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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. @ T'J, You're certainly welcome. I wanted to relate the story in your own wedding topic previous, but did not want to divert your moment with a hijack, so I demured. As this is P4's 'engagement' thread I took the liberty as the anecdote is apropos to the scope of his most imminent journey. @redwatch, Unfortunately the studio died a slow frustrating death. It didn't go out with a bang, it fizzled. I think the real death knell tolled when Aerosmith tentatively booked the studio for rehearsals in preparation for the "Pump" album. It seemed a no brainer as the band wanted to record 'real time' as an ensemble for a live show/bar gig atmosphere and sound. Kind of like the sound The Band's 'Brown Album' delivered in the same room. After a week of jamming in studio A, getting a feel, and listening to the playbacks, they came to the conclusion; "We really don't need to be here, we can get these sounds at home in our own basement studios". Uh oh. I think they (Aerosmith) failed in their quest though. "Pump" sounds great, but perhaps a bit over produced, like a Mutt Lang record. Oh well. Studio A was all analogue, the dim orange glow and heat of vacuum tubes. The equipment was massive. Not sure if the Who's console was there or not, but studio A is where it would have been if anywhere. The studio tried to remain competitive by transforming studio B to 'state-of-the-art' MIDI et al. A lot of investment. It faultered. As you would imagine, people who booked studio B, the likes of Dave Mathews and Blues Travellers all wanted to return to "A" where all the magic happened for Levon and Robbie. The room is/was amazing. I think the last big record made there was Ozzy's Osmosis album. A "meh" record with regard to material, but a big fat sound with great bottom end. I think they largely mixed it there as well. I'll call my friend and ask about the console. OK, this is a shameless hijack by now..............best of luck to the two of you!
  2. I KNEW IT!! 'OFFSHORE' IS A DYED IN THE WOOL CONSERVATVE !! YES!! With regard and answer to the original query; "Needs salt" edit: I don't like the way, 'resized' font runs together. Can anything be done? TIA.
  3. True story, on my dear departed mother's eyes and the health of my children: I got engaged and married in '92. It was, aside the births of my daughters, to date, the best year of my life. My best man, whom I have known since kindergarten was working as a sound engineer @ 'Bearsville Recording Studios' in Woodstock, New York. The studio was then owned by Todd Rundgren. If you are younger than 40, the name probably doesn't ring any bells, but Todd was with the band the "Nazz" in the late sixties and had a few hits on his own in the seventies. He also produced 'Meatloaf' 's Bat Out of Hell album at Bearsville when no other producer or record company saw the genius behind that body of work. He also help raise Steven Tyler's daughter Liv in Woodstock with her biological mother, model Babe Buell. I was married in St. Petersburg, Florida. The wedding party was staying at, and the reception was held at the Don Cesar resort on St. Pete Beach. Give it a Google. It has a lot of history and is beautiful. On the friday before the wedding we held the rehearsal dinner at the Hurricane and retired to the Don for night caps. Exiting the elevator on the lounge mezzanine the maitre d' excused himself on behalf of the resort but informed us that the entire lounge area was reserved for a private 'banquet'. There were three men only sitting at the bar. With a hmmm, and an "Oh well" we were deciding on an alternate plan. From the bar; "Chris! Chris! What are you doing here?!" One of the men at the bar was Todd Rundgren, of course he recognised my best man as his balance engineer from Bearsville. He motioned Chris over to the bar and there was some back slapping and gesturing toward our party. We were invited in. The two other men at the bar were Joe Walsh and Nils Lofgren. They were all on tour with Ringo Starr and his All Starr Band probably gigging in Lakeland or perhaps the USF campus. Ringo was absent having long since sworn off partying. Such is the pity for this