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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I will 'third' these wisdoms! I actually have no clue, but, well, you know, 'Eunomians'/'freddy333' ? It's all about the company you keep and whose opine to which you subscribe that will define you.
  2. This is all Al Gore's fault; This poor woman obviously saw his award winning "Weather" infomercial and wanted to apologise, personally, on behalf of all mankind, for destroying the bears' natural habitat. In Berlin. I always root for the animals in these cases. Like Gio said, it's just good culling of the gene pool. Thank God Timothy Treadwell was eaten alive before he had the chance to procreate. Go Bears!
  3. Here's some updated text on the story from WorldNews Ken;
  4. Hmmmm, yeah. As US Attorneys, you can't say they are 'stupid' because they 'do' stupid. You don't get to those appointments by being dumb. Stupid is as stupid does unless it is deliberate. So, here's a conspiracy theory; "Deliberate Mistrial by way of Incompetence" ? Well, I really can't enter into this discussion properly. I'm not aware of the particulars in the case. Alaska, like Hawaii is not as much a US State as it seems to be a 'territory'. There really isn't much mainstream media attention spent on issues of either. Let the Alaskans sort it out. They always have.
  5. Ooooooooh. Gotcha. Say no more.
  6. Great read! Looking forward to the pics. The side-by-side with a gen is the Kool-Aid acid test. They used to be a popular thread topic back on the old RWG. Guys would look for crown guard shape detail, aligned M/m, 'dial crispness' blah, blah, you just have to look at the WHOLE watch as one to see the difference is in the intrinsic total appearance and fit and finish. In person? No brainer. Anything short of an 'Ubiquitous' Franken and...........well. I used to get a kick out of guys saying "I left my rep at home because I wouldn't dare take one into an AD, but I held a gen 16610 today and the bracelet wasn't any nicer than my rep! WHAH?! I have a buddy with a 16613. Everytime I see him out we make eye contact, he rolls his eyes and takes off his watch and hands it over. That TT bracelet is freaking butter. All that aside and I'm sure 'carlsbad' 's comments can be taken to the bank, but that shouldn't discourage anyone from getting this replica if they had designs on it. I'm sure the rep is awesome. For what it is. What it's supposed to be.
  7. BOT Stevens exonerated. What the heck was going on up there Bob? Did the entire "Duke University Lacrosse Rape" District Attorney prosecution team get sent up to AK in the wake of that fiasco or what? Some heads are going to roll over this one. Nuts!
  8. Remember too Peter that the love or interest in horology is merely the common thread that runs through the membership. I do treasure my replicas and one genuine for their intrinsic value surely, but more than that the experience that brought them to me here on RWG, incarnations past and present, perhaps more. If it were only about 'watches' I would have sourced them, thanked the pundits and been on my way. Often I come across a thread regarding the watches that intrigues and it is a nugget. But well and aside that though, are the Jags, the Enfields (the ones that shoot and the ones that scoot) music, families, trials, laughs and the obvious joy and enthusiasm on the part of the 'folk'. Watches are just 'things'. The best part of a thing is the people that come along with it. Towit, '65 Mk1 huh? See you in "Off Topic". Pics please. I've seen enough GMT's this week thank you.
  9. Welcome Peter! I appreciate your choice of watch, although "Rolex GMT" is like saying "Jaguar", so many models, so many years. All available, some very unique. No matter which model you came for, chances are you will find something completely different and unexpected. Like crisps, you'll narry be able to have just one. Have fun! Don't mind 'Offshore', we don't all smoke pot. Mainly the Canadians. Cheers!
  10. Impressive. Lucky woman, and I'm not referencing the watch. Many happy returns to you all!
  11. Nothing beats a gen. Crystal bevel and chapter ring rehaut, yum. Congrats!
  12. Yeah, calzone I dunno man, sounds like it may have blubber in it. Something Survivor Man would scrape up kicking around an Aleutian tidal pool. Pass.
  13. So jealous I jumped out a window. Luckily I was in the basement office. Nice! <edit> lol, that scenerio came across my mind immediately as well. But this film and scene ; <further edit> Situation; You save Feddy's family from Keyser Soze, not TTK, the real one. Out of gratitude he offers, "Go ahead, pic a watch". As a Rolex fan, what the hell do you do? Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo? "This one, no, this one, no, this one, no ,this one................" then the guys with the butterfly nets take you away mumbling Rollie vintage model numbers. You're 'Jetmid' and I collect my 6542 reward
  14. Some members send their watches to 'The Zigmeisterzumba' for obvious reasons, but others may not be aware; you can send a watch for a vintage patina job to 'Nanuq'. He doesn't do anything special, aside wear it for a few week-ends Scouting. Voila! Or, for the 'DIY' group, I can suggest; wearing the piece while changing out the water pump and universal joints of a 1999 Mazda 626, repeatedly. That'll beat the tar out of any watch. No, that was the older RWG. It's off-line now. I was in charge of the 'Welcome Wagon' for a few years. The standard remark there would have been; "So, how far did you chase that guy down Canal Street before you sourced that watch?" We took 'rude and uncalled for' to levels not seen. Sort of a funded social science experiment. In the end, the ACLU closed the domain. For what it's worth, I like your watch here and your Bond No Date even more. I can certainly appreciate the watches the members point out as being prime examples, but I'm lucky; the 'flaws' never bothered me. I'm just in for the intrinsic appeal of the things. You've done a lot of good work for a beginner. The curve is steep, keep your kata strong! Cheers!
