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Everything posted by Krayfish

  1. LOL! Thats my new line.
  2. I work with guys with Gens rolex's they cant tell the difference if I show them it (till it falls apart). People at work know i have a replica. Friends and family ........I'll just say........."well what do you think"......and leave it at that.
  3. I proposed he send me a noob caseback at the very least and seeing as its costing me $100 to fix all the problems and sort out the bracelet pins, waterproofing and service/oiling, and bezel fix he might like to consider giving me some kind of better discount on a Deep Sea Dweller Rolex with Swiss ETA. That way we can sort things out, he is not out of pocket and having to fix things, I get my watch done locally (albeit at a cost of $100, and we can maybe do some more deals in the new year when he is up and running at full steam.
  4. Yea thats cool, it just as you know you pay EXTRA for check to take place so that there are no "problems" with the watch. Everything that was wrong with mine are not issues with me wanting to improve on them as they do not resemble an original watch (like better crown, bezel or whatever) my issues are with BROKEN things, or bits falling off, fogging up. For example it was meant to be waterproof........mine fogs up so I have my doubts. Thats an issue for me as I paid for the Euromariner because it was........and I like to take it in the water, so now its costing me money to get it preassure tested. We understand what your saying about modding but this is not modding its just getting the watch into a conditon that you paid for it to be in before it was shipped. Having paid extra to have it in that condition, then getting it in a different one and having to spend $100 to get it right (wasting money that could have been spent on mods) If I knew this would have happened I'd have gotten it from some drop ship supplier and saved myself some money. Chris wants me to send it back..... I say no. Its going to cost me more than he is offering to compensate to actually send it away, god only knows when I'll get it back, so I proposed something else that wont cost him a penny. Because I'm good like that AND hopefully it gives him a chance to redeem himself and continue to get my buisness.
  5. I got an email off him, he is trying I will give him that, not posting what he is offering on here as it could be different for each member, depending on each watches issue. So he is coming good!
  6. This is going to be my next one too........PT does it with a Gen ETA for a couple of hundred
  7. Ok Here it is, I feel I have waited long enough for a reply now. This was my email to him, its easier to just post it uphere as I sent it to him. Dear Chris Few questions though, the Gen Certified ETA, on the bracelet it said "OK ETA V3" how do I know this is a GEN Eta that I paid for? The reason I ask is for the following reasons that have made me a little anxious to tell the truth, i know you have been very busy and i feel the QC was not done, or done in a hurry for several reasons. first let me assure you I am not questioning your integrity, because you have a fantastic reputation which is why I took the plunge and used you and paid for the best I could afford ie, Gen ETA, You also answered all my questions with regards to details and which to go for.....so here are my dilema's First of all you advertise you check the watches over and do a quick service, and ensure its all working (screws, watertight, allignment of bezel an glass) this is great and just what I wanted but for over
  8. Waiting for mine too !
  9. Nice car.......wheels are just like the ones on mine.
  10. Ok your really starting to grate on me now. You made it about money....No one ever questioned it.... and your in some fantasy land that people are jealous! lol YOU made references to your wealth, none of us care to know about your finances.....you offered it all up yourself you fool! You talk like because you HAVE money your above the law, and above giving anyone respect.... If you ever get mugged or beaten up........and the cops end up bailing you out and taking a round or a slap for YOU.....then your the kind or [censored] that would just say.......yea......well its his job, I dispise people like you, FORGET ABOUT THE MONEY!!!! its not about that, you keep making it about that by banging on and making references to it..... And I noticed you TOTALLY revamped your original post too......why come at me when you obviously know your wrong and thats why your running about changing all your posts?! Says it all really. Couple of examples maybe?.....from whats left of your Butchered/Edited posts How about "Anyway, so today I thought I would take my 996....." "How good is life treating me when I can afford a ham and a ticket back to back" "(I'll have my Mini tomorrow-we won't tell him that...)" "And if one of your other brothers catches me and gives me another ticket, I'll pay that one too. Happy Thanksgiving sir." "Yes, $80 is a bargain to me " "If it ever costs me $80 to make a joke unilaterally so be it," "I bet he wishes he could pay a fine to rid himself of what troubles that festering malice inside him" "I look at it like it is just a fixed cost of owning a fast car. I know I have to factor in a minimum of $500 a year to my operating costs." "They figure if you are in a $130,000 car you can pay the ticket" Then you said this......... "And where did I say I was rich I wonder?" haha...... Honestly Rob can't you see how your coming across.....I'm not even done on the first page yet! ........ "How much did you give to charity this year big mouth?" (your brought this up totally by yourself do you see yet Rob?) And now for the mother of all quotes......... "Right, who cares how much money I have? I don't nor do I ask you about yours. Why must you bring it up?" YOU KEEP BRINGING IT UP YOURSELF!!! Do you see yet?? "Yeah, I got a Porsche" "and a Mini" "I also had a 80' Toyota Tercel" "and an 87' Golf " "and an 84' 318i" "and an Izuzu pickup truck"....................Jesus Rob, I sure wish we never went on about how wealthy you are!!! .......you getting this part yet?? "I could see the jealosy in his eyes"...................You seem to think EVERYONE is wanting to be Robb dont you Robb. " I am thinking of getting an 09 as it will be the last year for a while and I may take that up to 640hp" Then another corker............. "Jake as you can see is obsessed with me and my money".........lol.........Yup......erm....think it was YOU BANGING on again Robby my son! Finally to cap it off: "And I'm not sure why if I should mention a car I own to puctuate a story that I should be pegged a guy who is spouting off about money" Please tell me you see now? Are you really that self obsessed and blind that you cant see what your doing? Your next post will no doubt show us all your still in "Robby Land"....which according to you is all WE ever bring up and where WE want to be too! lol No thanks!
