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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Love your watch! I think you made a lot of good sound decisions regarding the particulars, weighing the pros and cons..................as you contemplate upgrades just know; all great works of art are never 'finished', merely 'abandoned'. Stay with it! If you are patient the gen. accouterment will come to you. Having said that I must say; I would have loved to own that Gallet in it's own right. I have to admit I am ignorant to that line but my interest is piqued! Curious, althought there is a scale that runs the perimeter of the original's dial, was there ever a tachymeter bezel? It appears as something is missing. Wear it in good health and to fortune. ps You may want to change the 'Topic' subject to My 6265 Project.....................
  2. Yes it is amazing. The military call it 'forced cool' and you can get a handle on it. Learn it as a survival skill. It's almost like 'play acting'. It saves butts. When I was a kid, my Godfather, an Eastern Airlines pilot, had an acetate, a one off LP record, that was being passed around flight crews. During the fifties BOAC was losing Comet jets in service from design and structural failure due to the 'punch rivetting' methods of attaching the skin. The recording was made from transmissions of a British de Havilland test pilot having put the plane into 'over stressed' flight conditions after a series of pressurization cycles. At altitude the airframe came apart and the crew were doomed and they damn well knew it. The pilot transmitted his control inputs and power settings, while applying and verbally relaying appropriate emergency procedures, all the way to the ground. Never give up. Ever. Occaisionally, I would have had students who would push back from the controls, and raise their arms in frustration of not being able to complete a maneuver. That's when we would have the 'talk'; Are you absolutely sure you want to be doing this? Because "I give up!" is not going to cut it.
  4. Ahhhhhh, so starts the journey! God Speed John Glenn! Don't make the same mistake I did with my first wife T'J. We split up over silly religious differences; I thought of myself as God, and she didn't agree....... Cheers!
  5. That would work. 'Pan-class' tax breaks. So would 7-0% capital gains tax, drastic reduction of corporate tax, doing away with 'mark-to-market', and a radical restructure of the IRS. But those are stimulus particulars that would surround a Conservative Republican House and Administration. What McCain platformed. Unfortunately....................... It's ironic though, his own party is going to be this President's biggest 'hang' until the mid-term elections, when a better balance of power will return to the house. I do think Obama wants to work in a bi-partisan environment; not to give Conservatives merely 'what they want', but trying to convince them to come around to 'his way'. The beauty there is; through debate, he may just come around to 'their way' of thinking too. A pluralist middle ground. Obama is not above, "Hmmmmm, I see, thank you, I was wrong here, let's go forward". But that's just not going to happen. It will be a slug fest until 2010. The House is going to bully the President. The first economic indicator of a recovering economy is the stock market. That event has applied to every recession and the depression and is steeped in sound economics and probably more importantly; the psychological factors to 'booming economy' specifically with regard to GDP and grass roots' household ' spending. The President really, REALLY, needs to work on his rehtoric when he makes public comment. Like Reagan, he needs to not 'lie', but focus on a more agreeable and positive statement. If he states the obvious one more time, "This is the worst set of economic circumstances since the great depression, it's only going to get worse. Much worse. It's going to be terrible. Get ready." I'm going to lose it. The market was doing pretty well yesterday on some sound economic news until Obama, once again, laid the current state of affairs on Wall Street and bemoaned the stall of his stimulus plan." Al Qaeda could do no more damage with yellow cake in a briefcase. Who writes this junk for him? The Speaker of the House?
