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Everything posted by goodfella0406

  1. I have the NAVY as well. Would you kindly post some pics so I may see what you are referring to. Just ordered my 4th ROO Have no tyet got into the world of AR but perhaps I should?
  2. WOW! That thing is SICK. This is in the works?
  3. ON IT'S WAY! A full review and pictures to come soon....
  4. now that is a thing of beauty!
  5. I don't understand why they cant get that right. They fixed it on the Safari and Rose old. UGH So frustrating.... It is however something slight and I still may pull the trigger. I love this one. The Shaq looks good but.. Although I am a fan of the watch, I am not a fan of him.. AP should come out with a Kevin Garnett!!! I'll buy one for each wrist.
  6. and An updated SHAQ? http://www.perfect-hour.com/0130-p-7980.html
  7. Spoke to soon... http://www.luxurybazaar.com/items/itemid_9187_Royal_Oak_Offshore_Themes_SS__Silver__Hornback.html
  8. 2009 Silver Theme Edition http://www.perfect-hour.com/aap10038-royal-chronograph-ssle-whtblk-a7750-sec12-p-7981.html Can't find a GEN pic on Luxury Bizarre. Anyone familiar with this model? Also, are we thinking the Black Hornback is crap?
  9. With my morning coffee I look forward to signing on and seeing what news is to be found on here. Ahh the Bumble case is a mess or someone modded this or someone tried this particular strap. I love it. This place is great! Lately there hasn't been anything really exciting. A new model, something to get pumped about. That said. I am having a really hard time deciding what my Xmass present to myself will be this year. Last year it was the Navy. Love it. I followed that with my black rubber clad and then after an exhausted search and research. the updated rose gold rubber clad. I rotate them all throughout the week. It's pretty awesome and I love all three. But it's time...... But what to get? Nothing new, nothing exciting. there is the Sachin that always caught my eye, but the serial number is a mess for me. there is the Las Vegas that Theo says he likes very much. Have you seen the pics on perfect clone? It looks awful.. Take a look at the pics on Luxury Bizarre, it's amazing! I wish they had something new in store for us. It seems whatever is new needs to be fixed and those that can't wait buy it and then they make one or two fixes and release another.. I even found myself checking out the Deep Sea Dweller and I hate Rolex! have you seen how confusing that market is? They have like 6 versions of the same watch out there. I thought about getting the new Safari and ordering a GEN brown rubber strap, but it seems even though the creamy color is an improvement there is just to many other flaws for such a popular watch. Having said all that (anyone see Curb your enthusiasm?) What would and or are you thinking about getting? Hear of anything new in the works? If you could buy something today, what would it be? Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday spirit and has a great Xmass!
  10. I have the Navy from Josh and despite some of the minor flaws my esteemed colleague described, I love it. I rotate wearing it with my other watches so it isn't an everyday wear. The quality is fantastic, still keeps great time. The flaws are minor and the percentage of those who would know to spot them I would think is quite small (unless they are a member here) Overall it's a great piece.. I wish I could get a blue rubber strap for mine. enjoy!
  11. So happy to have read your post. My first reply/post in a thread outside of AP. I only buy from Josh and he says this is the best version out there right now. Is this the one you have? http://www.perfect-hour.com/00000000000rlsd00088-deep-dweller-asia-3135-p-7924.html This is by far the most confusing market for one watch model with so many versions.
  12. If that is not a GEN strap, please tell me where you got it because I will immediately buy the safari with the new dial!.. ps.. left you a message about a different matter hope all is well
  13. Congratulations on your purchase, I love my RG RC... I wear it often... I must however say that I agree with my esteemed colleagues that the RC should be on rubber. If you are happy with it than I say enjoy. For whatever it's worth, it may garner more attention not being on rubber and be given a second look by those who might be judging. Just my two cents. Not in any way my intention to rain on your parade Wear it well sir.
  14. I am considering a rubber strap from AP brands, I have read some posts that say they don't fit our reps snug... what are your thoughts on this
  15. To me and it is just my opinion, the best thing about these? The Box and packaging it comes in. That, I would gladly purchase..
  16. great post Theo and fantastic information. I actually was considering the navy rubber for my roo navy.... I would LOVE it if it fit. May I also ask you, what is your thoughts on a gren hornback and our rep's I have read and heard mixed things, some fit snug, some do not....
  17. Looking good my friend. Question, the GEN hornback, did you have trouble with the size? Did it fit and go on easy? Finally gave Andre the Hublot, I almost didn't want to! He loves it. Hope all is well. I will be back in Boston later this year lets get together... Josh
  18. Not at all. Really it felt like I was holding my watch. The only thing and it was VERY slight was the lume in the daylight. But it was MUCH less noticeable on the RG than it was on the silver RC on the day I ran into my friend (see earlier post) I'm considering a The Zigmeister job and it really will be undetectable.
  19. How crazy is it that we posted this same type of thread minutes apart?!!!!
  20. As many of you have read and seen my post regarding my RGRC. I thought I would do a small follow up. I was in Beverly Hills yesterday, picking up a birthday present for my girl. Some GEN Tiffany's crap. ha! Anyway, I decided to take a little walk across the cobble stone street to Westime. Of course before I walked in I made sure my sleeve was pulled down so that my Silver Rubber Clad wasn't exposed. I got my hands on the Rose Gold and although I have seen one up close and personal before I bought my rep. After having the rep for a month or so and getting pretty acquainted with it. I am even more impressed by the rep. Honestly, it is superb. There really wasn't anything that came to my attention. We are talking about a watch that lists for over 30k. I am holding it in my hand and I can not see anything that looks different (to the naked eye) from the rep I have for 568.00. Anyway, just a bit of information. hmmmmmmm, what is my next target?
  21. Congrates! Wear it well. Nice looking watch, I love the blue as well.. How do you like the strap? What are your impressions of it?
  22. I fear I have an addiction! This could get expensive!. To my tastes, I like this more than EOD.
  23. I think the thing that would really set this apart is a proper lume job. Obviously, I have heard that The Zigmeister is the best at this, yet I have been told "he doesn't like his information given out" Is his true? I would love to contact him to have this bad boy and my other rubber clad lumed I think it is really the only immediate giveaway. As I mentioned in a previous post about going to a friends house who had a GEN rubber clad on the the face was so bright.. Can anyone chime in here? I feel like a kid left out
  24. WOW! Great find my friend... They really did a great job with this one... I have to admit, it is so good that I have really been careful about when and where I wear it... Wearing (what appears to be) a 15k watch and wearing (what appears to be) a 30K WATCH! Is such a big difference!!! ha! I love it... Regardless, real, rep.. It doesn't matter it is VERY well made and just beautiful to look at..
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