  11. What the hell do you know anyway, your a noob like me, seems we mean nothing round here! What right have we to comment on such an Epic, Prolific well respected Uber poster and member? We are but low life scum in this world of Reps according to some! How very dare you! lol
  12. Its funny actually that Jake kinda hit your vibe right on the head here. Its just the way I see you!, what a great picture lol Your talk about money, cars and giving to charity, and talking [censored] to cops, being a total and utter chimp, then when people quote you or reply to your post you say "whats my money got to do with you or why bring that up", you bloody posted it the first place, and THEN offer yet more info about "if you really wanna know" (Which we don't) I have this too and that .........and this... Oh and that "but whats it gotta do with you!".....lol your off your [censored] mate!......... your all over the place! I'd hedge a bet and say your pretty insecure, the Internet is a wonderful place to play out a razmataz lifestyle.....pimp up your mundane miserable lonely life by pretending to be someone your not........(not saying your not loaded, but I doubt you really live and act like a **** all the time I cant believe you would be such an upfront, in your face, [censored]........I bet your actually a quite (but slightly boring) person, but feel the need to make your life a little more exciting......the internets great for that, you can run off and shut gold plated laptop down! For example what really happened........you never had ham.......but instead you were burping your maggot......you leaked on the floor, you bent down to wipe up the best part of you which by now is soaking into the carpet......the cop saw you lane swapwith no indication......then pulled you. You cried........because you caught your little fella in your pant zipper. He handed you a tissue........you wiped your [censored] (because you talk so much [censored]) then proceeded to beg and plead him not to impound your billy wizz car.......and call you an ambulance, which he refused to do because he was sick and tired of pulling your punk ass over every 5 minutes because your to stupid to learn, thus him being to busy to respond to more important issues like a fatal up the road caused by a school bus that pulled out on a 996 driver that came out of nowhere like the starship enterprise........ Its all front......can I ask what you do for a living? do you find people cant really talk to you in person? mainly because your a bit of a [censored]? Do you find people drift away from you in a way only a skunk with a leaky butt hole would know about? I dare say you just LOVE to talk about yourself, how great and fab you are, how much cash you have and how fast you got into work and how much rubber you burn from those new diamond studded 20" slabs on the rear of your bad boy motor! Because thats how you came across in your first post. No one else matters, its all about you Rob, its not about having a sense of humor, your part of the story about the actual cop was just that...."part" of the "story", you told it!, how can we fail to comment on all the other aspects of it? You still bang on that everyone else here wants to be like you and have all your money......and the reason they dont like you is because they dont have what you have.......I think you would be suprised to learn most people don't hate sucessful people, they hate arrogent selfish self obsessed people. Like you. I think most here would rather bury their face in a monkeys stench trench than share a beer with someone as arrogant as you. I might be a NOOB as you call it, but only in this ****ing forum, you would never dream of talking to me in person like you talk to people on this site, its a different game in real life, very different.........your acting like some hard man calling people "son" again trying to portray yourself on another level. Little tip in life Rob......people don't like a bragger, specially now a law breaking bragger, they also don't like people who talk about their own success, and people who talk about their money all the time its in bad taste. When was the last time you saw Richard Branson bang on about all his money, cars, get out of jail free cars, mouthing off to cops, ...... People who really are sucessful just don't do it. You have to accept people just don't find your story funny or amusing on any level, kinda hit the floor like a lead balloon when someone here posted they lost their mother due to a driver breaking the speed limit. Speed limits are there for a reason, and its not up to you to judge if you should double it or not. I've seen some [censored] that would make you throw up both ends............. I think its great your loaded, and have a Porsche, Mini, 15 Turbos that you love to hear sing, 3 other cars, lots of expensive watches, a dash full of cash for cops, a vocab full of sarcasm all rehursed to amuse your palls...... Its cute. But Boring, so just listen, learn and shut the hell up.