die hard Beatle fan. Oh well, never meet your heros, they will only disappoint.............. We all settled in for drinks and the casual demeanor of the musicians quickly defused any 'star struck' emotions. Another member of my wedding party happened to be the 'Bergen County (New Jersey) Yo-Yo Champion" running consecutive years in the seventies. As a lark he had brought a bag on Duncan Yo-Yo's as party favors to the rehearsal dinner. They were the 'light up' models, we all had one and the musicians were intrigued. They all tried their hand and all failed miserably to great waves of laughter. It was a hoot. That and my old Air Force Dad concurring with Joe Walsh that Frank Sinatra was "real music" were the high lights. Then........... .......and meanwhile, my fiance'e, an English 'Roedean' girl, and accomplished classical pianist had grown bored, all the significance of "Pop Culture Icons", "Yo-Yo's" and "Bushmills shots" completely lost on her, had wandered over to the baby grand piano and was running some scales, then into, I dunno, probably some Chopin. This piqued Joe Walsh's interest and he sauntered over for some fun. Coming up from behind, he bracketed my fiance'e with his arms and started banging out a raucus 12 bar boogie woogie on the keys. At this point in his career Joe Walsh had been very haggered by the rock and roll lifestyle all those years. He and Keith Richards could very well made a nice pair of Halloween book-ends. She spun around on the bench and was brow to brow with the man. She shrieked, escaped his loose embrace and ran quite shaken to the coven of her bridesmaids. I never laughed so hard in my life. It was a golden moment. Just previous, Todd had ordered another 'round of Bushmills to toast my day. Doubles. Rejoining the group at the bar, grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and looking back over his shoulder at my fiance'e 's distress with complete satisfaction Joe querried; "Hmmmmm, doubles? What's the occaision?" "Our boy here is getting married in the morning". "Great! I'm in! To who?", "The girl at the piano", he; "Good God, make them triples!". As it was all winding down and the guests were retiring, Joe Walsh, who was by that point in his life working on his fourth marriage, put his arm around my neck in a tight squeeze; "Boyo, let me tell you something..........." He hesitated, reflected on me and my fiance'e who was sitting by my side, much more composed now, and shook his head. "Nevermind boyo, every man reserves the right to jump off that cliff. You wouldn't take my advice anyway, I won't waste my words." I knew what he was getting at surely, but every couple "know" they are different from everyone else who walked down that aisle before them. "For us it will always be milk and honey." No it won't, but, it will still be the best, most honorable thing you can do on this Earth. It is why we are here. Where God and nature coexist in their independent design for 'man'; be fruitful, and multiply. Be earnest in your endeavor and you will make this a better world. Old Scottish adage: "A man is not a man, until his father dies and he finds himself the patriarch of the clan." Hang tough P4, you go where many fools have tread, but too, many, many more "men". Welcome to the clan.
  4. If this girl were a Marshall amplifier, her volume potentiometer would go to eleven. That's one higher than most.
  5. This is cool. Finally, change I can not only believe in, but embrace. Because it is real, not just a promise. Cheers T. I'm going to celebrate the new skin and my shallowness by going directly to the "Gentlemen's Lounge" and post a pic of a beautiful girl. K.
  6. Sounds great. You really can't beat CNA for prime real estate in North America. Being an American we try to down play CNA with Yosemite et al, but, you know; per square kilometre CNA is consitently better. Yosemite is purdy well nullified by Perth Amboy. Sounds like your first? Kids travel better than the adults. DO NOT deprive the family. Do it!
  7. Who's Evert? Is he the guy on that forum with the Photobucket error? Honestly, this is a stretch Gio.
  8. Oh for heaven's sake. Welcome Frank. I've never been to the CR, but I'll tell you why I love the Republic: I mean, honestly.
