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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. Hmmmm, wonder what I'm wearing, STILL!!! Sixx
  2. I want one of those.com also have a phone watch, not as high tech as this one, I believe it has a number pad rather than touch screen (which is far better for me, nothing tactile on a touch screen!) http://www.iwantoneofthose.com/swap-watch/index.html (Edit) Think I may have been wrong about the touch pad, sorry about that! (Edit) As for having to always wear it, I don't agree, you can still remove the sim card and put it in a normal cell phone and wear a nice watch if you are out on an evening,parties, dinner etc. Good idea and it sounds like it's superbly made, my only gripe is that everything is now going touch screen iphone, android etc. So us blindies have nothing tactile to work around, number pads have the raised dot on the number 5 for exactly that reason, it's the centre key and you can find all numbers from there. It was originally designed by a blind engineer who figured it would be quicker to dial in the dark, especially for emergency calls, no raised dots on a touch screen. I have 'talks' software on my phone, which basically does what it says on the tin, it tells me every thing on the screen, same as my JAWS computer software, but it's very expensive. Around £200 installed into your phone and you only get one key for it, so if you lose your phoine it's another £200. JAWS is about £1200, but you get 6 keys with it, so you can install it on home, work and anyother computers you may use regularly! Link for the IWOOT version, the sWap watch. The Nokia N8 has come on leaps and bounds with speach to text software, I can tell mine to do pretty much anything and it does it, with out the aid of talks. BUT, there is always a but, because it's touch screen and if you're in my position, you have to speak your texts messages into the phone, which kinda defeats the purpose of texts privacy. Ok, rant/lesson over now! lol. Sorry about that, had to get it out. I really do think this is a great and viable option for all, especially with the bluetooth technology on it. We have the thread for the nano watch in here, but you still have to have wired headphones, with this watch/phone, you can use your bluetooth headset to listen to music. Pretty much all phones now come with a pretty decent MP3 player built in and the memory of phones is getting larger all the time, my N8 has 32gig and my N97 has 48gig. I have a LOT of music, but it's tough to fill that much space for anyone! I know Wheaton was looking for a viable bluetooth option, this could be it mate!! Again, sorry for wandering off topic a bit there, but wanted to show the differences that people take for granted and to show that this really can be a viable option. Ztech, I think carriers for this phone will come forward once they have been able to fully test it, so the price will plummet as soon as they do! Sixx
  3. You wanna meet her father!! I had the joy of working with him as a session drummer, the guy is one of THE biggest arseholes I have ever met in the music biz and I've met plenty of them!! Did you try Rome yet M, or have you already seen it? The movie Eagle, posted above I think, is real good too. Again way too visual for me, but sounded great!! Sixx
  4. I'm gonna send it anyways B, and the other thing we spoke about, think I found a winner!! Sixx
  5. Josh's dumb log on first screen on his site is a huge PITA!! Like his site isn't slow enough already, well it's slow for good reason, but still, that log on function doesn't make it any easier!! Sixx
  6. It sounds great Andy, the shape sounds perfect. I always used to find square tables when working were a real pain as sometimes you need your hands at different levels. With your table box you can easily have one arm and hand on the box with the other elbow/bicep area off the side but still have the solid base you need to keep your hand steady! Top work I say, on both yourself and Reds part!! Drawers are nicely out of the way too, so you don't run the risk of catching a cuff or hand on the handle and pulling it out spilling everything, ie, wee nadgery bits and buggers, all over the floor! Well thought out and made. Well done guys, top work!! Sixx
  7. Great to hear you back on Pete!! My new baby today, I think it will be on for a while yet!! Huge thanks to Maxman for helping me out with this one!! Sixx
  8. I think they are 20mm mate if I remember rightly. Easiest way to tell is to take the one thats not bent out and lay it next to a ruler or measuring tape. Sixx
  9. Fakey!!! Where have you been man?!? Great to hear you back on! Sixx
