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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. Fools and Horses, that bar sketch when DelBoy is acting all cool with his Ferarri key ring and tells Trigger to play it cool while going to lean on the bar and going clean through the hatch!! Classic Or probably one of TV's funniest moments, the batman scene!! M&W are legends and always will be! I think they are a brand of humour that will translate to anywhere in the world!! Sixx
  2. You arrived the day before me!! Been great having you around and great having you as a friend!! Sixx
  3. Nice catch Seafoam, sounds really nice!! I always think there is something much classier about a tri-compax chrono against the 12,9,6 config!! Wear it well mate!! Sixx
  4. Both are very good reps and extremely well made!! Personally I prefer the new 43mm Day/Date, but I also own the the first one. PT's email should be in his section of the dealers forum. Not sure about his site though. Sixx
  5. Hi Aims, Go to his part of the dealer section and you should find his email address or his site address which, I would imagine, will have his email on it. Most dealers prefer email as they work across a nimber of different forums! Sixx
  6. I wish they bloody would grow on me!! These buggers are costing me a fortune!! Sixx
  7. Apologies gents, I'm not too up on SMP's so wasn't aware this was available for almost half the price!! Thanks for correcting L!! Sixx
  8. Seems you have made a 'splash' already Jesse!! Look forward to your convo's with Big Minty Bear up there!! If they infact happen at all!! or do they?! Sixx
  9. I'm guessing it went to Heathrow and cleared customs there? If so then you are prolly going to have a good wait on your hands, the back log at Heathrow is insane right now, also they aren't going to be prioritising mail planes over passenger planes after the kicking they have taken in the world wide press!! Think you're going to have to do what the guys above say and just try be patient! I know it's easy for us to say as it's not our watch, but we have all been in this position at least once in our time here! Pete is right, even if it doesn't turn up, she will defo make it right for you!! I'm with Pete in wondering how you got the info that the package never even left China?! Did you speak to someone in the delivery company?! Sixx
  10. The Calibre 36 and the 17 are both fantastic watches!! I own both, got the 17 in SS with black dial and the all black DLC one. The 36 is SS with the black dial. The build quality and finish on them is superb, the factories are really pulling out the stops on the Tags lately! The new Aquaracer is an amazing piece too! Well worth thinking about as your next potential purchase!! A couple of wee pics! Sixx
  11. A bit more details would be really helpful mate! Like the questions asked above, in what way has he stolen them, refusing to hand back, ignoring your comms?! If you know where he lives, sometimes the only recourse is to go back to the house with a couple of large friends and politely ask for them back, while showing that things could get very unpolite very quickly if he keeps trying to rip you! But I think you need to fill us in on more detail before we can get any real help for you man! But good luck either way!! Sixx
  12. I've had the pleasure of purchasing some of that list, the Longines just arrived this week actually, what an incredible piece that is!! The build quality and finish on it is fantastic!! Always get an amazing deal with Mr.123, always a pleasure!! What was the gen Tag? I must have missed that one?! Sixx
  13. Lol, yeah the blue on this is apparently shocking, I the newer updated version is a better shade, but still wrong! lol. Might be a good candidate for a white dial?! Tag usually have real nice whites on their dials. I love the sound of the tuxedo dial too, think I will get the better version in black and have the crystal coated, don't care that the gen doesn't have it, but why make such a nice dial then hamper it with no AR?! Sixx
  14. Yeah you are right there!! I have the blue version, inaccurate to say the least, but I'm blind so f&*k it!! lol. It's an incredibly well made piece, the SELs are fantastic, the Rolex WIS's would be creaming their pants if the factories could get the Subs end links to fit so well!! The over all construction and quality is fantastic, like I said, I can't see so my fingers are super sensitive and I can feel things on a watch that people wouldn't even see. The quality of the cases and the bracelets are getting so good these days, it's like everyday is your birthday if you're a collector with a bit of cash!! Still don't like the scamability (not a word I know, but I'm having it!! lol) of the clone movement though, but like you say, it's great news for us!! Sixx
  15. There is a Monaco for sale in the Gen section, an absolute icon of a watch which has never been replicated worth a crap!! Seller is a fantastic guy too and it is mint!! Also, came across this on my travels around the forum, it's brand new and I don't think this one is repped, correct me if I'm wrong please guys! http://www.rwgforum.com/topic/111866-gen-omega-speedmater-limited-edition/http://www.rwgforum.com/topic/111866-gen-omega-speedmater-limited-edition/ Big Minty Bears Doxa suggestion is a great one too, Doxa's are THE sex!! Sixx
  16. Apologies Kesha, it was Sanders that I meant to type, but had just been on a thread that Siesta had written in and had his name in my head!! Sanders might be able to give you some pointers, he's a great guy. Or you could try speaking to Domi or Francisco, both are superb watch makers/menders/masters/whatever they are called! Mickey up there has a lot of work done by Domi in his collection, I'm sure he would say exactly the same! Sixx
  17. I think it's mainly for asthetics sake to be honest, means someone can say "oh yes it's real, look, here is the movement, see? It's the same!!" Other than that, I don't honestly know, will take one of the watch masters on the board to do a tear down review of the movement to see if there is any other advantage other than being able to say, it looks the same!! Bit dicey on the scam front in my opinion also, most guys can tell the difference between movements by looking at them, this will open a fairly large door for people not in the know to get ripped off on the Bay etc! Sixx
