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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. I love happy endings. Nice doggie. Do they have adoption programs for retired sled dogs? I bet they would make awesome companions after the career. Here they have such programs for retired racing Greyhounds. They are reasonably well cared for while racing, but are extremely greatful and well adjusted to a new life of leisure. Odd though, they really have to be exposed to the 'field' (other Greyhounds) on a regular basis for 'visits' to live long. I'm sure the sled dogs are the same. 'Purpose' is key for longevity for an animal that has 'worked' it's life. Horses are the same. There are a few retired lesson horses out at the ranch. Too old to ride above a walk, but they are still groomed, tacked up, saddled and used in equine-therapy for autistic children. They do better than just being turned out.
  2. If you are going to drive angry, depressed, medicated, listening to Pantera like a maniacal 12 year old, please do so on a closed circuit. Or better yet, in your Speed Racer bed with matching pajamas. TIA
  3. Three movies that I own, but would never deliberately play, but, if I come across them channel surfing? Which I often do, it's kismet, then I'm on; Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels This is Spinal Tap The Good, the Bad and the Ugly For realz; The Old Man and the Sea Battle of Britain (Mmmmmmmm Hurricanes) The Song Remains the Same
  4. Are you the guy working for the private security paramilitary outfit? If so, what is the firm planning considering the President's plan for withdrawl? It's going to get hairy over there. Chicago will be an awesome move for the kid(s). Excellent opportunities. Good luck.
  5. And domed plexi, or don't bother. If you did bother, and gave it the PO attention to detail, you could move 10,000 pieces X 3. The Moon Watch has been neglected since it's first decent runs. Collectors who have 'everything else' would buy that watch because of the zeitgeist built up on the boards since. One favorable By-Tor review and the stock would fly. Literally. To the moon. Good to see you Joshua.....................
  6. Good post, excellent points T'J...........yes the 'melting pot'. However the 'melting pot' is now more of a TV dinner. Not sure if that aberration of cuisine translates, but here's a graphic: You see, the veg is isolated from the mash, from the meat, from the dessert, by hard lines. It's not a meal as much as a collection of questionably nutritious food groups in one box. Trust me, it's junk. Once upon a time embracing the 'American Dream', which certainly differs in vision from a pre-war immigrant to the natural born citizen three, four, five generations deep into the thing and those who flood in now by kicking in the door and squatting, was all about taking stock in a Constitution as a common point to the 'Law of the Land' and seeking allusive opportunity for prosperity. Things worth disenfranchising yourself and family from cultural roots to meld into something new, be part of it and still bring who you 'were' intact. The assumed capitulation from the immigrant or natural born was best summed up by JFK at his inauguration "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". That's a very far cry from the current atmosphere of US 'entitlement' by not only a soon to be majority of it's citizens but also heaps illegal aliens. Now, the US is an open air market, with no doorman, and no store detective. The shelves are raped for the easy pickens and the looters send the quick cash from the fenced goods back to where it was they came. They stock pile it there where a 'dollar' goes farther than the baht, or the yen, or the peso and count the days when they can return 'home', never wanting to meld with America from the first. They hold their noses and harbor disdain from the moment they waltz through Customs or jump the fence. There is no more 'melting pot' mentality, just self induced, deliberate aparthied from groups who come to the US to grab what they can because they think they are entitled or because it is relatively 'easy' considering from where they came. They are ignorant as to why France gifted us the Lady in the Harbor, what words are written on the plaque that sits below and what JFK was even addressing. That is merely one thing. The worse portion of the equation are those who were indeed born here, but have no more allegiance to the flag or want to contribute than the casual rapist with a H1B work Visa from the other four corners. I can kind of respect the former more than the latter. I think our new President is going to have a heck of a time motivating the masses to do his good work. The oath of enlistment that the President shares with servicemen begins; "I, _____, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..............." The fact it were written in that fashion is very telling to me. So, Storm Troopers from Russia and bugs are the least of my worries. I know it is begging the question of the OP, but if arms are going to be raised, it will be Civil in nature, that much is part of the American psyche I can assure you. History has shown this to be true. Still, that premise is decades, upon decades away. Not really worth a 'worry' per se`, but perhaps for my great, great grandchildren? So I will concur, perhaps the next big 'crisis' will be as you say, 'biological'. Still, what will it be? SARS or Anthrax?