  6. Yup. And I still want a gen Sea Dweller. Even if I have to dive down to the bottom of the deep end to justify it.
  7. Well, all this should come as no real surprise. It's not to me and certainly isn't to the the Vice President and the Secretary of State. They both admitted as much less than a year ago when they acknowledged in debate the "Presidency" is no place for 'on the job training' and no place for 'Senator Obama'. Uh. Duh. I'm with 'Chieftang' tho'. He may learn on a steep, fast, curve. He is smart. Here's to hoping for the best. It's what America deserves. Some of his constituancy responsible after 'knowing better' but knew they could capitalize on politcal environment? Perhaps less so. The Democrat party of Latterday Saints wants to govern en masse'. They have no need or want of an individual, a true 'leader', a 'JFK', a Kerry or an Obama will do. Dupes to bend to their sway and agendas. I don't read Obama like that tho'. He's fumbling his way through now, but he's going to p*ss off the House proper in time. It'll work out. Did he really, literally say "I screwed up" with regard to his vetting of appointees? Jeez. That's an incredibly foolish position and statement for a President. "Ooops, my bad." ??? Good Lord. Can't blame the President for being at a loss with regard to 'double standard' now. It was in full swing, and practice, throughout his campaigning. In direct regard to himself; Sure I smoked a little weed, dealt a little in the 'hood, hung with the seditious priest, the unrepentant terrorist, the shady realtor and the Chicago politco/thug mill................. "It's OK Barak, we're not here to judge.................you go man!" I have faith in Obama. The agendist partisan party system and public 'American Idol' mind set that got him elected? Frankly, scares the cr*p out of me.
  8. lol, that's a stretch.....................maybe Bob could use this feature when an avalanche traps him in an ice cave when Redoubt blows; OK men, time to weigh our assets and liabilities; Assets; Plenty of H2O and I'm wearing a Rolex ref. 1655. Liabilities; No bars on the cell phone, emergency services will be busy with the ash fall and utilities, we won't even be listed as 'missing' until morning, which, according to my orange hand, will be in exactly..................17 hours. Cool! God Bless you Hans Wilsdorf.............. But seriously, this is exactly why I need a Speedmaster Moon gen. I'm afraid of breaking the sapphire crystal in my space capsule and having the shards clog the CO2 rebreather. Hesalite is the only way to go. Thank goodness Rolex and Omega are watching out for us.....................
  9. Yeah, that's the rub.................. I think the movement is correct for "A" GMT watch but not "This" GMT watch.................or any other with fixed bezel...............this may come down to 'forensics'...................and gross speculation unless the owner can shed some light.
  10. Some history of the watch would tell a lot....................was this piece sourced off of a public internet auction? That may reveal why this watch is such a 'mutt'.............but is all lost? Athought the 1570 is chiefly associated with; ref. 1975 Exporer (no date/no GMT), Dea Dwellers, Subs, circa 1975- 89 Was not the movement in the 1675 GMT Master as well ? Could this watch ultimately be 'put together by all the King's Horses and all the Kings Men' to once again be 'Humpty Dumpty' RG? <edit> Yes, I forgot this how the 1675 operates with regard to Zulu.........................Hmmmmmmm, someone has been stung.......................I wonder what this watch cost it's owner? Bright side; 1570 SWEET! 1655 Case, dial, crystal, bracelet SWEET! Spend a few more grand and you'd have a great jump on a vintage Rolex sports collection..........................
  11. Hopefully not hellish, but quite possibly 100% wanton. What chaps me, no, actually frustrates me, no, makes me want to get something to break is; any unstable moron can have as many children as they want and subjugate them to a life style that would make Paul Francis Gadd blush (Goooooooogle it) and yet you have to jump through a million hoops just to arrive at the bureaucratic red tape answer; "Sorry, no. Although you're a fine citizen, earn a fantastic living, beautiful wife and home, your 53 years will preclude us from allowing you to adopt that infant. Can we interest you in one of Michael Vick's dogs?" This woman could have travelled to the Great Wall of China Adoption Agency and been told to go to hell. You know, the GWCA, where they have thousands of infants that never cry. Why does a baby cry? Because it works, they get attention. Why don't these babies cry? The same reason their skulls are flat across the back. They get no attention. Christ, Oprah would have paid her the 2 mill. just for that story.........................and the GWCA would have gotten some good exposure........................
  12. Megga dittos. Usually I'm with By-Tor when it comes to vintage pearls= just have it out, but this insert is perfect camouflage. Great effort! I'm not sure, specifically, and I'm sure you will get the answer here in short order, but, that's the beauty of 'Rolex' and our hobby; And Laz himself touched on it with regard to the 'date wheel'; If it is a sanctioned 'Rolex Genuine OEM' part, and it fits? It could be outfitted at a service interval or after a 'repair' at an AD at anytime. There are all sorts of stories about genuine Rolex watches being 'mutts' within the bloodline. Sources and stock of otb accouterment dry up (as all Rolex is largely; an assembly point of out-sourced parts) but current stocks of dials, hands, find their way onto vintage watches. Not too long ago a member of TRC bought a latterday (new from an AD) Explorer with a 'SWISS T<25' dial indicating an older dial (pre-'80 or so?) titrium not luminova lume. In a short lived panic he queried the membership, his fears laid to rest as it were indeed a 'New' watch by serial number, movement and other clues, it's just the 'run' of watches had been paired with a source of older dials found shelved Lord knows where. Rolex=Rolex. Towit; Initially, the pristine condition of Laz's crystal drew my attention as perhaps a watch of this vintage would look more like one of 'Nanuq' 's gens with regard, but there too, vintage watch/new crystal. It certainly happens....................
