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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. I sincerely hope that you're not leaving the forums Dave!! But if you are, I wish you nothing but the best!! You have been a great friend to me over the years and I'm better for having met you!! Always Gen and never Rep, you only get Gen thoughts and Gen feelings from Dave, will miss you a lot if you go man!! Sixx
  2. I think it may be because he's banned M, not sure if that is the reason, but it would make sense. Either that or one of the Admin/Mods have locked the thread? TT was saying that hes back under a new guise, LOLO's I think it is? The guy is a complete half wit! nicko, not TT!! ) Sixx
  3. They are really good quality in the 7750 version, I had one and sold it onto Dave123, that guy knows watches and he really liked it! Says a lot in my book! Sixx
  4. I have the black panda dial and it's stunning, excellent build quality straight out the box!! Maxman is right, they seem to have a hard time getting blues right on rep dials for whatever reason?! Sixx
  5. Ebel Disco bracelet and the Tag link! Sixx
  6. Hahaha, I knew I would find you in here Gran!! Tx That sounds like the Bat cycle, took a French stunt rider nearly 3 months to learn to ride it!! He can go like hell on it now right enough! Glad you liked it DB!! Sixx
  7. I'll sell you mine if you want it, have worn it 3 times I think. Just didn't 'do it' for me when I finally got my paws on one! Sixx
  8. That new Diver sounds nice D, and you can't beat an AP on shark skin!! Such an amazing skin to use for straps, I love them!! Nice collection you're growing there dude, wear them well my friend!! Sixx
  9. As my Grannie (who was also from Ayrshire) would say " You can tell it's Christmas when Woolies have their Easter eggs in!!" Sixx
  10. For over a grand I would hope so S!! Sixx
  11. Are you a star wars geek? Do you like motorcycles? Do you need something for Christmas?! Well have I got just the thing for you!! I give to you, Star Wars on bikes!! http://www.udreplicas.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61 So funny sounding! Sixx
  12. I've had one since they came out and it's running strong, I love it!! One of my go to watches!! Buy it, you won't be dissapointed! Sixx
  13. Only difference I can hear if the dial colour bud. Maybe the grey is rarer than the black?! Can't think of any other reason! Have a look at Josh or Andrews site and compare them with the ones you have linked! Sixx
  14. I'm pretty sure Dave123 had the gen of this, he would be the best to critique it!! Have fancied one of these for a good few years now, just never taken the plunge as yet! Maybe when the money situ gets better, IF!! lol Very nice pick up, wear it in good health mate!! Sixx
  15. Hey Cats, As someone who has felt the kindness of this community in the past, I know exactly how you fell my friend! The tight throat, tears sting the eyes, then you just let it go!! The people on here have kept me going, (including yourself on several occassions!) through some very tough times!! This is the best community on the web in my humble opinion, people who actually care whats behind the wristie or whats behind the avatar!! I will always be proud to be an RWGer and always will be! Sixx
  16. Usually word of mouth from some of the guys that are friendly with their dealer mate. Id they want to order something, their dealer will tell them to wait till a new version comes out, then gives details. Don't think there is any specific place or person who brings the good news though. Sixx
  17. Lol, you must have been writing that as I was writing mine Spooky!! Sixx
  18. The HBB's are really popular with football players here in the UK and around the EU. Quite a few boxers too, although the pundits tend to wear Breits exclusively. I think I would go with Dave on the Hublots, unless I know the guy is a footballer! I know a lot of rich and famous people, mainly through my days in bands and running the clubs, and only one of them own/wear an HBB and he is, yup you guessed it, a footballer!! Brains tend to be surplus to requirements in a footballer!! No musician I know wears one, a few AP's (DJ Ashba, Nikki Sixx) Breits (quite a few of them, tommy Lee, Nikki again, ) PAMs, (Michael singer from Sixx:AM is huge into them, DJ has a couple as does Nikki,) Sixx
  19. Sounds sweet bud, always love CF dials and that AR is making it really pop from what I'm told!! Wear it in good health man!! Sixx
  20. The Tag ladies Aquaracer diamond and MOP are even better, I got my mam one and my sister has the gen, I swear there is not one tell unless you know diamonds well, even then you would need a good loupe!! Sixx
  21. They are ok, I wouldn't say it was Tags best rep let alone the best there is!! Sixx
  22. Raymond Weil Nabucco, thing is a beast and stunningly well made!! Thankfully TeeJays standards in ladies is far higher given his gorgeous bride a couple of years ago!! (you owe me for getting you outta that one T!!lol) PAM reps are incredibly good OOTB, the latest ones that is. Some Breits and Tags are staggeringly good OOTB these days too! Sixx
  23. Hike is the man allll day long!! I had a feeling you would pick that up W, it's sounds beautiful!! F I need your address please bud, got a wee summit for ya! Sixx
  24. There should be a link to their website in their subforum within the Dealers section. They are a trusted dealer on this site, real good to deal with too! Sixx
  25. Some of the new Invictas sound HUGE!! As in Egi territory!! Never been a fan of them, just seen them as another 'copy artist' ,make, but I have to admit to liking the sound of a few of the new ones out. The all black diver sounds killer and at sensible money too! Nice catch bud, it sounds a real nice piece, nice sounding strap combo too!! Wear it in good health man!! Sixx
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