  7. In 2045, the White Anglo European immigrant will be statistically a 'minority' in the US. Spend a day in Santa Fe de Bogota`, Colombia. There is a need for the WASP to be wary 'there'. There will soon be good reason for the WASP to be wary 'here'. In South Florida and Southern California it is already. My Mother-in-law clips and sends a selection of newspaper clippings from the London Times as she comes across them that she thinks my wife will appreciate or find interesting. One cited; currently the fifth most common name registered to natural born U.K. citizens is Mohammed. That's a far cry from Trevor, John, William or Michael. So pretty much what Manny said. I don't think the 'Red Dawn' moment will come as a paramilitary event depicted in the film. It will be a slow blossoming social affair, then, by mathematical progression and archaic immigration legislation, a flooding. So yes, 'biological outbreak' certainly. It won't be single celled organisms though. They will be very complex, and organised. Walking upright, or something close to it.
  8. lol, Yes, I have more empathy for Slobodan Miloshevich than I do for the butcher of this dial.
  9. Those are great! I wonder whatever happened to member 'King Jubilee'? He made beautiful pens and knives. Sold a few on the board if I do remember correctly. Good luck with the hobby................
  10. You know, I'm not superstitious by nature, don't believe in talisman, ordered religion reparations, spells, voodoo, incarnations or things that go bump on Walpurgis Night, but since that damn watch project was announced it smacked of all the ingredients of a vinatge "Outer Limits" episode. I hadn't a clue as to why, and I never gave it a second thought consciously, but that Railmaster had all the personal appeal of bitter bile in my throat from the get go. That damn watch wrought nothing but unrest, petty indifference to long standing friendships, polarized a community, orphaned the righteous, fueled the self righteous, and not in the least gave 'TTK' waaaay too much fodder to be, simply, 'TTK' at his misanthropic worst. I don't know where that watch is, I'm just glad Dave, nor Omni, nor Ubi, nor phaedo, nor BLADE have the cursed thing in their possession. It sucks. It represents nothing of what RWG was in the wholesome realm, it simply represents RWG at it's uncatagorical worst. When I registered here, and was picking around the threads I came across the 'RWG ring' project. Two things immediately came to mind; What the heck does "AWG' mean and, good God they all must be mad. So, yeah, who knows, aside the shadow, where it is. I'll tell you this one thing. The next time it sees daylight, the Prince of Darkness will reign again on these boards. Yes, that's right, 'Jetmid' will return and 'Rolexaward' will be by his side. Anyhoo, enough of the dramatic, thanks to all so far in the thread with the kind regards. Glad to be part of this community again. If there is one thing that I learned from my three year hiatus over 'there', is; the evil that men do is always on the hair trigger. It takes good men to build a wall to keep all that crap at bay. An open door is an open invitation to your own peril. As long as that watch stays in it's Ark, it will be milk and honey. But you just know some fundamentalist will open the lid. His face will melt away and the Earth will scorch. Meh, it's a life.
  11. Silly Rabbit!
  12. I thought about this thread a good long while and logged back on to state just this sentiment^^^^^^^^^^ The proponents of anti-gun lobby have maintained a seemingly good argument for many decades; "Oh please, the Second Amendment was established when the founding fathers speculated repercussions from Great Britian, uh duh, the Revolution is over, we won, it's 1983, get real........" Oh. Really. After 9/11 that argument is not even moot. I frequently fly along the West side of the Kennedy Space Center restricted area. If the FAA would allow me to fit my Cessna with LAU rocket pods I would. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean Achmed is not out to get you! I have three weapons and none of them could possibly be mistaken for 'sporting guns', unless of course you consider killiing terrorists 'sport'. Yes, I am mentally unstable, but that has no bearing on the argument. So. Save it. I'm ready. Oh yeah.
