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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Great thread. Nothing more to add of any significance, but just to echo; In 1975 the EPA mandated (politcal) that all new model US built or imported automobiles would be equipped with catalytic converters to reduce fluorocarbon emissions. Fine. Not throwing a gum wrapper on the ground is fine too. Five years later when Mount St. Helens blew her top, as far as the atmosphere was concerned? It was as if the catalytic converter was never invented. What bothers me most about this whole debate is the importance 'mankind' engraciates himself with, with regard. The use of said same as a political tool is as underhanded as platforming; "I will cure cancer as your President". In the first 100 days. We are as influential as Bob's Arctic ferns. I'm sure they had a high opinion of themselves too. Like the good people of Herculaneum. @ 'cornerstone' Who are you again? I don't remember you from the old RWG. Did you change your SN? You remind me of the one moderator there who thought about banning me. He was smart. Too. @ 'chieftang' You're awesome. I had some othert stuff typed but it was gay (not that there is anything wrong with that) so I deleted it. Suffice; awesome. @ 'lanikai' The Earth loves you. But you knew that already. @ 'fakemaster' Love you man. I stuck up for you on 1.1. They summarily told me to '[censored] off'. Like that was going to work. @ 'slay' I would love to go drink with you. You have conviction. I would pity the fool that gave me sh*t in your presence. Are you 'slayer' (K)? @ Bob Couldn't fault you in a million years. I think you have what it takes to be an Australian. Which is basically an Alaskan, with a tan, and a non-folding knife. Please consider; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyxuVFzKypU
  2. Thanks for the heads up 'Importr'. That's nuts! Have you tried to contact Joshua? He'd answer your email and advise faster than posting here. I would have. I suppose I will. But, sigh, as an aside; the connotation 'cartel' bothers me. In legal commerce there is a case, I guess, but here? In all these years the one common strain that really chaps my [censored] is; consumer advocates for illegal contrand. We're all crooks if you look at the thing. Kettle/pot, black. Whatever. Cartel. lol Tell your friend it's called contrition. Wow, I'm in a pissy mood. WTF?
  3. I know what you mean, my Planet Ocean Chrono is the same way. And I certainly could have offered that model up to this thread, but I do wear it. When I know I won't be between scores of people. I am sheepish of the size of it. Unlike the Aquaracer bracelet (as you describe it here) those Omega gen/rep bracelets? Nize.
  4. Ahhhhh, behold the power of replica..............
  5. One sure way to get me to visit the IWC subforum; IWC Cousteau 06 returns from The Zigmeister Spa on the main page. Selling a Zigged up Aquatimer rep is like selling a gen Daytona. You just don't.
  6. Not SPAMBOT, they're Downloader Trojans; Troj/Dloadr-CVG. Someone trying to hack the system as they did the old RWG in '06 through a back door. Wonder who that was . Obviously failed, but that's not the fun part. It's whom? When exactly was 'TTK' banned? From here I mean. Not in '06, from 'there'
  7. There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is PeteM, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence. Ok, Ok enough thread crapping. But, I protest as my fav brand is a lark on that site. Besides, I've no time for the 'ol in-out love. I've just come to read the meter. Bedways is rightways now, so best we go homeways and get a bit of spatchka. Right, right? Right, right.
  8. That's hilarious Bob. I could soooooo get my kids to believe that.
  9. Touche`! Likely find the fuselage of Value Jet 592 and conclude; "These ancient peoples were sea travelers. Long distance sea travelers. They packed 104 into this primitive canoe and tried to cross this ancient sea bed. Vertically. I admire their courage and determination......." Of course the deep space travelers would have been returning future generations of present day Democrats. Having long since abandoned this planet just knowing all the scientific data (they cared to consider) pointed to the ruin of this third stone from the global warming holocaust. And planted the flag; See? We were right!. Unfortunately the ultimate realization; The starship Prius was marooned. There was nowhere to plug in the dry cells for the return trip home. Not unlike the time when the Democrats decided to fly to the Sun. When the scientific community advised they would be incinerated hundreds of thousands of miles shoret of the destination, they disregarded their opinion and announced to the people; "We will be travelling at night." You got me! I had to Google "prion". I thought it was derogative for Al Gore. OK I had some more [censored], but it's getting too politically polarized. Which wouldn't normally bother me, except it's too close to the Holidays and I demure. People ask; "For heaven's sake Dems, you seem to be well informed, why the hell are you a Conservative?" It's mostly because; when you tease Republicans? They just roll their eyes and get back to work. Where's the fun in trolling up that? Ranting, raving, and fuming. That's where it's at.
  10. Your link dead ended 'archibald' here's the new path;forced to admit but, right on. Whatever happened to Arch? I liked that guy. Probabaly busy working. The only place left to work. The Obama Administration. On that new shovel ready project; The Moon is Attacking Us. That's pretty much how I moderated RWG Original Recipe from the 'Members' group. After the polar ice caps melted and pushed the Titanic off the continental shelf into the abyss of my megalomania. A lot tried to smack me upside the head there, but they had no known quantity of integrity. So. Yeah. I washed up here. That might be a while sd. Like when the global warming holocaust actually happens. By then the Prius will itself be found only in fossil strata. By deep space travelers. A few scant millennia after the Sun extinguished. Itself. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. Chilly.
  11. Davidsen. Panerai modder, jobber, guru.
  12. I don't know why they design web pages like this. You'd think they'd come up with something more user friendly. Like putting it in the top left hand corner.