  9. As a passive-aggressive myself, I will divulge; when you bore the wits out of me, I will demure, and soon leave you to your own devices. Set your mind to whatever tactic you need apply to reach those ends T'J. It is difficult, not to rise to the occaision, like say, addressing a "troll" online when you do think better of it. We will all admit Do Not Feed The Troll is advice par excellence, but it is seldom, if ever, heeded. Even 'ignoring' the passive-aggressive is futile after contact and a rise has been established. It's perceived as 'bating' to the p-a and as luring as a full frontal confrontation. Ummmm, you mentioned giri, in that strain I would suggest you further develope your own kata perhaps? If you do not perceive the passive-aggressive as a nuisance, whole heartedly, it will not bother you anymore than it raining on a day going into the office. Rain is a nuisance, but you may still whistle while going in on the train, convince yourself of the rain's ultimate contribution to a bigger picture and find you are still just as productive in your work on those days it is indeed raining. If your head is dry, what matter does rain make? However, you have had half a lifetime to garner that personal philosophy with regard to 'rain' and learn to keep your roof tight. Rest assured though, when we digress, it will be total. I've screwed with A LOT of people on these forums. When I'm done, I'm done. You and I even, have gone 'round and 'round. I always read your posts. They are good. Often thought provoking and too, occaisionally, controversial. No longer am I motivated to challenge them when a chord of disagreement is struck or even make casual comment when I am in alignment. For the passive-aggressive altercations are a divergence from reality. Like the 'crossie' is a divergence from reality. It commands focus only as long as it is a challenge and unfinished. When finished it is soon forgotten. I think that's where Greg's situation is coming to, that phase; his co-worker has run his course with him to those ends. All that is left is to get down to work. Greg's tact may or may not have had any bearing on how long or short lived that course was. Dunno. If all else fails, try a meerkat. Not too sure about Scorpios, but they will certainly make short work of a Scorpion, eating it head first with relish. Maybe there is a cosmic connection? Good luck. Stay a course.
  10. I wish I had his talent. Only. Not that I would have applied it to music, but I just might have been a Bob Hoover or a Chuck Yaeger or a Hunter S. or a Salinger. Having said that though, I remember seeing and first noticing the Jackson 5 on American Bandstand when I was ten. They performed The Love You Save and I'll Be There. In the interim interview, [censored] Clark focused on Michael and announced his age at the time; ten. I looked at his life and looked at mine. It was an almost claustophobic feeling. I realized two things, "Black" people were cooler than the Beatles (something, ironically, I'm sure the Beatles themselves would admit, and yes, it is a racist comment. I've noticed all my life how the other races were far superior, in some ways, to my own) and I had better start applying myself to set and reach whatever goals I could dream up for myself that Saturday. I nailed them. Thanks Michael. Certainly never reached his height of success, whatever that is, but looking at his mug shot for the alleged inaproppriate behaviour across every news channel/blog today and then thinking back on that Saturday in 1970, and those two ten year olds? I win. It's terrible how a world can beat up on a person. All God's Angels Come to Us Disguised.
  11. 'Neda', four dead in Ohio.
  12. Righto Col ! Wait, I thought he was the Spanish one with the house?
  13. That's too funny. Kinda makes me pine for the old RWG just before it took the dirt nap. Ahhhhhhhhhh, memories.....................
  14. A little misguided? I have to disagree. I'm largely misguided. Everyone needs a hobby. Have a great day kb...................