  13. Woof. That'll cost ya'. Apparantly Mike isn't participating in the recession. What an American! This is what economic stimulus is all about! But, what? Was the dealership fresh out of Screaming Eagles? Have a blast!
  14. Actually, the contaminants; the crude and the, I presume ammonium nitrate, could be worse, a lot worse. The crude is naturally occuring, stable, remains reasonably suspended out of solution, will make a horrible mess on the shore and when in direct contact with littoral zone sea life, but the fishery, in the deeper, lower water columns, will be spared. The ammonium nitrate, although used in explosives, as a catalyst only to the reaction, is basically 'fertilizer', and naturally occurs as well, as a byproduct of the natural nitrogen cycle of the sea. As a 'salt' compound, easily dissolved in solution, and if the area of concern is subject to strong currents, the concentration should be effectively dilluted to banality in short order. Especially if the spill were 'off-shore' (no pun intended) where higher forms of algae are not present. In a fresh water estuary there may be some serious long term ramifications. Although reckless and unfortunate, considering the recent events in Oz, a mere hick-up. @ Doc The political shift, in the wake of good science debunking "Global Warming" per se' as 'man made' is to the new politically correct term "Climate Change" due to carbon emission. Please make note. There are actual studies ongoing that may lend meteorologists to agree, localized flooding then localized draught in neighboring longitudes due to alternating warm and cold water currents (El Nino, El Nina), result in cyclical higher wind rates and are affecting patterns of hurricane and wild fire, what Australia, California and the South Eastern US are experiencing. That is the science. The politics are; "Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Kings can stop the trend. With your vote and tax dollars." Don't fall for the hype. Just cut the bush back from your foundation, restrap your A-frame, buy a good set of slickers and buy stock in a dry cell battery corp. Then just vote for the 'lower taxes' candidate. That is an area which 'men with votes' can influence.
  15. It is the best YM version out there, George will do well by you, and it is the same watch as 'bklm1234' aside the fact BK retrofits the movement with a genuine ETA 2824-2. Basically, the watches sold through the 'BK Watch Garage' are WM9 pieces that are 'massaged' and upgraded to 'best available' as sent by a 'dealer' without you having to source and send your piece off for 'mods'. BK is the exclusive dealer of WM9 'on forum'. Congrats on the watch, but your sequence of purchase worries me. After pulling the trigger on a deal is the wrong time to be posting concerns. There used to be this dealer here, 'TTK' ? And people would see the pretty pictures, order, then..........well 'Search' it for yourself Know that all the recommended collectors here are legitimate, above board, and are considered with an objective take of the part of the admin. BUT all of them have their own unique styles, wares ans business accumen. Doing your due dilligence carefully, with the board as you resource, is the best way to best serve yourself. Again, congrats with the watch! Pics when it arrives!
  16. Terrible. The four hammer blow. This year is only 72 days deep and I already want it all behind us. And we're not even into hurricane season yet. It doesn't loom well. Take heart, thoughts and well wishes.
  17. He wouldn't be caught dead, on the Syrian border, with a rep homage 'Railmaster'. Those guys all wear G-Shocks. Yeah, 'phaedo'. That is a shame. Oh well. If it were 'stolen' it will ring four generations of the cursed wrath of the Flying Dutchman. Which pretty much translates to a screaming case of the draft beer runs. Nobody wants that. Shiver.
  18. Demsey

    New POS

    Dude. Sign me up! Shoot, I'd pay freddy the $59 just to give my $260 vintage Sub the thumbs up! As far as 'feels cheap', welcome to the world of plexi Rolex vintage. 'Replica' notwithstanding
  19. Yeah Dave, waddup? You did send the watch 'registered' right? Maybe there's someone out there with the C1 watch and your fifteen Canadian dollars Monopoly money.
