone by without a further word on the subject he took off another $20. "I still owe you $20 for the broken Daytona". Wow.
  2. You're probably correct J. I don't pay enough attention. Suffice; the 'Noob' Sub., Not a 'bklm1234' Sub? I think John is going to be looking for top shelf............
  3. "Some men, blah, blah, blah greatness. Some men, blah, blah, blah greatness, other men have greatness thrust upon them." It's all that "photog" contribution 'Pugwash'. It was your undoing with regard. It certainly wasn't your helping a noob source the best new version DSSD V5. Pics upon delivery please. Noob. I dunno, I think the 'banter' (pronounced: thread crapping) is pretty null. Comparatively. Even "Off Topic" is a stagnant pool in the corner of a large roof. Lord knows I try, but even I will wait until the thread has run a reasonable, purposeful course. If the replies start getting redundant, or if junior members start echoing the advices of the seniors' because they only read the OP and skip the thread to reply. I will. As 'Pugwash' noted; as an inside aside, to and, only go noticed by the old guard. Largely not even then. I do it for me. This is an old thread, and I only drug it up because Rya posted in it and was looooooong before I registered. Here. The other day he coined a cyber-phrase, which is probably common vernacular in the ether, but was new to me; "necroing" an old thread. I thought it and he; funeh. So, when I come across these I realize, what I only wondered those years; "What's going on over there in rwgjr. ?" Well, we don't have 'Nixon' to kick around anymore. Now, do we? But, 'Too Popular' ? towit: lol
  4. Hey Corgs. How's my favorite 'Merican north of the border? Any closer to Texas? Well, hmmmm, let me see. I joined the old RWG in Nov, '04. About two weeks later 'Highflyingclive' joined. That was the first and last time I lamented 'change' on RWG. It ebbs, it flows. The trick is; bend the damn thing around to the way you want it. The rep industry however? Well out of our control and hands. The only way to control that is to stop buying. Not hard. Despite all the 'addiction' rhetoric. Good to see you.
  5. Well, there are degrees of 'replica'. The 'collectors' listed and recommended on this site deal with the top end generally speaking. However, they too have 'entry level' pieces and note them as such with selling points as "Beginmariner" or "Noobmariner". Basically, quality replica (no junk here, unless, for some odd reason, you want 'junk', say, for party favors by the dozen) with less attention to strict detail, fitted with Asian movement. As per my statement; the 'super reps' (of which the DSSD V5 is part and parcel) in terms of 'cost effectiveness' as compared to the genuine article are indeed amazing. Intrinsically speaking of course. The Rolex genuine DSSD is a fine watch. So is the DSSD V5 Swiss movement replica. The comparison ends there though; in the intrinsic quality only. In terms of zeitgeist, true investment collectability, fit, finish, refinement, quality control, and long term factory warranty and support, there is no comparison. That is why so many replica collectors have both genre in their collections. Genuine is genuine. Replica is replica. One will never substitute for the other. You mention Breitling. The Aeromarine Super Ocean Steelfish replica case (from the upper tier dealers) will boast the same water resistance as the genuine article. It has been known and proven. There is little point of assembly (factory) QC, but there are dealers who will personally attend the issue and warranty of that feature. Just an allusion to the fact; these latterday replica may indeed take more than minutes to fall to pieces. Good luck. Have fun.
  6. Get used to it Ken. I turned 50 in May. You, last week. And well, here we are.
  7. Probably. No, I'm just being facetious. If you buy Chris's V5 you just may be disappointed with your gens. Not their performance, their price. Here John, this thread will help you....................it's pretty thorough with regard..........http://www.rwgforum.com/topic/102474-who-has-the-best-dssd-116660/
  8. Too much infos given Gunnar. But, thanks for sharing. Do you pay Clive royalties? He patented that you know.
  9. I agree. This forum is too popular. I think it should be culled of any member that is not up to a certain standard. Say, a body height of at least 72". Sorry ry. Actually, it's pretty amazing I found this thread. We were all taller then.
  10. In before rya
  11. 40? What a 'pup'! Forty years ago I was just breaking in my 'Pea Picker' Schwinn Stingray, was saving up for Led Zeppelin 1 and picking on the 'new movements' on the bus.
  13. When I see these vintage domed Rolex, I can't help but to think; and I mean that in the most, possible, complementary way. It just says 'ocean me'. Speaking of which, and this is a poke, but the demographic here is so varied, I came upon this the other day in a tidal pool on the Atlantic Central Coast of Florida. The push of hurricane 'Bill' brought it from the Gulf Stream. I've fished (and lived) here for over a quarter century. Never seen anything like it. I did a cursory Google and only came up with one hit; "some sort of 'Medusa' ". Like saying "...the 5512 some sort of 'wristwatch' " Nice piece 'Oyster'. Have it water tested!