  15. Slightly less time than it took to read.
  16. What? No offer to buy the airfare? I distinctly remember on or about the eve of the 2004 election, when the Left wing threatened to leave en masse if 43 got another term, the suggestions from the Right were to indeed bail and that we would oblige airfare. No my situation hasn't gone that far, and to be fair here; <clickie> but is aside the point 'Phaedo' had made and he did acknowledge it were off the original topic. I agree with him, the original post's target response perhaps less so, but this is 'Humour' afterall and it was funny, regardless, what the US declares as 'hurting economically' is well and far above a global standard. Before and still, after the global recession. Even to the strata of income earners we deem 'poverty level' is high living to a greater portion of the globe. The population could well live off it's own body fat for decades. Remember that old sci-fi dystopian film with Charlton Heston, Soylent Green? Why, one puck of recycled American would carry more fat by gram content than a bucket of Big Macs. I think my conundrum is the general malaise of 'woe is me' everywhere. This is still America and you cannot swing a dead cat 360 and not hit 40 jobs in spite of the current environ. They're just not 'cool' jobs. My neighbor was an accountant for a manufacturing firm, got laid off and is just about at the end of his rope. OMG one of his two Harleys might have to go! THE HORROR! I KNOW! However he's literally moping around the house poring over the internet looking for another accounting job and that 55K salary to kick him in the ass while his wife took a second job as a librarian so they can coast by. There has been a sign in the window of the Radio Shack for a full time manager's position for over five weeks. I mentioned it to him. He's qualified I would imagine. He looked at me like I suggested he go out behind the supermarket and look for bottles. Why, he is a university grad for christ sakes! He deserves an independent office space with secretarial, luncheon expenses, dry cleaning allowance, and personal parking space. There is a sense of entitlement that pervades the population, at all levels, not just the soup line, waiting for big gummint to bail them out and has all but dissolved any real work ethic, pioneer spirit or 'American Dream' concept that brought my grandfather here in the 30's in the first place. The most frustrating aspect is there is zero rehtoric out of Washington to rally national moral. The current administration makes Nostradamus look like the prophet of the happy wanderer. Doom and gloom, gloom and doom. The country is down, dragging ass and falling for the ruse that only government can pull us out. Which it can't. On it's present course. I've stopped paying attention to 'stimulus', 'corporate bail outs', 'fiscal budgets', 'jobs numbers', 'existing home sales' and just get up and go to work. Not in a cockpit either which I would prefer. "Hey, I'm a pilot", is indeed a more suave line to drop in mixed company, rather than now "I work as a hand on a horse ranch. Pretty much picking [censored] out of stalls and mending fences". There are cowgirls there though and I do get to keep my boat Wait a minute, Rowdy Yates was a ranch hand and ramrod. Whoa, I do have a cool job! I wonder what a High Plains Drifter gets these days, hmmmmmmmm............. Anyhoo I do appreciate the suggestion to fly to Britain. It did make me feel better. Surrey in high summer. Ever been? The dafodils are probably gone, the bluebells blazing a carpet through the wood. Early supper in Grandma's summer house in the back garden. A round of golf where they play the game properly; WITH NO ELECTRIC CART! A day trip to Fisher's Farm with the little ones and their cousins. Take the train up to Kew Gardens or down to Beachy Head, maybe on to Cornwall. There is a reason the airfares triple in season. Magnificent. Yeah, that's the ticket. Cheers! ps no 'p' in Demsey, unless of course you are trying to get my goad like 'Dave123' and call me 'dumpsey'. Ooooooo! That makes me want to crush a grape! pps There will never be another Jackie Kennedy. I don't care what popularity polls may infer
  17. Amen. Ironic. First Lady Obama voiced, at her husband's election; this is the first time in US history that she is proud of America. To my recollection, over fifity years, this is the first time I'd rather my grand parents not taken my Dad and left Britain. I'm depressed, on a national level. "Mushroom Risotto" at a soup kitchen? You gotta be joking me. When are they uncorking the beaujolais ? Christ kill me.
  18. +10000000000000
  19. Good contribution kb. The esteemed Senator from Mass. in my thread? It's an honor I tell you! Even if it is through third party He really is a good debater (absentia), what I do remember of him in the '04 run. Given time to think he really can support a facet. Unfortuantely, 'off the cuff' his foot in mouth disease derailed him. Pity. Go prepared, or stay on the porch. Or, at least, be charming.
