Very cool about the martial arts back ground Luthier. I would love to get some top notch training like that. How do u think the masters in Japan and China would fair in American MMA? I have also heard great things about the quality from TTK. Thanks for uncovering the mystery. Please keep us informed because I dont mind waiting if its top notch quality.
Is the heralded noobmariner still available? And if so, do I get that from trust time? Thanks for the info. I found the links, man this is addictive.
I've been reading for hours but now im finally making some progress. Thanks again.
Where can I find a list of trusted sellers? I here trusty time and perfect clones are good sites. I just want to make sure I have the correct web address
Hello all, I'm interested in a noobmariner. I just want to make sure I'm not gonna get scammed. So I decided to sign up here to see if u guys can clue me in. Can any of u recommend a trust worthy dealer? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance : D