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Everything posted by irongambit

  1. Ahhhh....that's even easier. Obviously I didn't spend too much time paying attention in Math class. As I've grown older, I'm somewhat ashamed of what little studying I did prior to university. I'll have to read up on this Gauss.
  2. In the set of numbers, each number at the far extreme (except 100 and 50) has an inverse on the other extreme, that when added together equals 100. i.e. 1 + 99 = 100 2 + 98 = 100 etc, etc. so with 49 "pairs" of 100 + the 50 and 100 that we left out... (49 X 100) + 50 + 100 = 5050.
  3. Because they were sextuplets. Sadly, Mom suffered a nervous breakdown one year later when they began walking.
  4. I'm afraid that the chicken smiley has now taken on a meaning of its own. So now combinations of smileys now have less innoucous meanings, such as... , or and I sure don't want to see any out of you guys as that would be
  5. BTW, the answer to the plums question is zero, just like everyone thought but no one answered (i think). I've been dreaming for a few hours (but not of coqstraps).
  6. dig a hole to accumulate enough dirt to climb on top of to get out through the skylight?
  7. Would Mangria be a good drink to have while wearing a c_ckstrap? Perhaps it's a byproduct. I'm afraid that I'm regressing...
  8. Pugwash...just a warning. Be careful not to fiddle with your cockstrap too much or else you'll need LASIK too. You'll also have to edit your hand out of your on-the-wrist shots due to hairy palms.
  9. Or asking for the longest brown one he has?!?
  10. So does your wrist enjoy being swaddled by coqs? (I'm sure it's all of this is why Birdman chose to refer to them as coming from Hens )
  11. would the methane get him then?
  12. And he's humble BTW, your signature is incredible Pugwash.
  13. Just sent the cash for the white face. WU fees were $14 here in Texas, for what it's worth. I'm looking forward to it.
  14. I think this is the ultimate example of Webster defines as "irony".
  15. Since your model of energy usage is based on distance and not time, more energy would be spent running for 10 minutes, as you would have (hopefully) travelled a greater distance running for 10 minutes than walking for 10 minutes. Unless you are me...by minute five, the years of cigarettes and a diet primarily consisting of creatures that previously walked on four legs and frothy malted beverages would have caught up with me and I would be crawling the additional five minutes.
  16. I'm gonna switch to the white one because it will match my gold chains and feather earrings better. Plus 85% of my watches are black dialed. Fool.
  17. although they share the same four letters, they're all pronounce differently.
  18. I am in 100% to give Ruby a shot. I want a Black face and I am in the US. Thanks IG
  19. wild guess here...the score will be 0 - 0 before it starts?
  20. The ball would hit first in the bucket that was at 30 degrees that had no water in it, assuming that they were dropped from the same distance. Now if you were to assume that the 30 degree F bucket did have water in it, then the reverse is true, as at 30 degrees F, the water would be completely frozen, so the ball wouldn't touch the bottom of the bucket until the ice melted. Multiple answers based on multiple wording assumptions.
  21. you beat me...well done.
  22. same here...I'm in at that price for Black.
  23. just woke up... how about queue?
  24. Welcome. If it's Breitlings you're after, then I would certainly recommend either of the Bentleys (I personally prefer the 44mm GT on a nice leather strap) or almost any of the Navitimers. Just be sure to not set the date between 10:00 and 3:00 on the dial. Best bet is to set the watch to 6:00, then change the date. Enjoy this addictive hobby. IG
  25. I had it done this past Feb. and it is amazing. I had the interlase (laser cut) done on both eyes which was an extra $300 per eye. I'm now seeing 20-15 and it is amazing. I have some "halo-effect" in my left eye, but I was expecting that due to the extreme astigmatism in that eye. It's noticable if I look for it, but it's really not an issue. I can honestly say that I see better now than I could with the glasses. But like Gerco said about dry eyes, you will become dependant for some time on rewetting drops. It certainly gets better over time, but I still use Systane drops several times a day (it feels nice). The strangest thing is breaking the habit of reaching for your glasses when you wake up or pushing your glasses back up your nose. If I'm especially tired, I will still reach for the nightstand about once every couple of weeks like an idiot. I was able to get a significant discount on my procedure, but the method I was able to use is rare (and most likely only good in the US). This will be a little long, so you may want to skip if you're not interested... In early 2005, the company I worked for announced that they were selling my division off and that the sale would close in May of 2006. In the US, there is a federal medical savings program (Flexible Spending Accounts) offered by most employers that allows you to withhold a certain amount of money from your paycheck tax free to be used for medical procedures. You elect the total amount of money that you want to have withheld for this and then it is taken out in equal installments from each check throughout the year (so since I was paid biweekly, any amount I elected to have withheld would be divided by 26 and taken out of each paycheck and put into my Medical Flexible Spending Account). The catch is that if you do not use all of the money that you have withheld by the end of the year, you forfeit any remaining money. There is a little known inverse to that catch however, in that once you are enrolled in the program, you can go ahead and spend any money that you have elected to have withheld anytime during the program, even though you may not have already had that money taken from your checks (i.e. your account doesn't need to be fully funded yet to spend the money...they will reimburse you for the claim and then continue to pull the money out of your paycheck in the regular installments). Oh, and if you are no longer employed by the company, they can no longer take any withholdings from your paycheck, since you have no paycheck from that company!!!...I think you can see where this is going. My company allowed us to withhold up to $3,000, so when our 2006 company benefits enrollment period began, I elected to have the whole $3,000 put aside. In addition, our company offered a Vision Savings Plan for a few bucks a month, which advertised a discount (didn't say how much though) on LASIK procedures. I had already gone to the eye surgery center and already had an appointment for early Feb (had to get it done before my division was to be sold in May) so I called back asking about the Vision Savings Plan discount...the lady at the eye center said that they no longer participate in that program because it was very difficult to work with, but since I had it, she would be happy to give me a 10% discount if I was able to pay via cash or check to save on the CC fees. That seemed reasonable enough, so I accepted that discount (and didn't sign up for the VSP plan at work since the eye center wouldn't want to see my card anyway ). So let's do the math...The procedure itself was $3,600 for both eyes. Plus $600 for Interlase (the laser cutting) and another $300 for CustomVue in one eye (probably more marketing than anything else, but they claim better results due to a more customized setting...my left eye with the massive astigmatism wasn't a CustomVue candidate). So we're up to $4,500. Knock off $450 for my 10% "Vision Savings Plan" discount and we're at $4,050. I immediately submitted the claim to my Flexible Spending Account for the $3,000 I had withheld from my checks, of which since I was effectively terminated from my job in early May (due to the sale of my division), the company would only see 9 of the 26 payments of $115, which equals $1,035. So we're at $4,050 - $3,000 + $1,035 = $2,085. Oh yeah, since those Flexible Spending Account dollars are tax free and I am taxed at 28%, I would only "feel" $745 of the $1,035 (since the remaining would have been taxed anyway had it not been put in the account). So in all, my total net cost of the procedure was $1,795. Certainly the best $1,795 I have EVER spent, however I would do it again at the original $4,500 if I had to...it is that worth it. Sorry for the long manifesto...but maybe someone will be able to pick up a tip along the way to save a little money. Best Regards, IG
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