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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I just registered as 'NevilleChamberlain123'. In my first 'Topic' I reported that I went to 1938 Berchtesgaden with a Walther PPK and, you guessed it, shot that paper hanging son-of-a-[censored]. Then I raced over to Brampton 1959 and kicked Clive, as a young man, in the nuts , which, was much more enjoyable and historically relevant. Oh great. Just what I need. Another diversion from reality.
  2. I'll take the hurricanes three to a season thank you very much! Dang, how fast does that flow move? What's it sound like?
  3. Can I get an 'Amen' ? I'm here to tell ya' ! Aye' up!
  4. That's what I'm talking about. I have personally removed and draped a watch over a flight yoke (because of over wear) to time instrument approaches, which is a much more foolish idea surely than equipping a flight watch with an extension. That goes too with the Daytona. What practical use is the timepiece under a fire suit? Towit, what practical use is a wristwatch anyway to a latterday Le Mans genre driver? That's what radios are for, but, for the sake of the intrinsic, the history and the preparedness; you just wear one. I would wager there is great desparity to 'pilots' v 'traveling businessmen' here that wear GMT Rolex models. If I were a commercial dive engineer, good at what I do, and in global demand I would scour the market for a reliable dive piece with GMT function. That would mean a Panerai. You may say; "What market share is that of globally active dive engineers?" I dunno, greater than that of average sportsmen diving to the 4000ft range of a SD. But, they sell a bucket to them to that target. A Sea Dweller with a GMT function? I will only hope I resist the genuine article long enough for Rolex to get off the stick and offer just that.
  5. This subforum, and these type posts are why I come here. "Off Topic" is my therapist's idea. Well done G. Enjoy!
  6. Well, on replica boards. You don't want a link to my politico blog. Trust me. @sander Was that all? I thought your computer keyboard called the Pope a Nazi or something. Just a little untidy. It'll get cleaned up. You do have control to edit posts from the Platinum level tho' if you choose. Image is everything. Good luck with your project. ps I read a short blurb on the 'net about spilling on the keyboard; the solid state will be OK when the liquid eventually dries, but trouble comes from sticking keys especially if the coffee had sugar/cream. You can yank off the keys (perhaps experiment with a key seldom used) wipe down the board with damp cloth, and you should be OK.
  7. You mean 'cover your tracks' ? Brotherman, if that were more simple than contacting the Admin. and asking for grace, I would have deleted over a million posts across the ethernet to date. Unfortunately those would be faux pas were not errant keystrokes or beverage incidents but some pretty ignorant statements made in the interest of 'honesty' and 'sincerity'. Those two bastards. You really need to contact Admin. for this. I would PM 'Two Tone'. You may want to consider upgrading to Platinum for more member controls. Being able to modify posts without the 'edited by' tag to a guy like me for example is more than worth the upgrade.
  8. Well, that's purdy much the replicaista experienca of the current. N'est-ce pas? I'd be all in for this tech. And into the emotional realm as well. If you really think people like your banker and your signifcant other really care? That just means thery are good at what they do. I'd prefer putting trust in the silicon brain projection of my dear wife at 19. The carbon based one is subject to too many hangs, crashes and hormonal updates.
  9. It's insane. Do it. Off the cuff recommendation as per the DSSD bracelet; continue the SD theme and render the crystal cyclops delete=more utilitarian. It's obvious, self indulgent overkill. Like the SD depth rating. Rolex marketing dept would approve. I like this idea of the true divers' Rolex GMT. When you raised the point earlier, can't remember either you or I: "As if Jacques-Yves never crossed an international dateline?............"
  10. I can relate to the 'dream' if not the geography. Happy for you. 'Family, Work and Dreams' are why we rise in the morning and it get's us through. I always try to stay a few plays ahead of 'dreams', like shots in billiards or snooker. When you realize a dream you have to fill the void with the next or the 'rising' may become less motivated. My 'Eldorado' is not as immediately or as astheticly pleasing as yours though 'Lanikai'. Pretty much a crummy little island nation below Florida. It's not for the geography anyway. Things are turning there. Being of a horse family I'll give you a big 'roger' on the Paniolo effect. Only a casual tourista of the chain (brother at Kaneohe in the eighties) my biggest thrill was the circle drive clockwise on Maui. Leeward side; the rough rock and crag surf blending to the lushness of what you would expect of the 'commercial perception' of the eastern side down to Hana, then after passing the Seven Sacred, the surprise, the windward grass lands, grazing cattle, the Paniolos. If you take those vistas in a narrow peripheral; upsloping grass fields, long horns, cowboys, big sky you'd think 'Wyoming'. Purdy cool. The big island seems as God's geographical version of the platypus; all mixed up. Snowy peaks, smoldering volcano, black sand surf, the velt. Never in a million could Voltaire have dreamed that 'Eldorado'. Best o' luck.