  18. Josh ships from inside the EU also, for a small extra fee. He uses an agent in the UK and then ships onto the buyer inside the EU. PT is also very good, as stated above, I think he is in the UK also. Will be worth your while having a look through the different dealers and their reviews in the dealers section on the Forums main page. You will find reviews of service to the EU from many members for each dealer. I know Germany is tough to get reps through, especially from China, I've played go between for a few of my friends there for this exact reason! Hope you can find a dealer you can work with mate!! Sixx
  19. Can you not swap the dial and movement into your MBW case from the secs@12 model? I'm not sure if there is a difference in height between the cases though?! Siesta is your man for this kind of question, the man is an absolute genius with AP ROO's!! Sixx
  20. I don't mind in the slightest my friend! The more people know the easier it is for them to understand I think! Any questions will be answered in full and probably rather self deprocating! Yes I'm completely blind, also known as 100% blind or just plain can't see shit!! lol. I don't get any light, shade, nothing, just black. I only lost my sight about 2 and a half years ago, so I still remember a lot of the watches that were coming out back then, a lot of those models are the one that are currently going through their 4th or 5th rep versions, so I still have a good picture in my mind of what they are like. I also have some amazing friends on here who take time out of their lives to help me out with descriptions of certain pieces I like the sound of, or if something new comes out that they think I will like they will link it for me so I can listen to the text and they give me a description of th piece. My father is also big into watches and is also a member on here, he's a massive help and support to me also! As to th bracelet, I've never felt a 'cartel' bracelet for comparison, but the MBW one feels nice and smooth. I tend to clean and oil my bracelets and try round out the edges a bit, a lot of the newer reps coming out have really well made bracelets, but the finish on them isn't great, so I think I know what you mean by the sharp edges and sometimes uncomfy on the wrists. This certainly doesn't have that, I don't think it's through wear either because the watch is in mint condition, just that care and pride in what they made back in the day! Sixx
  21. Hahahahahaha, yeah I did leave out that we had to check if there were any dregs left at the bottom before the header back!! Mainly my era too, I was always a punk/glam kid, still am, never had any bother at the football looking like a big jessie though! Sixx
  22. Lol, you were lucky you got the chance to avoid it!! I'm from Scotland remember, we are expected to head it back the way it came!! lol. You can't beat some of the late 70's early 80's UK punk. I used to run a club up here and had a series of the old punk bands in, bands were great, but my club was almost destroyed!! Sixx
  23. The Ebel collection is REALLY nice! There is a wide choice of styles, doesn't have to be sports chrono, they do some great pieces for great prices!! Maybe a Tag, real good prices going on a lot of them right now, same with the Omegas!! Sixx
  24. Sometimes the pics can make the watch look a lot nicer but it may still be more inaccurate than another version of that model! Unfortunately I can't see, so I can't tell which models are in the pics you linked too. I believe it's a gold watch you are after? If your good lady likes shiny silver, there is a gorgeous white dialled version in the sales forum right now. Comes with a custom made strap and a SS bracelet!! Sixx
  25. I don't mate no, they drive me insane!! They are a pain in the arse to use, unless you get a 'digi' one, ie, one that has a braille display like a digital watch. No soul!! I have a talking watch, but only really keep it by my bed so I know what time it is if I wake up through the night. Normally I use my phone, I have speech software on it that lets me control it, similer to the way I use JAWS on the computer. I've just been so into watches since I can remember that it feels really unnatural to not have one on my wrist. I always get a feeling that something isn't quite right, slightly off balance feeling! One of the bigger brands tried to do a watch for the blind, well not for us actually for pilots, but we stole em!! I'm more than happy with my reps and the few gens I've collected over the years, until Breitling, Omega, Tag et al come out with something worthwhile for us blindies, I'm sticking with my babies!! It is something that's commented on a lot though, not just in here, well not so much anymore since most people know, but in real life. People see my watch and say "I thought you said you were blind, why are you wearing a watch?!" Man that bugs me! If they would only show some manners and say something like "really, but you still wear a watch, is a sentimental thing?" Then I would be happy to get into a conversation about it. Ignorance in general annoys the hell out of me, but the ignorance some people show to disabled people is shocking! I'm also in a wheelchair (yeah, got all the lucky charms over here!! lol) you would be alarmed at the amount of people that bend down and raise their voice to speak to me, then proceed to talk to me like I was a child!! For those of you who have never seen me, I pretty much look like my avatar, I'm sure you can imagine the reponse they get!! lol. Sorry for the ramble and rant, we miss out on a lot of things in this world, so being treated like a retard by a complete stranger can annoy sometimes!! Thank you for asking Sql, not many people ask, they just accuse! Sixx Sixx
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