  13. You just don't learn do you! Why must you think your above everyone else!? In here you called someone a redneck, your using the phrase "steviejay the noob" why mention the noob part? does it give you a sense of being above others? Sniggering at the law, you painted yourself mate don't for one second push this on others that they are painting you as a spawn of satan lol This is a forum, your not above me or anyone else, you might be suprised what I do, have seen and deal with day to day. I'd suggest you get off your tower because nothing you say on this subject or set of events impresses anyone. Stories like this should be kept to Mcdonalds car parks because the only people impressed by these things are people like yourself. Maybe one day you might wake up and join the rest of the civilized world, or get a track membership and get it out of your system where innocent parties are not forced into your thrill seeking games? Noob or no noob, thank Christ the other "big posters" are are grounded!
  14. And there you go again!! Your the one bringing it all up you muppet! Christ your enough to give a person haemorrhoids!
  15. Yes your original post was cops don't have a sense of humour, but what you clearly fail to grasp was the fact that the other 3/4 of your post is actually you projecting yourself as a complete tool. I may be a noob here, so what. Does that mean we don't qualify to comment!? Everyone Reading your thread thinks the same thing, are you that stupid that you think everyone reading this is not "getting" your story? It's not funny. it's not impressing anyone, and your replies just confirm what people think....... I'll be happy to confirm that your a lethal, dangerous thoughtless helmet. But hey, as you said, what do noobs know anyway?
  16. Who cares how much money you have or have given to charity? Next time your out using public roads as your own personal race track and kill someone with your "two foot" braking method, you can always have a clear concience sat in court with the thought you give money to charity can't you Mean while the famlies of those effected by your reckless driving will also be put at ease by your donations while they organise funerals. The only saving grace will be that they will know that every night you spend inside will be you getting your ring piece stretched beyond all recognition by some hairy arsed inmate who keeps calling you lucy. Remember YOUR the one who gushed about huge fines, baited the police, and spat on about a 996, mini's and turbos. Next time do us all a favour and ask mummy to put on the "adult" filters on the computer to save us all Reading your utter garbage. "son"
  17. BS you DO feel your above the law just re-read your original post again! If some fool here in the UK drove the way you drive anywhere near me or my family, you better pray I don't catch you at the lights! You better pray your outside a hospital because I would park that car of yours so far up your rear, it would be a classic by the time a surgeon figures out how to remove it.
  18. I read 1/3rd of your story and you bored me. Your basically bragging, acting up, and I can totally sympathize with the poor fella above, Stilty may your mother RIP buddy. As for the OP, I can sum you up in 4 letters. C.O.C.K
  19. Cht, I will post up all the details in the next 24hrs, am on nights now and don't have all my info with me mate.
  20. Apology accepted mate. Maybe your right, but did you get my PM? Did yours have all those problems? One or two problems yes.....5-6 fairly big problems .......I'd say thats not really good, I totally see your point, really I do......but I was told by the top quality seller....who I trusted, that this watch was the best I could get, had perfect this, perfect that, just like the real jobby, waterproof, checked and checked again.....each screw removed and replaced crystal checked, bezel and new watchmakers pearl...., blaa blaa.... you can see that with a pitch like that I felt pretty comfortable handing over $500......... You can imagine how I felt when had it in my hand less than an hour and things were going very wrong. I'm told he will get back to me and make things right......I'm still waiting....but this comment alone would suggest that even HE regrets sending it out! Many are really happy, and thats awesome, and goes to show the bad ones are far and few between and I'm glad its not a big problem, as he is a top bloke, patient and always gave me detailed info, and I thank him for that, (Again thats a reason I bought from him) Things can get overlooked, mistakes can happen, and a process of checking can go wrong or be rushed, I know this and accept it, hence why I am light hearted about it all, I just hope I can take it off my window ledge and wear it without fear of it falling off my wrist! Thats all I was saying bud. S
  21. I really can't understand your hostility to be honest. I'm being very light hearted about this if you failed to notice that. Trolls? well seeing as I'm a paid up member and have tried my best to contribute, and started collecting... I'd have to say no. This is the rolex area, this is a replica site.......are we not free to disguss our watches? Nothing is being made up here, its all fact, and if you dont like it when people voice things which are not always positive then thats life, we buy reps, we report on the quality. Thats what this site is for.
  22. What does POLEX rhyme with? if you were in the UK then I think you might have a good word for that. I'm actually sat here laughing now........POLFY!? POLEX ROLEX......Its just missing the little bit on the R POLFY ROLEX..........LMAO........how can that be so wrong?
  23. PT uses moneygram I think too. But seeing as we are crybabies I'm not sure he would sell to us. lol
  24. LOL! Funny....... hey......I did contribute money.....I'm all paid up my man!! Oh and How hard it is to spell bloody ROLEX. POLEX? WTF if they get get it right on the face, then get it right on the back. It not rocket science is it! And some of us HAVE read ...........a LOT!!.........and when I see happy faces all over the place and other peoples watches being all tickerty boo......then it hacks me off that I paid double for a "superior version" and got a lesser watch. Thats what hacks me off. Did you see how many ref's to a watch I put in there? See.....i even think like a watch......now I'm getting ticked off so I off for a coffee in a minute. Hope thats Clarks Crystal clear with a crown on top.
  25. Looks a bit different from their original 1952 deep sea watch eh! 35789 feet waterproof.
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