  20. Well they hit all the marks today; GE down graded but declared stable by Standard and Poors, more banks turn positive returns on TARP, 'Up tick' rule and 'Mark-to-Market' testimony/hearing at the House Financial Services Committee was fruitful. Congress gingerly trying to not commit to relegating market accounting practices (wow, I finally agree with a Congressman Dodd issue statement) but opened dialogue with regard to 'breakers' and 'collars' (I do miss 'curbs in/out' although I am aware of pitfalls there as well) and the market responds. Then the cherry on top; the President's address to the Business Round Table. At first I was glad the coverage didn't overlap the day's trading as has been the experience so far; Geithner and Obama speak, the market tumbles on their rehtoric, but we'll see where the futures lay overnight and the Asian market response. Both should continue the momentum into tomorrow? The address was both mutual, empathetic and refreshingly sympathetic to the private sector. I don't know what went on behind closed doors in the White House last week-end, but someone shook them up. I don't think the critical comments last week by the likes of Warren Buffett went unheard. Nor the grumblings of the global citizenry en masse. Anyhoo, the address was a Kennedy moment. Nothing short of brilliant. Nothing short of assured 'confidence'. One CEO in the gallery commented; "When the Treasury Secretary spoke I made a 'tick' mark with my pen everytime he mentioned or referred 'confidence'. In short order, my pen was out of ink." MmmmK. A Kennedy moment indeed. But cautious optimism here. The follow through is the real test. Afterall, Kennedy did get us to the Moon before 1970.
  21. To those who observe, and keep track of such things, they may find my account status has been upgraded to 'Platinum'. In homage to the member and Admin. responsible, I feel compelled to share with the community the chain to the event. A PM and a reply;
  22. That's 'rebigjoe69' 's great grandfather. Dillon did the timing and beat, as Fidestro mentioned, Davis did the dip and swish, blew out the dust and did the fob rebrush. He charged seven pigs. That's like, uh, 500usd in today's economy. Little known RWG fact; Rob engraves all his serviced auto's on the rotor; " STOP! This watch was in perfect running order when it left Canada. If you took the initiative to open the caseback, you obviously are in need of another progressive service event. Carefully screw on the caseback and send me a PM. You know the drill." RG
  23. ................and looking more and more like "The Two Ronnies"
  24. Here was an on-line news blurb I came across this morning. Purdy cool. I thought it were apropos as RWG is slowly migrating away from being a mere 'replica' watch board; Secret Message in Lincoln Watch FoundBy BRETT ZONGKER, AP National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAAWASHINGTON (March 11) - For nearly 150 years, a story has circulated about a hidden Civil War message engraved inside Abraham Lincoln's pocket watch. On Tuesday, museum curators confirmed it was true. A watchmaker used tiny tools to carefully pry open the antique watch at the National Museum of American History, and a descendant of the engraver read aloud the message from a metal plate underneath the watch face. "Jonathan Dillon April 13 - 1861," part of the inscription reads, "Fort Sumpter (sic) was attacked by the rebels on the above date." Another part reads, "Thank God we have a government." The words were etched in tiny cursive handwriting and filled the the space between tiny screws and gears that jutted through the metal plate. A magnifying glass was required to read them. Jonathan Dillon, then a watchmaker on Pennsylvania Avenue, had Lincoln's watch in his hands when he heard the first shots of the Civil War had been fired in South Carolina. The Irish immigrant later recalled being the only Union sympathizer working at the shop in a divided Washington. Dillon's story was passed down among his family and friends, eventually reaching a New York Times reporter. In a 1906 article in the paper, an 84-year-old Dillon said no one, including Lincoln, ever saw the inscription as far as he knew.
  25. Saw Ken's shout out, thought I'd start a thread. I'm pretty new here, but never miss a 'Shundi' post. He's awesome. Well, if he changed his avatar to a 'watch' pic (zzzzzzzzzzz) I could care less for him, but, you know, anyhoo..... Many happy returns of the day 'Shundi' !
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