  20. Two of my favorite members. I have some Googling to do............................
  21. As am I, but not exclusively to our shores and citizenry, and it's a, the. 'debate' r3, not an "I am right you are wrong" argument. My view points here may or may not be my own exclusively. Some of it fabricated but built on fact or common rehtoric held as truths by some, perhaps me, merely to counter your points. It's an exercise. You seem to be getting upset and levelling focus on me personally. The POV of a formal academic debate is often assigned, not born from one's own philosophy. Objectivity is the snipe. Originally, this post was born from a news story and the spin of said same by a news channel to which I agreed (and it wasn't Fox either ) in a general sense; the proposal of the news story was that these sets of circumstances surrounding the recent Iranian election, laid wide open, an opportunity for western influence aligned with the progressive ends of the Kargozaran Sazandeghi party (Executives of Reconstruction Party of Iran) that backs Mousavi to bring stabilization and real democracy to a country at odds with themselves, and an international threat of a propagandized genocide to a US Ally; Israel. I am aligned personally with that proposal, but harrrumphed it when considering the immediate political/global environment and the current administration's nationalist agenda; "...a golden opportunity that will be most likely given a pass by the U.S. State Department" I said, and took a stance. The progress of the thread was then open. The outcome of which is not an ultimate sway or surrender to anothers' contrary point-of-view but a weighing of the points of discussion approached from opposing sides. It's worth is only in the exercise itself (Sudoku and Crosswords are boring), a mental Chess game that inasmuch is more about getting into your own head than turning the others' POV around. I really do not care about your personal background and achievements, to suggest your family's military back ground or core of study here is not moot and does not bolster your opinion as more 'weighty' than would your well said and objetive slant I know you are capable of. I'll just respond to a few more points and demure to you or anyone else who may want to add. Debates are time restricted to any one participant. I've more than had my share to present my, "a" or "b" if you prefer, side of this issue. The oath of the soldier is similar to that of the Commander-in-Chief (president) in that they both do swear (or affirm) to defend the Constitution, the President's Oath; "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Leaves a wide grace for the President, not to second guess the tenets of the document, but how best to defend it's principles. The tacts of Presidents to that end, since the beginning, including but not in the least;".... volunteering a lot of good American troops to do some idealistic bullsh*t that they do not want to do.....", have been scrutinized ad nauseum. I have to suggest here the defense of the Constitution's principles not 'idealistic bullsh"t' or no soldier went to war because they wanted to, but rather because they were complelled to philosophically and ergo enlisted or were conscripted and bound by that oath, and law, they did not take lightly, rose to the occaision ,and did their duty. I do happen to know many soldiers who are indeed eager to fulfill their duty to the points which you describe. Some, who may agree more with your philosophy are more reticent. That only goes to prove; above duty, soldiers are free thinking human beings. God bless. Yet, and however, impeachment of US Presidents resulting from derelict duty unto their oath is non-existant. The grace is that wide. For Presidents. The soldiers' oath however is less ambiguous and is in three parts, the reference of loyalty to the Constitution as a document is referred to in the second paragraph; ".........that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.......". Anterior to that is the paragraph that pledges the defense of the principles of the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The term 'enemies' applies to any and all that would hold the Constitution in contempt by not respecting it's political philosophies. Lastly, the third paragraph, which prescribes the soldiers' duty; "I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." The soldiers' duty is to obey orders from the Commander in Chief as prescibed by his immediate superiors not to the 'country' and it's 'citizens' per se, only to them by proxy of the freedoms the Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantees . The 'country' may indeed be under successful coup by 'citizens', whether intellectually or paramilitarily, by parties that hold power, even duly elected, that will misinterpret or disregard