  13. I would have merely <edited> and foregone the *bump*, but I haven't paid for the privilige, but it just occurred; How come 2 million of a certain demographic can pour into DC on one day in the 37 degree temperatures to 'party', but the same demograph of 200 thousand cannot leave New Orleans in 85 degree temperatures to save life and limb with five day's notice? It just boggles.
  14. lmao Truth is always more funny than fiction. You just can't write this stuff.
  15. Such the tough watch. It really awta accompany a beat to all heck Land Rover tho'...................... Congrats!
  16. No doubt. I bought a replica of every single Rolex sports that I have ever admired, save the Exp II. It's a mystery as to WTF?................ Maybe, subliminally, it keeps me clicking the dealers' section.............Great, great watch.
  17. Grail watch = ?? To me the Grail watch would be an Ubi 16520 w/ Zenith, a WM9 Sub through the BKLM1234 garage, or something vintage Rolex 'The Zigmeisterzumba' had a hand in, in that case NEVER get rid of it. If the Grail watch is a DSSD version, then I may dispose of it for the ready cash, depending on personal economic situation........................a collection pan vintage(s) of one model are worth repeats of same, better 'ceramic bezel font' is not. Me personally; the resale of relatively inexpensive in the first place goods are marginal and not worth the snag of possibly alienating a forum member(s) with a deal that may go astray for innocent/beyond your control reasons; lost in the post, watch left in good order but arrived D.O.A etc....................
  18. Although in the current climate it may be- CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull to build a herd of cows, and find out it's infertile! So you untie an aircraft carrier and sail it out from the Golden Gate to just off-shore the country who has a lot of cows but not the technology nor politico/socio/religious disposition to pull on a teet. I may also be helpful if you can persuade the general population that the 'cows' in the 'other' country want to kill you. In the name of a benevolent God.
  19. Yeah, this is good Mike. I am needin' to add some new play lists to my iPod as well. Is the mission here Motown or pan genre? As it seemed to be Motown from your first post....................Also sample "Vehicle" from 'Ides of March' from the iTunes store, that track walks..............great horns, that got me into an older 'Chicago' mode, "25 or 6 to 4", and that just took me to Blood Sweat and Tears....................you know, it snow balls............ I ended up with 'Limp Bizkit' "Gimme Somethin' to Break". I grew up with AM radio 77WABC Cousin Brucie (Bruce Morrow) out of New York. My tastes are wack because of it. 'Led Zeppelin' "Whole Lotta Love" followed by 'Cher' "Half Breed", 'Vicky Lawrence' "Delta Dawn", 'Beatles' "Hey Jude", 'Sinatra' "New York, New York", 'Glen Campbell' "The Witchita Lineman" and 'T-Rex' "Bang a Gong" all on the same station within the same half hour. That's what my iPod looks like.
  20. O'Jays, "For the Love of Money". Tempations "Papa Was A Rolling Stone" (the Bass intro could be sampled into a radical bomb track all on it's own) others, but I'm late for a party, tomorrow.............
  21. Just a return to an accurate Speedy Moon would be all I ask. Something like what 'dluddy' has, just 'out of the box', with the factory attention the UPO got. Is all. Maybe just a blanket wish; being able to source correct replicas of extremely popular models without all the hoops; pre-orders, waits, mods on WM9 Subs, through the BK garage, more waits and hoops, a crown upgrade and finally a decent latteday Sub on the wrist, a decent DW grade 6263 without all the cloak and dagger......................I realize it's all 'part of the game' but as long as we're 'wishing'..........................
  22. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Doxa................................
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