  13. Full gold 116520. @ hackR, I like the Overlord too. To me it looks like you're wearing D-Day on your wrist. Unfortunately, the only member that can pull this off out of the house is 'robertk'.
  14. Ag, Not specific to the watch you are discussiong, but a blanket cursory remark with regard to the 7750 'complication' in this subdial configuration; Minute totalisor @ 12, Running seconds @ 9, Hour totalisor @ 6. This is the design intended, and least complicated array for the ETA/Valjoux/Asian Clone 7750's. Ergo it is your best bet toward 'reliability' all things being equal. Although true ETA 7750 calibres do support added modules to render the array; Minute totalisor @ 3, Hour totalisor @ 6, Running seconds @ 9 and pose no added stress to genuine ETA calibres in genuine watches, the situation may tax the Asian clones. To some uncertain degree, speculative only. Certainly the modification to render Running seconds @ 6 a` la the latterday Daytona is not supported by any genuine ETA calibre and is the least reliable situation for any 7750 movement, genuine or otherwise. My comment toward 'all things being equal' relates to proper movement install, lubrication, and attention to detail of assembly before going into service. Know only genuine movements sourced from liscened agents will provide that under warranty. From an engineering standpoint the high beat Asian 7750 in this replica is sound. However the other parameters that fall under the scope of 'quality control' are suspect. As always when dealing with 'replica'. I cannot recall many, if any, 'sob stories' involving the 12,9,6 7750 subdial array. The others? Very much moreso. Considering the above, you can address the 'reliability' factor to your own definition. You have certain factors here that are in your favor, but face the 'chance' of diappointment we all do. More than the watch's movement reliability, count on the reliability of your dealer as per a verbal agreement with regard to 'warranty' and 'exchange' before the sale. If these matters are left unaddressed before the purchase, you are at the whim of the dealer to his definition of fair and good commerce. If you both agree to terms, then I cannot think of any collector here that would renege. Woe to him or her the wrath of this forum if you could prove they indeed had. It's a beautiful watch and I hope you treat yourself. Merry Christmas.
  15. CHS Correct Hand Stack, as it applies to the GMT's. That one had me scratching my head for a while.
  16. The knee jerk response is that you are trying to find a short cut on the Iditarod, or want to ride your mountain bike to go and see Thomas. You're up to the task, but shortest route is just smart. But there is too much application here for simple rhumb line v. Great Circle navigation of route. I dunno, but drawing from who you are I think you are possibly mulling over the math trying to realize orientation of numerous travelers (Scouts) that are, well, Scouts like good pilots are never lost, only temporarily disoriented but apart from one another. By applying most of the above it is possible they can all travel predetermined tangents from known positions and eventually cross paths without the aid of communication or basic RxT=D data. All the above criteria apply to The Four Travelers problem. It's the only thing I can come up with. As far as the 'flat surface', perhaps you want to tranpose the math onto a land navigation chart using landmarks as the centers of the three circles and common tangents solution(s) and then procede from there. The Four Travelers problem has a 3D solution but you can also solve it without leaving the plane. A damage plan for the worst case scenario. The troop becoming separated in groups. Kind of like I tell my kids if the three of us get lost in Wal-Mart. I'll meet you in the back left hand corner of the store as you have your back to the entrance. I usually find the youngest coming from the pet dept., the eldest from electronics, me from sporting goods. We join up somewhere around housewares well short of the back left hand corner.
  17. lol That would make a great avatar. I'd cop it if I didn't already have the best avatar ever.
  18. Buying; one thing. Owning; one thing. Selling; another thing altogether. I'd sell a kidney before I'd sell a replica watch.
  19. However, not quite to the top of the food chain. I'd eat her. That's pretty vulgar, if not totally honest.
  20. Too true. In the non-virtual I'm known for my huge catalogue of completely useless information. To get to the bottom of this will merely add to the lot. Evidenced I'm usually not stumped by 'Nanuq' 's math, navigation, or rope knot brain teasers. As I fly over the Earth I'm usually thinking about Mercator Projection, most pilots are thinking about their next drink or are mentally undressing the last woman they saw. They are better adjusted humans. Come to think of it, it's probably why I love this web site. Subliminally, when someone like Freddy makes mention of the horizontal misalignment of the main, three o'clock, and nine o'clock cannon pins of the Rolex, post El Primero in house 116520 movement? I don't feel so alone.
  21. Was just watching 'Cops' in 'Nawlins. They were doing a sting on scalpers (must have been for the '02 Superbowl?) selling $500 tickets for 2K. Nice. During the operation they came across a seller selling a 'Rolex', in box, papers, receipt, in a bonafide high end jeweler's shopping /gift bag, for half price, because, the seller "Needed the money........" violation of Louisiana statute RS 14:229, illegal use of a counterfeit trademark. Only got a quick glimpse of the watch at 'processing'. Didn't even look like a Rolex. Be careful out there. 'Used' reps make great gifts.
  22. Already have it. And don't really care what take 'TTK' may have had on the matter. I'm 50. That's only how far back 'history' has to be with regard to my old man's 6263. Speaking of which, as I am a newb here, did 'Pugwash' and 'TTK' have a history of jousting in the threads? Man, I would love a link to that heavyweight bout. My two fav British dry humourists. Oh, the humanity.
  23. Just curious if the Admin. or any member who is a webmaster of a forum could explain the phenom of member 'cvg_********'? Starts on page 68 of the 'C' 's and goes on for twenty pages. No posts, a few views, all over the course of a year Spring '08-'09. SPAM BOT or what?
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