  14. It never happened without pics.
  15. Hmmmm .99 AU. Buy it Alan. This should be the new RWG PAW. Or, the second addition RWG hommage watch. You know, we could be tracked fom the ISS. Visually. Like the Pyramids of Giza, the Grand Canyon, or the Great Wall. Looks like Flava Flav's dad's watch. Tho'.
  16. The news must be slow. Look for an OpEd piece on Aleister Crowley soon. Or 'Nessie'.
  17. I'll never tire of the demographic, and their 'other' interests, that are drawn to wristwatches. It's why I stay. Actually. Great photos.
  18. lol. As I'm sure they (hardened criminals) do exist somewhere in the chain, when I think 'replica production' I think of twelve year old Asian girls working a crystal press. In a spare bedroom. On Sunday mornings. And often mused, which do they prefer? Andrew, Angus or Joshua, the AK-47 for it's unparalleled ease of field maintenance and readily available ammunition, or the more commanding je ne sais qua` of the Uzi? I mean honestly, I would imagine no other pawn in the game could be better described as a "cheeky chappie" than one 'TTK'? Still good to know John. I'll never understand these putsch though. It is as combatting the drug trade by rousting crack casualties for court costs. I suppose it is safer for law enforcement than going to the source tho'. You know, rousting some dowager at Charles de Gaulle with a fake Prada bag than facing hardened criminals in Guangzhou. With Uzi's.
  19. Wow! That is one queer bird! Thanks for sharing.............
  20. To die for! Classic! Beau geste Bill! A real RWG moment.
  21. Yikes!! You da' man! I only mentioned the 722 as I thought it would be easier to source (but enough a quest for the Knights of the Round Table) and a 'drop in' (?) but you have the 390 ?!?!?!?! Did I mention 'Yikes!!' ? My knees are buckling.
  22. Great 'ed'. I'll be eagerly following this. With the advent of 'Stephane' 's raffle lately, and the fondness for the line by many of the RWG heavyweights, Tudor is gaining popularity here on the boards. There is a lot of info that will soon be filtering out. Known as the staple of the French N.M., it is not largely known, but revealed in your piece, the USN also has a history here. I despise the allusion to 'entry level Rolex'. Certainly a connection there, but the line can stand on it's own. If ETA or Valjoux means 'entry level', well, I just don't know what to say about any watch (95% of Autos on Earth) engined by one or the other. Perhaps if enough 'buzz' get's going we will see the dealers offer more than the Hydronauts. You'd think it would be a no brainer considering the replica Rolex stock of parts and ETA's floating around? These could be the 'super reps' of the next years (but I'd wait for V4 7924 if I knew a thing or two about 'replica', which I do ) Do you think you will go the full monty with the V 722 caliber? I'm sure you are up to speed, but for anyone reading this and interested in an 'overview', I've had this link in my cache for ages; Tudor
  23. Cheers Ken! It were you I thought of first and contacted when I joined ranks on the new RWG as 'Demsey'. For good reason. Many happy returns. Don't forget; an ounce, or more correctly, 32 ounces, of spring water as prevention the night of, is worth more than a pound of coffee and acetaminophen as cure the morning after. Werd. Hoist a Vicky for me.
  24. I think that turned out well. It got me thinking ahead though; hockey. I can't wait till September. I like your watch James. Sawasdee krub!
  25. @ Freddy I suppose I should have qualified the statement better. I certainly wouldn't think 'condition' an overriding tell handling the piece for exam, or even from across a table, but more to one seen kicking down the tiles flashing in and out from under a shirt sleeve. Across the bar, yellowed perspex and dial patina lend me to wonder; "Wow, could it be?". Virgin condition; "Sheah, right." Especially the bars I frequent. I just think the current pieces, from say, DW, are 'good enough' to pass as handsome replica watches, intrinsically, a' hommage. I am not a very discerning collector (if I can be considered one at all with a stagnant pool of seven Rolex and two Omega, the last purchased over two years ago this November) with regard to minutia. The nicest Vach I had was a fantasy. It just pains me to see enthusiasm shattered because the 'big players' go on about 'concentric embossing' of subdials and lateral alignment, in mm's, of incorrect serif on font. It certainly has it's place, here, there, and everywhere and the expertise is impressive. And largely over my head. @Doc Thanks. Good to see you. It was a legacy piece that I didn't aquire until late January this year. It was my father's. I had posted it once before here in a 'wrist thread'. I was going to post it on jr.jr., but well, JohnG was mean to me and I ran away crying before I could. I'll be back on the holidays. Tell John to keep handy his copy of Jane's All The World's Derogatory And Base Comment. He'll need it. As far as the other; a gen is a gen. You need merely money to aquire. How common a concept. A good replica however? Well, that takes finesse, research, judgement and execution. You know, good conservative values.
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