  10. If they ever rep this baby, then it's gotta be on the list!! I would give my left nut for one of these, maybe even both!! It sounds incredible, prolly my all time favourite watch just got Sixxed up!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RAYMOND-WEIL-Nabucco-Rivoluzione-7810-BSF-05207-NEW-/280574457238?pt=UK_Jewelery_Watches_Watches_MensWatches_GL&hash=item41538a7596 Sixx
  11. I wouldn't mind getting your thoughts on the new blue dilled BlackBird. Would be cool if they finally got a blue one right! Have you seen any of the newer Tags, build on them is amazing, well the one's I've felt anyways. I'm hoping Josh is going to pick up the Tag Aquaracer 500 Chrono, sounds like a great piece. Or the DLC 500m, not sure if they are going to properly rep that one yet though. There have been a few very poor fantasy attempts at it, but a good swiss one would be great, sounds stunning! Don't think anyone has reviewed any of the new 7753 PAMs yet, I don't go in the pam section much, but they sound killer! Your new rep is winging it's way to you as we speak, well type anyways!! Sixx
  12. No love for the older AP's?! Shame. Sixx
  13. It's the 7750 I think Plai, I answered Nig in the general forum, there is a post there too. But I can't remember how the day/date runs and on which gear. I was hoping Francisco would maybe spy it and jump in, my memory is getting terrible! Sixx
  14. I kinda thought that too, but there is certainly a wee bit of wiggle room on it. Thanks Andreww, always great to have your slant on things!! Sixx
  15. Hahaha, he hasn't been for ages! I miss getting into it with him, he was always fun!! It's yours man, ready to be shipped to my 2nd home country! Sixx
  16. If you play a Taka Plai, then you don't mess around!! My Pop plays and he has one, I remember he saved up for so long to be able to afford one, we didn't have much when we were young. But he still has it to this day and it gets better and better each time he plays it!! ST4, that was funny dude, one of my cats just shit and ran cause I burst out laughing when I heard it!! Bit Eddi Izzard in there me thinks!! Sixx
  17. A bit late to this one, sorry Andy, I must have missed while going down the page!! Congrats on 10k, that's a whole lot of typing mate!! And I'll bet good money on at least half of them were helping others, I know you have helped me plenty in the past!! It's been a pleasure getting to know you and your super hot bike, here's to 10k more in the future. You are a main stay here now man, that in box of yours is gonna be full for a good while longer me thinks!! Sixx
  18. There are some jap quartz versions of the chrono going about just now, hopefully that means they are trying out for a solid 7750 version! I really hope they don't mess this one up, it could be such a killer rep!! Sixx
  19. I think the fact that it has effected you so much shows the dedication and care you have to your work! I would be more worried if it didn't effect you bud!! As has been said above, life is strange indeed. There is a saying in the North of England, "There's nowt as queer as folks" Basically translated to, there is nothing stranger on this planet than human beings and the way their minds work!! It's good to feel for people in this situation, but in your line of work, as you said yourself, it happens. The fact you aren't jaded to it is a testament to you as a proffessional, I'm sure further down the line it won't effect you as much, this one being the first will always hurt and you will always remember, but just make sure you don't get so jaded or used to it that you brush it off as just another one! But from your post, I don't think thats something you would ever do! I hope it gets easier for you man! Sixx
  20. Hahahaha, it's good to have you back man!! I've had no one to play with for months!! Even Fakey doesn't come and play anymore! I miss Fakey! Sixx
  21. I might well do actually bud, let me have a rummage around and see whats there! Sixx
  22. I think Hackr has one Dave, I might be wrong, he keeps buggering about with all his 'Lings!! Thats gonna be sweet man, I PM'd you about the other bits you needed! Sixx
  23. On your wrist usually you big tart!! Sixx
  24. Anything for the V man!! Sixx
  25. Hey guys, Sorry this has taken so long to get done and also sorry for the quality of the pics. My hand is still a bit shaky from being in hospital, so this is the best I can do for now. They aren't super macro shots or any of the cool pics most guys put up, but I tried my best. Again, just trying to get a bit more info on these, especially the Millenary as I've never known another one on the boards! Hope you enjoy! Sixx
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