  15. Spoil sport! J/K I don't think even Buddy Rich would deny, or anyone else who ever picked up a stick. I LOVE this vid. I have this track on my iPod. It's hot;
  16. And revelling in it! To know that we are both 'correct' in our opinion is just so 'right'. Truth be told, if given the opportunity, I would have prefered the personal company of Moon. I would only imagine. Bonzo was not the 'happy drunk' from sources. To be in his good grace was fine, but if he doubted you for a nano-second, your ass would be more than likely handed to you. I simply cannot drink under those circumstances Anyhoo, it took years for me to reason out why Bonham was the first drummer on record who's playing touched me. And I never played a drum aside some bongos. It were the fact he dialed out all the 'snare' from that particular drum and it's sound was instantly recognisable. I am from an era, as many are here, who first heard albums like Zeppelin's IV on radio as 'new releases' long before buying the record, much less hearing them first on "Golden Oldie" AM stations. I had a combination transistor radio/spot light on my Schwinn Stingray bike handle bar. When I was twelve I heard the opening to "When the Levee Breaks" riding around at night on that bike in upstate New York. It scared the hell out of me when the guitar riff and harmonica chimed in after that drum intro. Years later, at boarding school, I was listening to WPLJ out of NYC late at night, in bed, all against the rules. The 'new' Zeppelin record Physical Graffiti was being played, in it's complete form. Something unheard of up till then on rock FM radio. One track, The Wanton Song, even aside Kashmir stood out as my instant favorite. Conferring with the only drummer on campus days later, the drumming technique I heard and tried to explain was termed " a triplet". Yeah, the "triplet". That just gets me to the core. Bonham handed them out like I sneeze; you don't think about it, it just happens. A year or two later I knew what I had to do, when I got the chance; go AWOL from boarding school @ 18 and take the Metro North down to Grand Central Station. The rest is history.
  17. OUCH! Stupendous! Great googly moogly! "Brooklands" now that is a day trip. And a half. My Father-in-Law had to drag me away from the grounds. Literally. He brought me there to visit with the Wellington as he served as bomb rigger on the ground crew RAF. Then I discovered the motorcycles; "You go on ahead, this is going to take me a while....................." The birth place of British aviation and motorsport. I have goose flesh just thinking about it even now. That hallowed ground is haunted in the best way. It's electric. The air is. I'm afraid to even mention Hurricane. You just may post a pic of that GMT wrist shot on the stick. And well, it's all over then.
  18. D'OH! Wow, the Vitesse. I had forgotten about that model. Spitfire in English racing green, camel leather interior, that dash with facetted faux jewel annunciator lights and top down. Livin'.
  19. Drum sticks? Gay. This is the, not-arguably, best rock drummer that ever took in air. If you want to argue the point. Start a new thread. I promise I won't click it.
  20. Actually, I own them as I thought, wrongly, I would appreciate them as personally 'functional'. That they would suit me. After a 'test drive', I realized, no, they do not. Which brings to the conversation how amazing and what a resource that facet of 'replica' is. It gives you the opportunity for more than 2000% mark down to experience a wrist watch in the non-virtual. Towit, I thought, since I registered RWG in '04. how amazing it would be to own a genuine Daytona. I admired them since childhood as my father and all his cronies wore them. I chanced a 16520 and felt ridiculous, given my circle, vocation and station wearing it. I was self conscious regardless and aside of it being a 'replica'. Could you imagine the horror to come to that realization after spending upwards of 25K in a moment of retail hysteria?! YIKES! Through the RWG experience I have come to realize I am a 'Submariner Man' as I always knew deep down. Perhaps a Sea Dweller, but not the DSSD surely. Vintage as well, the older the better. As for the Daytona, as I have been given one through legacy, I will wear that proudly with ZERO remorse. The 'Summer Blue', as may have been mentioned here already is a 'snipe'. A 'Japan Release' only edition, for a short run in the 70's to 80's (ish, it's been a while since I researched, and with freddy around I wouldn't waste my time ). Seldom seen photographed, never have I as a wrist shot, and certainly not on these boards. Sort of like the Triumph Spitfire, or the Saab Sonnet. Merely "meh" automobiles in their day, but now highly sought after.
  21. ..............and then, like magic, there it was.
  22. For a ride in an SC I could care less if the driver were naked wearing a Timex. I would care even less if the driver were a woman, but, yeah, a ride up the Taconic Parkway in a 70's SC would be a good day. Me as well. There are a lot of watches I feel this way about. The 16613 and the PO Chrono are two of them that I own. I don't think I've ever seen the Summer Blue look better in photograph than it does on Raijor's wrist shot. There it looks tempting. It is a nice watch with an interesting history.
  23. I thought about this post last night, then realized; "You're drunk, go to the 'Humour' section where you belong." Sad. Over.
  24. OMG! That is too hilarious! Totally something I would have done in my younger days, BK (before kids). The look on that guy's face. "I'm partway through the first episode.................." Priceless! Purdy sure I was drunk when I chanced that 116520 sec@6 Daytona that crapped out. Stupid Crown Royal!
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