  11. "Hmmmmm, this doesn't look good. I don't think we are going to make it." "Well, TRY ADDING SOME POWER!" God looks well after some fools and all dogs.
  12. The good die young Doc because it's hell on Earth. Clive however, will outlive me merely to spite me. If there really is an afterlife that is interactive with the living realm, I'm going to send that old son-of-a-[censored] head over heels everytime he even looks at a staircase.
  13. Yeah, Ferguson seems a good sort. I will agree too that some of his material is weak, but no matter, the former will carry him. He's likeable. Charismatic. I'm like that with music too, not a real fan of Springsteen's music, but I have gone to his shows, I like him. I support him. I am a fan of Conan. He does have a self deprecating style. That's his schtick; a narcissist who continually puts himself down before others have a chance to. So if they do, they look foolish. He wrote some great stuff for SNL. That's really where his talent lies. Yes, well, that's the beauty of the States. No matter how you define 'entertainment', it's all available.
  14. Small world! I have to say, his confessions of being an alcoholic (well, that could happen to anyone ) and doper were surprising. I would have to say he's done well to dig himself out of all that.
  15. Used to sail on a 35' J boat on the LI Sound, American Yacht Club, Rye. Did a few Block Island TriSail events. Light duty, running the topping lift, rail meat mostly. It's great stuff. The 'tech' of it all. I dunno, like a game of golf ruining a perfectly good walk throught the country, the competitive side of 'sailing' ruins a great day on the water. It's all supposed to be about 'fun' but usually errodes into barking orders and finger pointing, bad vibes. And that's from the winners. 'Cruising' is where it's at for sure. Not just; "out of the marina, three hours later, back to the marina", but actually navigating across the expanse and 'going somewhere'. You can't just 'luck out' and make it. You really have to have skills and self reliance. Like aviation. As far as 'kids' go, adapt the program for safety and take them on whatever adventures you used to. My kids were on the Russian River pointing out Black Bear, flying inverted and snorkeling the Keys before they had their first tri-cycles.
  16. Craig Fersuson is Scottish, and therefore merely has to 'be' to be awesome. Pho, you should try and Goooogle his Comedy Central stand-up on YouTube. He touches on subjects about his personal life and 'coming to America' that are surprising. Good stuff. I always liked him on the Drew Carey show as well.
  17. Oh, I'm sure someone cares somewhere TB. Unfortunately the notice to the demise of RWS will be fodder for gloating, as were the efforts of the RWS admin. and the few who tried to contribute from the get go. It wasn't a bad site by design. It had potential, a niche. Ultimately ended up a dart board for the mental midgets. Pity in that all these boards exist as altruistic efforts. The fact that RWS got kicked in the crotch for 'trying' just goes to prove; well, something. Shame.
  18. This is the best thread in months. The threads of nostalgia are here. I have nothing more to add, that hasn't been posted already, with regard to 'watches', but suffice; the best two weeks in the 'old days' were the two I enjoyed before 'highflyingclive' registered. It certainly would be errant to say ".........the best these boards have seen have come and gone". In some cases that is true, but the beauty of the thing lies within the simple fact; equal to those who have come before are the ones who are here now and the ones who have yet to discover 'replica'. The 'Old Timers' are merely the icing on the cake. Summarily; this is an awesome time to begin a 'collection' of replica from scratch. These are the good old days. I laugh at with us in '04. Junk. Comparatively.
  19. Will spelling count? I think spelling should count.
  20. In the spirit of the thread, and in the interest of full disclosure, today, after work, I changed my underwear. However, my avatar too is the same. Similarly to the OP's decision, it is a long story ergo I will demure. However, I will disclose the episode commenced with the comment; "Sure, I've landed in 35 degree/25kt crosswinds often". @RG Sure, the avatar is a classic and instantly recognisable, but, you have others in the portfolio that I prefer. Ummmm, B-25's in Box Canyon wasn't it? Gee, maybe they were Consolidated Liberators? It was five years ago.................
  21. Beauty. Funny, I ordered several of the 16610/16613 WM inserts for my Subs, and while I was ordering had them throw in the 315-16660-01 , for, as you say; a 'not yet ordered' watch, the SSD. I do like the DSSD, but I think I prefer the classic here. For me. Perhaps I'll chance Chris as well. Enjoy the watch!
  22. PM 'jfreeman'. Serious blinga.
  23. That's funny, almost diametrically, I rarely visit any other sub-forum. Aside the 'Rolex' one. Maybe 'Humour'. Watches are OK. I guess.
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