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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. I'm going with my Blackbard Blacksteel today!! Sixx
  2. I have a blue dialed version of the one in your pic. There aren't many around that's for sure!! Sixx
  3. hackR, you took the words right out of my mouth!! I've been hunting for this piece for ages now, even went so far as to almost buy the gen from ebay! But I managed to control my rampant 'must have' need and I'm hoping that one will show up somewhere!! Everybody is sounding sharp today, wear them well gents!! Sixx
  4. I'm going for my Ziggy relumed Tag Link with Chief AR Today!! Sixx
  5. both watch and inspiration from Bike Mike!! Sixx
  6. WOW, some stunning sounding pieces in here!! I would give anything to be able to see them!! Since I have been thrown to the lions by Bike Mike, I'll do my best to get some pics for you guys, I'll do my best to keep cats and furniture out and the watch within the frame!! Great idea R, think this one could roll and roll, maybe even a call for a sticky on this?! Sixx
  7. You and a good few of us on here bud!! I know several of us off the top of my head that would sell their Granny to get one!! Best thing to do is buy a nice Lamania hand wound model and pay $108 for the caseback you want. Prolly cheaper than buying a caseback alone! Sixx
  8. Ken will get back to you Kamber, he is defo your best bet for what you're after!! Sixx
  9. Hey Newbie, my pleasure mate, we all need help from time to time, that's why this place is so good!! The Carrera I was talking about is the same as this one, , except that it's slightly smaller and thinner and has closed caseback. But looks exactly the same as the one on the sales thread linked. Sixx
  10. Newbie, there is a Carrera Chrono that is quartz, nice looking piece, real accurate and only about 41-2mm if I remember rightly. Also the Tag F1 quartz is stunning, pretty much perfect to the gen other than a colour code number on the caseback and comes in at 40mm. It also uses the same Swiss quartz movement as the gen, even down to the same battery!! I have both if you're interested? Also, Fakeys Cartier suggestion is very good, the pasha Seatimer is 40mm and real close to the gen. But that is an asian 21j auto. Still I'm sure WatchEden or TimeShops would do quartz versions of them. Just don't expect anywhere near the quality of the auto's or the Tag's. Sixx
  11. Man I so love the Memovox!! I was thinking of picking up a Gen from a guy I know on the Bay, but just too pricey right now!! Today I'm going with Breit and an oldschool chrono avenger. Sixx
  12. For me today, PAM came out to play!! Sixx
  13. Top point FF, I do the same with all my bracelets too. I use a chain cleaning spray (bike chain of course! ) Let it soak for a bit then wash off, to be honest this usually does the trick as the spray has a mild lube in it for bike chains. But if it still feels a bit squeeky and 'bitty' I use a dry chain lube, all links are then buttery smooth AND clean!! Bikes are just the best, so many uses for it's products!! And you get to blast
  14. I'm told one is a Daytona, is that correct? If it is, it's likely to be the secs@6 model. That movement is well known for breaking down and generally not bein a very happy watch movement!! Not sure what the other one is, but it will likely have one of the myriad probs that gos with the a7750! Where are you located? There are some really top quality watchsmith's on the board, Zigmiester is in North America and Domi60 is in the EU. Zig is quite probably one of THE best watchsmith's around and from what I'm told, Domi isn't all that far behind him! Both are on the boards, although I think Zig may be on vacation/family time right now. Sixx
  15. Get well soon Andy!! I've been in hospital more than most and it BLOWS!!! So do as they tell you and get the hell outta there!! Sixx
  16. Try Bergies, his forum is in the dealer section! Customer service is fantastic and he carries the best goods there is!! Sixx
  17. I got one of these in quartz when they first came out. Have been waiting for this release for ages it seems!! Really glad you like it SQL, it's made my mind up for sure!! Would you mind saying who you got it from? Sixx
  18. I don't mind a scratch or 2 Lani, gives it that lived in look!! lol If you could have a look for me that would be great, thanks!! I'm really loving Omega at the moment, I'm more of a Breit and Tag kinda guy, but these Omegas have gotten me hooked!! They are mega comfy and don't take over your entire forearm even though they are nearly 46mm!! Thanks again R! Sixx
  19. Yeah it should fit no problem, it's the proper Tag F1 strap. Sixx
  20. Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone out there has a spare 45.5mm UPO bezel in black and white I could buy? I have managed to lose the pearl on mine and it's not quite lined up properly, probably my biggest bugbear is unaligned bezel markers to dial markers!! I know I can't see them, but I know it's off by feel straight away and I hate it!! So, if anyone could help me out it would be very much appreciated!! Thanks Edit: Sorry guys,just to be clear, it's the bezel insert I need, not the whole bezel!! Sorry thought I had put that in!! Sixx
  21. The crown is quite wobbly on mine too, come to think on it, so are a few of my Tags!! I was lucky enough to snag mine from a fellow member on here for a steal!! I would guess the work, all in, cost him the better part of $300. But the watch looks as gen as you can get with those mods!! Sixx
  22. I'm fixing the same model with the same problem right now!! First off, make sure it's not just come unscrewed from the stem, take the stem out and try to rescrew the crown back onto it. If no joy there, the chances are that you will need either a new crown or stem or both! Is there still thread on the stem part? They can snap off inside the crown if you screw the crown in too tight when you adjust the time. Look for those first, then we can see where you are from there? Sixx
  23. Throw up a picture or 2 bud, might jolt someones mind a bit!! What Calibre is it? I might actually have one and can tell you what you need to know. Sixx
  24. You have taken out 4 links and it still doesn't fit?!? Blimey!! Erm, I could trade you for a nice racer strap, perforated leather with red stitch or I have the F1 rubber strap with tang buckle. Sixx
  25. I don't think there is any call to be PMing Admin for 1 watch!! I know it's not mine so easy to say, but 1 watch from countless isn't something you PM him about I wouldn't have thought?! I totally agree that service like you got is not on at all, there is a lot to be said for the smaller dealers, I've never personaly had any issues with this 'camp' but I guess a good few do. Also the amount of people in the last 2-3 years that are getting into reps has rocketed, look how many members we now have, the amount that the Geeks and RWI have!? There are thousands of people into this now, some dip in for one watch and are gone, others like us, stay for the duration. Thats an awful lot of watches going out the door!! It's inevitable that these things will happen, it's rotten when it does, I've had it same as most have, but it will keep happening unless they employ legions of QC inspectors and that just isn't going to happen!! The least they can do when they realise that it's a valued customer who has already bought a lot from them, is to send a replacement with apologies!! Hope your Airfix kit is up and looking good soon bud!! Sixx
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