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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Ahh, the memories..................... A very good parallel(s) JB. I remember both of those occaisions. It were in a political thread that Rya posted as Dave. Right off the bat, in the opener, Rya referenced the majority of contributors; " ............O'Reilly diatribe clones............." and then dropped the F-bomb a few times. Then tipped his hand; "............Dave and I drink Scotch and smoke Macanudo's like men!" Good times, good times. And it hasn't changed a bit. Mmmmm, maybe the prostate a little more enlarged. Regardless, like you, I've largely moved away from 'replica'. Still have a good collection of the Rollies, a broad smathering from the worst; the onlinereplicastore.com POS Submariner that brought me to RWG in the first place, to some very good latter examples that we would have not believed would ever exist in '04 and a pen. I still enjoy them as talismans of the 'journey' and not anything of zeitgeist or faux prestige, or time keepers per se`. They represent milestones when a collective pulled for 'community' and a gift came with a simple requisite; "......I hope this gesture will rub off and a like kind motion to anybody by you; encouragement to a youngster, picking an errant fishhook out of someone's ass, sharing a cigar with a poor Cuban, helping a red-faced drunk Chinaman up off a bar floor, help a noob find a watch, you never know................no good deed will go unpunished and it will make it's way back home............" Certainly words to live a lifetime by, but with regard to the noobs? They are are better off in others' hands that are closer to the the 'thing'. Other than my affinity to swim downstream to the sea when the other salmon are heading up, the latter premise is why I took a stand on RWG these years and demured rwgjr. A promise in post past to pay it forward there until it were no more. Like Replica-Watches-Guide.com, I consider that closed, whole, complete, and of good Karma. Adi-[censored]in'-os! I'll just focus on that Cuban now and those other things. Towit; I don't suppose I will be making it upstairs Ken. You PMed me in '06 that this here was as good as RWG in it's prime. By cursory examination I would say you, TT, Alan, Bob, By-Tor et al, have bettered it. Without a doubt, it is the 'premier' of the genre. All along I had assumed as much and sent them here by scores, those who had been pulled from the shark infested waters of 'internet replica' but found small solace on the Flying Dutchman and with it's scurvy crew. Job well done to you! Now that I am registered I will certainly stop by to howdja' do, as turn around for you and those who did the same these years on RWG, even if they/you had to hold their noses below decks. Which will bring me to the acknowledgement, and since Greg has tipped the hand, the Phoenix perhaps has not risen, but a new world from the shambles of the old? All comers welcomed. Humanity wanted. Leave NOTHING at the door save facades and expectations. Show your watches, your wives' breasts, tell tale tales, fall down drunk. But it never happened without pics. Like that other Chinaman said too; "Run, DMC, Run" Life is like a box of Granola.....you'll never know what fruit, flakes, and nuts you'll run into." 'Greg r' as Fagin, a better suited Webmaster for the miscreants could never be found. Not a 'half full' personality, but to the brim and bottomless. Not thick skinned, but untouchable. Missiles and arrows are to be marvelled at as sublimely aerodynamic 'things' than having their own malcontent. See no enemy for the skilled archer. Camaraderie and true, well woven cord is what happens when people gather. "Do what thou wilt" the whole of the law. Given time, it will be done. And well. Of course, in a fortnight, we could all be standing around the zinc water cooler in Guyana with a cup of Cherry Cool-Aid. Meh, no such thing as bad publicity. Onward!
  2. I think this episode, it's fall out, and the Sarah Palin/Sarkozy prank were all equally sophomoric and are all vying hard for nomination of biggest Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz thread(s) to date.
  3. Well, as a card carrying US military brat, I married the Rhodean girl, and think the NFL is a 'thug' sport. I'll take a day of Rugby sevens and a good pub meal any time the exchange rate will allow. Looks like this is my year. Had to pass on this one past.
  4. That's right, I forgot, France and Spain bankrupted the crown on the open ocean. lol 'France'. That has to hurt.
  5. Awwww shucks. Looks just like any 'ole Summer's day in FLA. Mind the live wires Col. ! Yes. God does not like Liberals, hedonists, nor actors. It seems. After the twelfth wild fire, mud slide, Earth quake, and 2x, 100 mph desert winds for the year, only an atheist and/or a masochist would stick around to pay those taxes. Sometimes I think of 'AllergyDoc' as a pioneering missionary there. 'Physician heal thyself', GET OUT!