wholly or in part the articles of the Constitution. Those too are the soldiers' sworn enemy. However they cannot act arbitrarily or alone. They must await an order. My reference to a 'creed' of protection of the meek, is well aside the afore mentioned oaths , and definition thereof, of either the President, or the soldier I will agree, but to my opinion and from close experience; the way I was raised in those ranks as a brat "that is what they will do". How I was expected to behave. It is indeed an antiquated concept I would not prescribe to you if you do not want part of it. I would not expect it of you although I expect it of myself. All of this, from me, but I am indeed 50 something. Which makes good sense of this: Good. Better. The Never Ending Battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way! Tra La! Fran Striker and Jerry Seigel (respectively) did not develope the jingoistic propaganda personna gratuitus of the Lone Ranger and Superman models from thin air, American ideals through the defense of the Constitution and it's foreign ally through two world wars and Korea, hightened to public awareness in the 40's, 50's and 60's did. It sold comics because it personified commercially; MacArthur, Eisenhower, Patton and a score of American, and British (my lineage until immigration) soldiers whom went abroad and paid the ultimate scarifice to dispell tyrrany there to keep it from metastasizing here. For "them" surely, but for our ownselves ultimately. The concept may be antiquated in terms of the modern rehtoric but the fruits of it, the; "protection of the meek" is still noble. To some. In favor of both domestic and foreign entities; allies or would be allies. Yes. Do I have to be redundant? MmmmmmmmmK, outside 'debate' I would like to interject a few things: You're certainly not talking about me, are you? Because if you are, you are out of line. Why yes, statistically speaking, yes, we most certainly are. Ask any Australian, they are appalled. lol You may want to adpot a new foreign policy with regard to 'alliance', the above sentiment would not get you a city council appointment. Globally. Oh r3.
  22. WMD and the Al-Qaeda/Iraq link were 'red herrings'. Would be legal precedent and political justification not for a 'blood for oil' agenda, nor 'nation building', but rather 'legacy building' for George Bush. Meh, Congress was as fooled as the President over those issues, or the planes never would have been launched, an international 'coalition' notwithstanding. Unfortunately, when it came out in the wash, the ultimate responsibility was laid where it justifiably should have been; on W.'s lap. Oh well. Point being; a democratic more westernized, ergo; to our standard; stabilized Middle East would serve the NATO purdy well, was the plan, more a grand experiment. Bush really did want to carve his legacy in the old and wallowing Soviet Union, something his father admired Reagan for, and what Georgie thought would finally engraciate himself to the old man. That's where Dr. Rice came in. Her appointment to Secretary was not aside her doctorate in Soviet Studies. God I love that woman.Yet, sigh, jets sticking out of NYC skyscrapers kinda derailed that train. And the rest, as they say, is history. I really don't think bringing past administrations into this discussion is apropos. It is, afterall, history. The mechanics of Iran's elections are certainly to and unto their own, unfortunately their administrations' designs are not confined to their own international borders, like of say, hmmm, Liechtenstein of which, therefore, I have no interest or opinion, nor do they (Iranian Mullah rule, that by mere function mocks the Qur'an) observe International Law as prescribed by the United Nations. The power base is rogue. It is not Islamic by definition. That's pretty much where their 'exclusive sovereignty' and due respect is surrendered. No Muslim I am aquainted with would see a support of Mousavi as 'anti-Islamic'. Then again I am only aquainted with Muslims, who, although devout, are more secular, that is; have access to unadulterated information. There is an agenda there to literally 'wipe out, off the face of this God's Earth' of firstly; the Jesuit then any and all , 'infidel'. My avatar is a Jewish woman to whom, by proxy, I am dear to. Give grace to her sworn would be murderers as a point of political etiquette? You surely must be joking. What I would prefer of the US State Department and the US President to do is; take a stand, officially, to any design they deem acceptable, on the side that is risking life and limb to take strides to ensure basic human rights. What Americans do. The concept of the "World Police" is a creed of all our military arms, what I was schooled as a kid; "To protect and defend those not able to protect and defend themselves", it may seem to