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Everything posted by seroberts

  1. My first rep purchace.....Many years ago, long before my knowledge of places like RWG .
  2. Probably local news.
  3. Got an email from them yesterday....will not start possessing orders until after 02/22 ala Chinese's New Year
  4. Defiantly.. Eastern European HOT, Could use a better hairdooooo. Beautiful facial bone structure, nice nice eyes. The watch well, very few really good Daytona reps. Give her my PM address I'll hook-her up
  5. I'm 100% retired....Multiple income stream 58 years old, most of the time I just play...play that's what I do for my living.
  6. Sad ...Sad, so much for Chris and his continued misrepresentation of his products High Quality Control practices. I grew very tired of his I'm sick, i was robbed, my girlfriend quit, I'm moving, I'm this I'm that......conman period.
  7. Hey Admin..... My VIP Member icon is [x icon] instead of "VIP MEMBER" no big deal just curious if it's something I need to fix on my end? Or if y'all handle it ...I love this place!
  8. .....Thanks roo! Just shot him a PM I've worked with him before. Great guy, excellent commutation and service.
  9. WOW......I'd really like one of these I live in Ft.Worth TX unfortunately DFW is my customs port of entry for ANYTHING from China and in the last 12 months I've had two pieces seized. Anyone have a source? I've tried Sead with no luck so far.....maybe an intermediary? Can you help abrother out http://www.perfect-hour.com/rlex01001-explorer-series-updated-white-swiss-2836-p-5883.html Gott'a dig the white dial
  10. Not try'n to hijack .....But I recently bought a Sony "Touch" eBook, I love that damn thing. I looked at the Kindle, to me it just looked like something from Radio Shack made in the '60s. The eBook has a lot of really neat usable features very durable and utilitarian looking some reviewers complain about the glare but I haven't experienced that problem. One major difference the Kindle has 3g capability the Touch is just a non Wi-Fi library. Really, there are many to chose from. You might just Google "eBook Reviews" ......If you haven't already
  11. I don't go in bars ......Just not my thing, but I am usually pack'en 10mm hydra shok Lead poisn'in
  12. Start Friday, Sterile Ti PAM with Cajun distressed croc strap. Then Saturday, Sterile PAM PVD with python strap. Sunday,
  13. BKs' quality is one of the best around, my experience is he is the best....others my differ. All my emails to him have been answered promptly and completely he is truly a gentleman. I noticed your in Florida so most importantly he's located in the US.... That leaves customs out of the way. And WELCOME !!! Cheers, Steve
  14. The best true quality and customer service BK http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=39113 http://www.repgeek.com/showthread.php?t=42132 That's easy! Cheers, Steve
  15. The only time anyone said anything, a guy at work said something about my fake Rolex to one of my coworkers............the funny thing is I only wear my GEN to work I'm sure you all know what kind of person I'm talking about .....He also refured to my C2S Porsche as a cheap Volkswagen What A Guy! Cheers, Steve
  16. Just wanted to follow-up........I received two emails from Chris this morning, the first was a tracking number and guess what SAME as the tracking number which was the wrong tracking number I received on the 12th. Then I received the another which stated he does not refund on items that have been shipped . I know a lot of you are saying "Chris will make it right" , "Chris is a good guy" , "just give him some time"........... I know I'll never trade with him again and I would incourage everyone to look at the totality of his behavior before having ANY dealing him. Be forewarned, Steve
  17. Being new here I'm somewhat apprehensive about replying Here's my deal.....As soon as this new version was announced I PMed Chris and made my prepayment. Chris was very quick to respond with the dates of expected delivery and all the information relating to the improvements to the new version and the guarantee of the high standard of QC. Two weeks ago I received an email with the tracking number...My watch was on it's way. Yes, but .....NO, I followed the tracking information the watch was delivered not to me but to some place else. I contacted Chris, he said he had contacted his secretary and found I had recived the wrong tracking number but my watch went out in the same batch, I should receive it in the next few days. That didn't happen. Two days ago I receive the mass email about the troubles......I'm sorry about that and I wish him well. Now, after absorbing all this I start reading the post in this thread regarding the QC problems with this particular item and after all the advance hoop la , poor Chris the guy most certainly has things crashing down around him. He has my deepest sympathy. For me the answer is simple.... I requested that this order be canceled and a FULL refund. No response.....Yet.
  18. I have an 8.5 wrist....I've got one on order, i think it might look just right on me!
  19. It's now time for you to do your manly duty...........If she sez anything tell her she initiated it Have Fun Cheers, Steve
  20. I got an email from Chris on the 19th....He's on the road. Cheers, Steve
  21. If i remember correctly it's the V4 that dosen't have the lug holes . Cheers, Steve
  22. Due to copyright and infringement laws........it's extremely doubtful you'll find any admitted vendors here in the states. If you monitor certain areas of this forum you may find an individual who has what your seeking. The overseas collectors here are very easy to deal with BTW. Oh...........WELCOME!!
  23. The seller is kinda' waffling, I'm waiting on him after requesting that he fill-out a loss investigation report. He has told me he has double checked the accuracy of the tracking number Have verified and reverified shipping address with seller and post office
  24. Greetings.....Near the end of last month I made payment to a fellow member for a PAM FlyBack he is located in Germany I'm in the US. The seller responded quickly with a tracking number. After a few days I start following the tracking information. Parcel goes through customs (no problem), then I notice the item is attempted to be delivered, but in a different city....diffrent city!!!! Huh? Anyway the item is singed for and delivered to this different city. Now I've contacted the USPS and they say their is nothing they can do. Loss has to be initiated by seller. Now the plot thickens......I ordered a watch from one of if not the most trusted sellers on this forum and guess what SAME DAMN THING!! Parcel goes through customs (no problem), then I notice the item is attempted to be delivered, but in a different city....diffrent city!!!! Huh? Anyway the item is singed for and delivered to this different city. What is going on.......I'm confident the forum dealer will make it right but, I really don't know how to handle the person to person transaction. Thanks in Advance for your Thoughts! Steve
  25. Congrats Sir Toad ....... I am especially grateful for the guidance you've given me!!!! With Respect, Steve
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