  6. Tsk, tsk. No one likes a sore loser.
  7. A well disguised sentiment. Ok Luthier, I will concede. I have made my subjective case. AllergyDoc made the comment recently on RWG that "Demsey" attacks the 'sayer' not the premise. Maybe, but it's difficult to get a typed reaction from, and reason with, an 'idea'. I have no problem with you, to the contrary. As far as a 'reliable' late model Daytona, like a 'safe' financial investment, it simply does not exist. You are on the right track considering the 16520 seconds @ 9 and with a high beat Asian 7750, or, if you are willing to spend the $ true ETA 7750, you may find the odds to your favor. But there, be prepared to accept it's glaring subdial flaws with regard to spacing and lateral position to dial center. A better route is the vintage 6263 with SeaGull faux tri-compax movement with hours @ 6 subdial hand frozen in the reset/12:00 position. I have tried the 116520 with seconds @ 6 twice with only short term joy. To put it in terms you may understand; you would have better luck ordering a Les Paul from "Musician's Friend", and after it's FedEx journey to your door find it of excellent factory action. Regardless, all these watches can be sourced from Joshua, and many, many others.........................
  8. If Dave said "jump", I would most certainly "duck".
  9. No, you're not following my premise Luthier, I certainly do know the difference, I'm not saying there is no difference, I'm just saying; It is not necessary to go to such lengths to enjoy playing the, any, instrument, or is the attention of a luthier on a stock model necessary to bring it out of the 'crap' category into the 'instrument' category, which is what you seem to be saying. Which is your opinion, which is fine, but it is not mine. Because you disagree with me does not make me 'wrong'. This entire discussion was brought about by your blanket statements; which were simply rude, elitist and ignorant and to the point of internet discourse; trolling. And instead of apologizing and more to my point; through the blinders of your elitism you do not see the need for an apology but have been merely back peddling on those statements from your high horse as being a 'luthier' to cover up your clumsy rudeness; "Guitars from stores are crap and junk. Well, unless, of course I get my hands on them. Then they are suddenly 'instruments' worth owning ". Oh bullsh*t. You seem to see the instrument as the ends to the means. It is not. To me. The music is. You and your trade are not inclusive to the latter, it is entirely exclusive. To quote Pete Townshend on the matter of guitars and the act of smashing them. "I just play the guitar, I don't bloody go home at night and polish the damn things." To which you will undoubtedly see past the content of the statement and will predictably note; "Yes Dems but did you know that all Townshend's guitars were set up by master luthiers? I know them all personally. You do not know of what you speak." To which I will just 'sigh' one last time and let you have the last word on the subject.
  10. This is not the case. Rather, more to your point; To my point; I will concede, that all the named guitarists in this thread, have been romanced by guitar makers with 'custom' editions to endorse their products. That is well and aside the point, and to your admission; successful musicians need not a 'fine' instrument to succeed, as Mssr. Page entertains 'factory made' instruments on his records, to his success, and too, not moot to my premise; "It 'aint the meat, it is the motion". The 'Danelectro' to the case, unless you feel "Kashmir" is a failure. Suffice, any crappy Mexican Fender Squire in the hands of a musician, a true musician, not a 'virtuoso' by requisite, will play great music. A 'fine' guitar by your description is therefore superfluous to the end result. Ergo, you indeed "weave expensive rugs that lie hidden in the foyers of celebrities and on record". That is; I've heard of 'Gibson', and even if you PM me the name of your true personna, I will not know you and further, and I will not care save; "Les Paul? Is that you? No?" I do not care. Sorry. I play the instrument, but would rather know Bo Diddley. To, and more, my point, Bo Diddley played guitars of his own design. To your 'standards' they would be considered; 'junk'. Yet he staged an era with his 'sound' and a playing you can not deny. Regardless of your trying. Nice watch though.
  11. Yes. The same way I gauge 'Golfers'. By height. I think you are conflicted. Page's '59 Cherry Sunburst (his favorite and signature guitar) was owned and gifted Page by Joe Walsh after gigs at the Filmore West in 1969. It was a Standard production line model. Besides; how about Keith Richards, Carlos Santana or Al Di Miola? Because they all played and raved about my Custom L6S you see hanging on the wall. I've owned it since new 1975. Keith plays that guitar (and others) in the film "Let's Spend the Night Together". I tried to YouTube the concert segment he plays the L6S in for effect, but no joy. You can rent it at Blockbuster though. This could be a fun hi-jack of Alpha's thread, but not if you are going to stand by; Only 'one off' hand made guitars are worth something and can be considered true 'instruments'. The notion's 'elitism' is only overshadowed by it's 'foolishness'.
