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Everything posted by Oyster

  1. From photos it appears so, the thing is just better finished unlike the cartel stuff which is crude me thinks but again the CG alone worth half the price of a beginner PAM. Worth getting one but my question remains, which cases does it fit best? :g:will the crown sticks out? or fully recessed? and the lever?
  2. Are they any good?
  3. Interesting, wasn't aware that the Ti look could be further improved Here's the how to: Titanium metal's corrosion resistance is due to a stable, protective, strongly adherent oxide film. This film forms instantly when a fresh surface is exposed to air or moisture. The oxide film formed on titanium at room temperature immediately after a clean surface is exposed to air is 12-16 Angstroms thick. After 70 days it is about 50 Angstroms. It continues to grow slowly reaching a thickness of 80-90 Angstroms in 545 days and 250 Angstroms in four years. The film growth is accelerated under strongly oxidizing conditions, such as heating in air, anodic polarization in an electrolyte or exposure to oxidizing agents such as HNO3, C®O3, etc. The composition of this film varies from TiO2 at the surface to Ti2O3, to TiO at the metal interface. Oxidizing conditions promote the formation of TiO2 so that in such environments the film is primarily TiO2. This film is transparent in its normal thin configuration and not detectable by visual means. A study of the corrosion resistance of titanium is basically a study of the properties of the oxide film. The oxide film on titanium is very stable and is only attacked by a few substances, most notably, hydrofluoric acid. Titanium is capable of healing this film almost instantly in any environment where a trace of moisture or oxygen is present because of its strong affinity for oxygen.
  4. Hi P4GTR, its a Corporate Identity Editions - MILITARY - Jagdgeschwader 72 "Westfalen", Germany More info can be found on this link -> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagdgeschwader_72
  5. My 5512 is taking a break today. The Flieger taking over Cheers, Rob
  6. Alternative as in non western
  7. You know you are loved so stay strong and positive! Have you tried alternative medicine, like Chinese? Rob
  8. Any vintage Rollie is as good They are all "Oyster" anyways
  9. That's a great looking watch, wear it in good health
  10. cramour0065 => Irritating
  11. Thanks for the link. Locale is another point to factor in where almost every commercial brand names are quite well known from where I'm at. Typically a person from here would ask if its fake first before anything else.
  12. You made very good points there By-Tor. On a different note when a rep is spotted, a big fuss is guaranteed to ensued, why is that the case? It all boils down to the question of "You can't afford it" Stereotype at its best
  13. LOL On the contrary by wearing such a piece on land that is, would boast the wearer ego tremendously That aside, in the material world that we live in, watches are just another item for show and not for telling time joining other expensive toys/lifestyle the rich are accustom to, for the heck of it that's the very purpose why these establishment exist the first place.
  14. Sports for me come before watches and along the way watch as a tool became a necessity, diving for instance. What I'm trying to relate are the luxury, watch manufacturer are ingraining into our very mind, the association in other word. When both these elements are combined it is a lifestyle and by that watch manufacturer can priced their products a little higher. It is far from complementing as you mentioned unless the tool itself are utilized. Innovative diving tool watch for instance are created to serve a purpose, that is to aid the diver in time spent underwater and for the mandatory decompression before ascending safely to the surface. Now that perfectly make sense decades ago when the sub/sd & etc were used by divers be it recreational or commercial. Nowadays they are merely show pieces. Why? The cost! Now how often do you see divers dive with their JLC Master Compressor Pro Geographic? It is a master piece, yes, mechanically superior, yes but the cost of the watch rendered it a museum piece at the end of the day The depth capability is yet another joke. Again it is a triumph in innovation but with zero practicality. And I'm not saying that this is a bad thing but making loads of profit seemed to derail the very core of a tool watch and the mechanical innovations they proudly advertised.
  15. Couldn't agree less. Sad to note that its all about who has more dough and looking down on people. Such is our world. I wonder whats he'd be if he were to be striped off his possessions?
  16. Here's my 2 cents. First of all, I've only got one rep as it is my policy. Strange yes, plus I've also the same rule as some folks here to keep a total of 10 watches at most. Do I wear my rep? Absolutely! both in and outdoor. Watches are meant to be worn and tell time and I've never been asked if they are a fake. However I do tell them its a rep if they asked but oftentimes they wouldn't believe me and will ask how much I got it for. I'll smile at them and then move on to other topic of conversation Buying and wearing rep is a personal choice just like diets. Its your call. However I do dislike what the Swiss watch industry has became. 80% of all Swiss watches are powered by eta and they are priced from affordable to exorbitant. The later I find ridiculous and unworthy for what they are. It is the very notion of lifestyle that they are selling. Again, a personal choice on how you look at it. I for one are attracted to the design of the watch not the brand, hence my preference above. However at times I'm being sold on the lifestyle bit as well. Activities like, motor sports and water sports are my weaknesses. The good thing is, there are plenty of alternatives out there From where I come from buying a good piece meant buying an expensive brand irregardless of what movements the piece has. Omega, Panerai, IWC, B&R, Rolex are amongst their favorite. They simply must have them, 10+ watches are their desired goal. I must admit that they do have the dispensable income to afford such time pieces plus they do drive good cars like BMW, Porsche and the likes and living in posh areas. Now I'm not talking about car prices in the UK and USA but prices in Singapore. No problem there if they can afford them but what I dislike most are their attitude. If their friends has them, they must have them too. Well its their money... not mine Rob
  17. This Oyster. Probably switching back to the 5512 later on! Rob
  18. The date sucks.
  19. Highoeyazmuhudee, Yes it is a MBK, the dealer is based in Koh Samui, hope that rings a bell for ya! Rob
  20. Demsey, I can relate to what you've just shared with us. I'm an avid diver and a DM, and for the past decade having spent underwater I definitely felt that the rolex oyster case have a place and belong somewhere in the abyss An alien species perhaps Rob
  21. Thanks Demsey, Yes I plan to do that but only after tube/crown change Vlydog, Just the bare basic like crystal & bezel insert swap + tube & crown job. Stephane, Will leave the watch untouched until I can find someone in my area to do the mods like cg reshaping & widening of lug holes. I'm in Asia, so customs ain't my best friend For the time being, I will take more shots instead And oh, vintage lume is also part of the plan, again until I can find someone to do it here So, the journey begins...
  22. Thanks Justasgood. Totally agree on what you said. A couple more photos, in colors.
  23. Very clever description. I wonder what's next eprey indeed...
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