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Posts posted by eye.surgeon

  1. I've been a member here for 6 years and I've bought a lot of watches. I don't post a lot, but this situation bothers me. I ordered a top-quality IWC replica from Trusty Time and it arrived DOA. The movement doesn't run at all. It seems to me the right thing to to is to send me a new one ASAP and he pays to ship it back to him. I'm not a new customer to him, I've bought from him before. I emailed him to give him a chance to make it right, I don't expect perfection and I understand problems can happen. Instead I am told to send it back, at my expense, and he will repair it. So instead of getting a new watch I get a repaired watch, delayed by weeks because of shipping back and forth, at my expense.

    Does this seem right? Am I being unreasonable?

  2. Frankly, a replica PN is VERY difficult to pass off as real to anyone that knows vintage Rolex watches. THink about it, you could count the number of like-new PNs that have no scratches or signs of wear on them on your fingers. They would be worth a small fortune. Are you extremely wealthy? Then the odds of you strutting around in a perfect PN are just about zero.

    Once again as I have stated before, the most important factor in the believability of your rep is not the tube or the crown, it's you. You would have been better off wearing a nice sub or non-PN 6263 or something more believable if fooling people is a priority for you.

  3. HEY...I need some boxes.

    Quote: Factory Irregular - No Returns or Exchanges:

    Well, as they say...for that price, I can take a blemish or two. I just need a place to hold my new collection.

    Has anyone had a problem with this place?

    Watchprince is awesome. I've bought from them several times, they ship fast and are 100% reliable.

  4. you are absolutly correct. where i live the old money from oil are almost always driving a caddy, lincoln or a benz that is any where from 10 to 25 years old. very seldom will you see a new one, but they will look brand new. always in the garage. you know the ones you spot from 100 feet away. their clothes will range from armani to a t shirt and blue jeans. the apperance thing will do nothing but get you in trouble. the way you carry your self and the way you handle things will tell the story every time. lets face it, anybody with credit can go lease a new benz and charge some nice cloths on a cc. that means nothing.

    Again, I am talking about the watch matching your INCOME, not the price of the clothes on your back. Most of the people you spend time with every day and whose opinion and respect you value, know how much you make and know what you can afford and what you can't. I'm not talking about rolling around in a Bentley and wearing a tuxedo all day to match your watch price, I'm talking about your purchasing power matching your personal property. The guy at the Taco Bell drive through can carry himself as high as he wants, that MBW Sub is not convincing.

  5. Eye.Surgeon-

    What was the point of this post...to make people know that you have a deep 6-figure salary...or to make people feel badly about owning a rep of a watch that they can't afford in genuine?

    I don't make as much as you but I'm addicted to this hobby. I enjoy trying to get a rep look as close to genuine as possible- there are quite a few of us who feel the same on these forums.

    I'm with you, man. I like this hobby as well. It's a lot of fun to get very accurate reps and to have a variety of cool looking watches to wear without having to spend excessive money. I just find it kind of hypocritical to claim that you "don't care what anybody thinks" when we all know that the very reason we are buying reps is because we do care what people think at some level or we would all be collecting invictas.

    Some peopel are mistaking what I was saying-- you don't have to dress like you are shooting a Dynasty episode in order to pull off a rep. The original point I was trying to make is that the most convincing part of your rep, as with any lie, is how closely it resembles a possible reality. A Patek on a mid-level office worker is a lie that doesn't resemble reality and is therefore not believable, not because of the watch, but because of the person. No offense intended to anyone, it's not personal, and it applies to myself as much as anyone. If you can "carry yourself" as someone who makes a middle wage and drives a 10k car but wears a 25k watch, cool. I don't know a lot of people like that.

  6. OK, as the OP, let me chime in here again.

    For those of you (there are several) that have claimed that you wear reps just because you love fine watches and don't give a rip about what other people think, I call BS. MAJOR BS.

    Reps are, at best, tolerable watches in terms of the quality of the movement. Be honest, the vast majority of you here are buying reps to make people think you have spent more money on a watch than you really have. Myself included. Don't pretend otherwise. Nobody is buying a 7750b1 rep because they love mechanical watches or other such crap.

    My favorite response so far is this one: "I dont give a toss what people think. I buy reps because I like them." WTF?? What a load of utter crap! And my wife buys a fake LV purse because she likes the fine leather quality found in the fakes and doesn't care what other people think. Uh huh.

    It's just getting a little thick in there with all the pontification about not judging people by how they look or dress or what car they drive, and this coming from a guy that's wearing a fake watch?? Don't make me laugh :p

  7. Forget subdial spacing and CG mods. The single biggest determing factor in how convincing your rep looks is you. If you have the means to buy the real thing, people will not question what you are wearing. If you don't have the means to buy the watch, no matter how perfect the rep, people will snicker behind your back.

    Example-- many famous stars wear faux diamonds. Elizabeth Taylor, for example, wears enormous faux diamond rings, etc. but everyone just assumes that they are real because people believe she can afford it.

    I have lots of Rolex reps including some $20k+ reps that I can wear with no problem because I have a (fairly) high profile job with an income deep into six figures. People just assume they are real.

    People pulling up to the restaurant in a 6 year old 325 but wearing a rep that is worth more than their car, it's just not believable. People that live with their parents, I mean come on, I would just assume their sub is fake even if it's MBW or whatever.

    The biggest mistake people make in buying reps is buying beyond what is believable for THEM. If you have a middle class income, home, car, etc. then DON"T buy a Paul Newman Daytona or a platinum day-date. Buy something that you could conceivably own like a steel omega or something like that.

    Just my 0.02.

  8. Didn't mean to upset anyone. I'm simply asking for a good source for a part. I'm a contributing member of the forum. I did a search and nothing came up. 18mm Rolex buckles are extremely hard to find, as far as I can tell, as the vast majority are 16mm or smaller. Thanks for the suggestion of classicwatchparts. They don't have one either (again, wrong size).

  9. The challenge is to limit yourself to 6-12 great reps. That way your investment is minimal, each watch gets worn once a week or so, and you have variety. When I see people with 20+ reps it means to me that they haven't discovered what it is that they like yet. FOr me, at first I was buying everything in sight. Now, I have a particular jones for daytonas, I focus on getting the best examples out there plus a couple other types for variety, and then any further purchasing I do is to replace a current rep with a better version.

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