  12. Of course he does. If he doesn't then who? I just don't believe in the absolution of sin. You should drag that stuff around with you like Marley's chains. If you wise up, you'll gain the strength to carry the load and carry on a better person. If you don't, you'll eventually find a stone at the end of the chain you're building. What did Roger Waters sing in that song? Oh yea, Who was born in a house full of pain. Who was trained not to spit in the fan. Who was told what to do by the man. Who was broken by trained personnel. Who was fitted with collar and chain. Who was given a pat on the back. Who was breaking away from the pack. Who was only a stranger at home. Who was ground down in the end. Who was found dead on the phone [sic] internet connection. Who was dragged down by the stone. Whoa. I do believe the Pinot Noir is working................. Think I'll go play my cheap Takamine.
  13. lol, and I'm not a pilot, I soar with angels and touch the face of God. Oh Luthier........................
  14. Davey who?
  15. Spoken like a true germ.
  16. True dat. And as long as RWG is hot on the Google front page and <these guys> are compensating the webmaster, that is how long the staus quo will remain. Got a problem with that? Well, there are <avenues>. Personally, I would prefer to 'archive' the acronym 'RWG' to deep within my own cortex. "Replica-Watch-Blog" is pure genius. Surprised I didn't think of it myself. Maybe I did. In 1978. Ohhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm.
  17. That's the whole exercise Alpha. It is a trend with John. He has some self esteem problems he can't wrap his head around, so this, by now, familiar and all to recurring behaviour of 'bring it on myself, confess, self flagellation and having others forgive him because he can't himself' is just.............member 'johng'. Am I the only one who thought "MrOuch" on RWG was actually TA! DA! John!? Austurias may have goats and gentle rolling hills, but what it can't offer is a good dose of 'couch time', just a country MD with a good ear and a clean conscience. The boy needs help. And a job. I said my piece to John on RWG with regard, and it can die there too. As Dave alludes; so what? The first thing he wants, but the last thing we should give, is another 32 page thread of "John" on "John". Don't feed the troll. For the troll's sake. In other news; If Klink ever gets his site back up, which I hope he will do, Davie, we found your new screen name! Classic.
  18. How would I know? I have no use for a luthier. None of my guitars ever broke. Aside strings, frets and potentiometers that wear that anyone can repair themselves, what 'breaks'? Maybe cheap guitars and the violas of 'thrash' violaists ? I would not know.
  19. lmao, I love this part; Replica watch forum elitists. Your guitars suck, but you will appreciate my $7000.00 16613 I bought for $280. Truely, the Takamine is gorgeous, heavy and solid on the wrist. You can try to put down my instruments here. But post your new watch and purchase experience here: http://www.rolexforums.com so we can all share in a real laugh! Oh Luthier.................................
  20. Nice! But I'll let that 'Gibson' crack slide. Besides, it's not the tools, it's the artist. I can make a young girl cry and a woman scream.
  21. True. True. Or, as my Master Sergeant Dad would say; "Stop doing sh*t you feel ashamed of, then you can stop feeling sorry for the consequences and yourself. Sometimes I wonder where it was those Gypsies found you and if your real parents miss you." Which you may say; is kind of a cruel thing to say to a 7-10 year old, but it always made me laugh and offered a philosophy that I had the power my own self to be whom I wanted and was not a powerless victim of said same self. Yes cruel to a 7 year old, but perhaps more sad to the 42 year old? Whatever.............onward indeed..........
  22. Funneh, but that's lookin' more like 1 year after? The music is reversable, but time is not. Go back. Go back!
  23. Is anyone else feeling a generation gap? Nice rig Kilo. Can I plug my Gibson into it? Got MIDI?
  24. OK I just absorbed the entire "Cybee" and "Ghost" threads. John, you need a job. And no, hand building your own house does not count. I dunno, maybe something in jurisprudence? There has to be some underworld character somewhere in need of a talented soliciter who knows better, but will still bend ethics to meet ends? Oh well, one good thing came of it: confirms my supposition that 'By-Tor' is probably without parallel; the only truely, wholly altruistic member of any of these communities. I had been in contact with him since '05 when he, as a noob, came across my 16613 review and was looking for the same piece. Since those first PM's I have watched him surpass, exponentially, the accolades he laid on me for my time and attention to him then and the hobby as it stood in '05, when I too 'cared'. In all that time I could never, even with a scanning electron microscope; wiff a trace of any personal agenda other than 'paying back with gratitude'. Which is cool. Thanks for that much John.
  25. Mega dittos. I am out of touch with regard. Finally.
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