Indeed, the Asian "Unitas replica" movements are quite diverse...
First, the matter of whether they are 6497 or 6497-2, i.e. if they are low beat (18k beats per hour) or "high" beat (21.6k). The one in the H factory reps is low beat... Not correct as per the gen, I believe, but since the seconds hand is so small you don't notice any difference, really.
Then comes the problem of the assembly. OK the components are the same, more or less, but if the pivots are oiled correctly, if there's no dirt whatsoever in the movement, it will run better than if it's dirty, with not enough or too much oil. That depends on the factory where they were assembled, and even on the individual worker who did it. And the movements used by H factory, again are not on the good quality side of things, are not coming from Sea-Gull, the most renowned Chinese movement manufacturer.
Still, it come to the luck of the draw. You can perfectly have years of good ticking from a "bad movements", if it just happens to have no dirt where it matters and oil in right quantity. But again, the probability of having a watch DOA is higher, the probability of having the movement craping out on you in the first few weeks is higher, etc.