infer national defense, perhaps extend to 'ally' by treatie, but is implied beyond political and cultural borders as a philosophy. Because the concept may leave patriots of other sovereignties (and perhaps my own) at a loss and frustrated at an apparant imperialism is pretty much aside the point and does not enter into my interpretation of the concept. The American Revolution (or what I like to refer; a British Revolution on Native American soil) was subsidized to this extent by the French. The French concept of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of [sic] Religious Freedom" is a Huguenot concept, and the basis of our Constitution. The Americans formed an alliance with France in 1778 that evened the military and naval strengths, later bringing Spain and the Dutch Republic into the conflict by their own alliance with France. 'Americans' (free British) could not have gone it alone. Neither can 'Iranians'. To suppose they could/can is naive. It would be as to say, in the sftermath of the first Gulf War, the Sunni could just wrap up Saddam themselves with political and philosophical argument via the White House.. They were left hanging out to dry and paid in blood. Ignoring parameters of human rights that we take too much for granted and are willing to turn a blind eye, retire to, in the face of others' suffering is not 'American'. It's reprehensible, to me, to adopt a philosophy; "Hey, I can't be concerned with all this Iran election crap, I'm at risk of losing my job and home. My SUV can't roll on chump change. Kids need to go to Power Cheer. Super Bowl is seven months away. I need that Samsung 52 inch by then. The economy is in the dumper. PresBO? You go!" WTF? Where do you draw the line? Tsunami victims? AIDS epidemics? Not our biz? Christ kill me. A free Iran is no more important than a free United States? Oh. Dear. The bigger picture you are failing to consider is; one dirty bomb exploded on a container ship floating down the Ohio River in the name of a miscreant 'Allah' and all the liberal agenda is naught. It's over here. Done. America like Rwanda. This economy is so anemic, a 9/11 episode would be the hammer blow and death toll. The time is rife and the radical element knows it. I cannot believe it hasn't happened already. The only theory I can conjur is that Al Qaeda is monetarily subsidized and supported by the House of Saud. They took such a hit by Citicorp that Osama has been warned off. Last March would have been prime. The window dressings of socialized healthcare, the loss of desparity of the social classes, Barack Obama's long reaching love to Islam and all that other political candy is not worth a tinker's damn when the whole house goes up in flames. Catering to legitimate Islam in order to engraciate ourselves to the point of impunity from illegitimate Islam is nuts. The defence of Balkan Muslims in the Yugoslav War by the US and NATO forces bought zero collateral with the radical element. That event predicated and was exclusive to 9/11. No grace to Islam will ebb the radical call to conversion or death to the infidel. 'Jihad' is bigger than Barack Obama. No matter what purdy words his speech writers throw up on the telepromtper and how sincerely he can deliver them. Keep out of their business? You'll never see it coming. Given enough rope? Ahmadinejad and Khamenei will hang. All those who are to stand in their way. Repressed 'citizens' cannot go it alone. If they could? What a wonderful world it would be. It is not.
  23. I would acknowledge a call for isolationism in the current economic as a valid, if not, an arguably incorrect point of tact; a political philosophy. But, let's not lose sight of the 'thing' and with whom we are dealing in a bigger, broader, vision to the not to distant future. Let us not be myopic here. Spend three minutes of the half hour it would take to absorb this background and reflect, again, upon the notion of 'diplomacy' ESPECIALLY with regard to the United Nations' sanctions to date. Keeping in mind, Ahmadinejad is merely the face of the men behind the curtain. He is the face of true 'evil' and it's embodiment (please refer the Wiki) but his strings are pulled by the epitome of it. That is what the people of Iran are bracing against. Not hanging chads and the twinkling eye of the rich oil guy's son with far reaching political nepotism. Honestly. Diplomacy has it's place; it buys time for those bent on their own destructive ends, and gives moral license to the righteous to execute the unavoidable. If mere diplomacy were a means to an end, Palestine and Israel would have been reconciled in 1950 and Ahmadinejad would acknowledge the holocaust. Not. Going to happen. I'm assuming you are using this term tongue in cheek ? Yes? As, *ahem* "legitimate" *ahem* ? Because it certainly wasn't. Legitimate. Is what the demonstrations are all about. Not my opinion, certainly not that only of the opposition party, but by the throngs. Pundits and analysts who draw a wage proffering their bent and I merely agree. Although he himself is doing an air dance to maintain diplomatic neutrality for reasons beyond me, and you, us, President Obama knows the genie is coming uncorked. I think he's merely affraid of a fourth front militarily. I'm willing to give him the benfit of that doubt ( doing that a lot these short six months, but the guy is just too cool!) but, to draw a parallel of this abberation of a democratic vote in Iran to that of the US 2000 election is a lark at best. I doubt Mousavi will enjoy the freedoms granted by the US Constitution to assemble legal council to the extent of Al Gore to hand down injunctions, writs and indictments to air his case in front of the joint session of Congress that demured to the Supreme Court's ruling. Mousavi wishes. He will be lucky to keep his testicles from the battery cables. Figuratively speaking of course, as the world eye's are on him, God keep him if they were not. But, for the sake of points raised, and for the panotmime; I live in Floriduh. If I had supported Al Gore, which I certainly did not, and ventured down to Palm Beach County to air my political protest, was met with a dead iTouch, inert lap top, a kick in the face, and seven dead in Deerfield Beach? I would gladly rejoice in the intervention of France or see the HMS Prince of Wales smoking on the horizon. Make no mistake. Speaking of Britain and France, what a glorious proud day to be a Frenchman or to be British. Considering President Sarkozy's and Prime Minister Brown's take, voice, and outrage to the current state of affairs in Tehran, they sound downright errr, democratic! "The extent of the fraud is proportional to the violent reaction," said the French leader. "It is a tragedy, but it is not negative to have a real opinion movement that tries to break its chains," Sarkozy said. "If Ahmadinejad has really made progress since the last election and if he really represents two thirds of the electorate... why has this violence erupted?" British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said questions about the validity of the outcome needed to be answered and that the violent scenes threatened Iran's international standing. "The regime must address the serious questions which have been asked about the conduct of the Iranian elections," said Brown. "The way the regime responds to legitimate protests will have implications for Iran's relationships with the rest of the world in the future." President Obama's reaction and official US position? An aside, forced by the media in the eleventh hour of a conference in the Rose Garden; hosting a visit from the South Korean President Lee Myung-bak with reagrd to North Korean nuclear proliferation today; (paraphrased) "Hey, it's really none of our biz, Iran and it's elections. We never really got along, politically. I'm really not up". Whoa. WTF? Since when is liberty and freedom out of the US domain? Well, France did write the book and build the statue that stands in New York Harbour afterall. Maybe we should give it back to the rightful owners? OK maybe the USS Nimitz is a little overboard. Just maybe. But would it have been too much a stretch for PresBO to throw in a W. 'ism with his own spin? ( *takes license*) "Wherever tyranny manifestifizes itself and compromises civil liberty and it's freedoms, American eyes are watching. And waiting. Your own true God will triumph the evildoers." Can't imagine a Muslim taking offense to that. Offending true Muslims is not a risk for the benevolent. Less so with the radical element. Benevolence compromises their power and grip. Keeping grace with Islam by catering to that element is not Barack Obama's keep. It's not up to him. It's up to them. And the benevolent. See what happens.
  24. Well done. Finally, after five years, a person who knows the useful term 'debate'; an intellectual counter point held against a premise, put forth as a proposition to lead a discussion in directions not yet considered. Qualified, above all else, by being devoid of any real personal conviction; i.e. feelings. I would like to counter, but time constraints now prohibit. In the economic down turn I have resorted to another past vocation; 'ranch hand'. The work is honest, but devoid any intellectual exchange. Today I will carry this thread, and compose a retort. Thank you. Dems
  25. The presence of an US aircraft carrier, in the modern era naval role, is not necessarily an act of military aggression, or even 'military' at all. 'Frinstance when the USS Abraham Lincoln steamed off for the coast of Sumatra in the wake of the tsunami. Each day for more than a month, the carrier
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