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Everything posted by nikki6

  1. Put your AV into learning mode BT. It will learn the files and programes that you run and will stop the bogus shouts. Just press ignore on that one and it shouldn't come up anymore. Sixx
  2. Hey Col, haven't spoken to you in ages mate!! Hope you're well!! Having never seen the AR on my rep I can't say for sure, but the people who know about this stuff and have seen my Ebel have all commented on the way the dial 'pops'. I'm guessing for rep ar it's pretty stunning. But as has been said, you can't beat a bit of Chiefy love!!! Sixx
  3. Oh that stung coming out didn't it Sox?!? lol. I feel the same way when I'm forced to agree with Dave123 (thankfully only happened once, but man it stung!!) and even more so with Fakey, that really sticks in my craw when I have to agree with him!! As to the matter at hand, the HBB king is a bit of a silly watch to be honest the smaller Big Bangs are far more everyday. Have to agree with the majority though, the Ingy wins hands down every time! Sixx
  4. Not at all, I still do dumb things all the time!! I have the exact same watch and you're right, it's going to be a keeper for a good while!! I love mine, they just feel perfect on, good size but doesn't take over your arm like some other big chronos do! I'm sending mine, along with a few others, to Bricolli (Domi) next month after his vacation. Have only heard great things about him and,mine like yours, is going to be a keeper so I would rather get it serviced now rather than wait till it's internals are in tatters!! He charges 90euros for a chrono full service plus parts if needed. Can't argue with that at all and his modding skills seem to be top notch!! Unfortunately we all can't fly our watches to The Zig or the the poor guy would be found under a pile of A7750 reps, but in Bricolli (I think thats how it's spelt?!) we have a pretty good substitute in my mind!! Sixx
  5. Hey PVD, I can't actually see it mate, I have someone describing it too me. I just can't believe they keep making the same mistakes time and again!! So fugly? I don't know, but it sure has a mess of mistakes on it thats for sure!! There was another new Monaco coming out that had the board pretty devided as to the looks of it. They angled the square face, if that makes sense, basically, from what I can make out, it sounded like they kinda squished the face a bit to give it a more futuristic look I guess? Sixx
  6. Yeah cause there isn't enough PAM reps on the market already, what are they thinking of when they could be putting out another identical watch to the other 300!?!?! I'm told the colours are a good bit off, or on depending on how you look at it, the rep sounds to have the Gulf colours which I'm led to believe this was supposed to have as gen, but the polished SS compared to the black case is a huge mistake!! Really good to see them trying to get a proper Monaco out there though!! Edit: My reader just picked up on your 2nd edit there By-Tor, so the case colour isn't the only big mistake then huh?!? lol Sixx
  7. You can get some really good money for the 35th range bud!! Infact you can get pretty good money for a lot of the addidas ranges, the full and half shell toes go pretty well and the old Stan Smith models go for good money too. My advice would be to pick out the ones you really like and would want to keep or wear and take the cash on the others while it's offered!! I have a massive basketball shoe and driving boot collection, must have close to 100 pairs now. Sixx
  8. Good shout Dog, sorry guys, never heard the neg feedback he had been given. Domi in Germany is very good, I spoke to him before he went on vacation about sending a few pieces his way. It looks like he is going to be our best bet for a good while, or until FXRAndy finishes his training!! Sixx
  9. HA, found the bugger!! No offense Michael!! Here you go mate, link to his intro onto the board! Think this guy could be pretty busy if he is as good as it seems!! http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=87402 Sixx
  10. There is a new guy in the UK, I seen a thread about him just the other week. He used to work as a watchmaker for Omega, then went solo. His CV sounds pretty impressive. I'm buggered if I can remember his name right now though. Try searching for it, it wasn't all that long ago, both Ken and I think Offshore both were happy with him being on the board, but were not endorsing him!! *important point*. Man I wish I could remember his name, I'll have a shufty around and see if I can dig the thread up again for you bud! Sixx
  11. Lol, nice. It was Narikaa that said "girlfriends come and go but good reps are hard to find!!" Spend more time getting those girls dude!! Sixx
  12. Very nice choice bud, I bought one for me and one for my father with the black dial. They are great watches!! Wear in health and happyness man! Sixx
  13. Nice, you went for the blue, very nice choice!! Been described to me in detail and it's as stunning as I expected!! I must have missed the final picture going up, but thank you very much for this one!! I so wish it's new home was my watch box!! It's a stunner! Sixx
  14. Holy sh1t Rolli, calm down!! As Zig says it's just a PVD coating!! He didn't say he had your mamas special spaghetti sauce!! From what I'm told it looks awesome Zig and I'm certainly not going to doubt you or your source!! Your name speaks for itself in my opinion! Just as an aside, what happened to that wicked cool stealth number you built ? It was near the begining of the year Ithink it was. We all had a discussion about touching colour onto the tips of seconds hands etc. That was an amazing sounding watch, would love to know how it turned out!! Sixx
  15. From the description I have been given I would say it's an xray of your PAM?? Sixx
  16. Yodap, you REALLY need to find a girl dude!!! lol Nice wee side by side by the way, good work. NOW GO FIND A GIRL!!! Sixx
  17. Lol, you just can't help yourself with the wee UTC modules can you?!? Sounds very cool man, wear in great health! Sixx
  18. I'm with Hackr, hats doffed to you both!! I have been the recipient of this communities generosity and it's 'one for all, all for one' ethos!! It's a great place to be! Sixx
  19. Docs say it's too early to say what caused MJ's death. They don't blame it on the sunshine, or blame it on the moonlight. They don't blame it on the goodtimes BUT the Boogie has some serious explaining to do!! Yeah he was an Icon blah blah. He was an immense talent, agreed, blah blah. Bottom line is, he was a guy, nothing more, he didn't walk on water, although he did make apretty good pretense of it!! He didn't heal the sick, he was a guy! He was quite probably also a pheadophile, but we are supposed to let that slide now that he has gone. Don't speak ill of the dead and all that, F*uck that! My best mate was killed 2 years ago while racing, not a word on the news, a tiny bit in a newspaper and some bits in the Motorcycle press. What makes him any different! ? The Press will have a field day with this, will uncover all his secrets and untold stories, I really could care less. He was a guy! He was no better than me or any one of us! Sixx Edit: DAMN YOU CT!!!!
  20. Go to the dealer section and look for Narikaa, he has THE best budge watches out there!! Just have a look at the monster thread created by Hackr about his Narikaa PO!! There is nobody better and his sales and after sales are fantastic! Sixx
  21. Have you asked PTW why you received this email from a different address? If anyone should know the answer, I'm guessing it's them! Hope all comes out well for you mate! Sixx
  22. Hey, no fair I wasn't looking!! Wait, erm, ahhh, ok I got nothin! Sixx
  23. Intigrated cards aren't the best on any machine, they tend to be just stock low end GPU's because they are cheap and of course, you wouldn't be able to integrate somethin the size of the 8800 on a mother board and have room left for the important stuff!! It's like everything else in the markets today, be PC's, cars, motorcycles, watches, the after market parts industry thrives on 'upgrading' from your stock "insert product of choice here". The aftersales market is massive and it pays back to the main Industry by ways of the original maker normally having a working relationship with the aftersales company. As long as this market is alive, and trust me, it will never die. Your 'stock' machine of choice will never be 'as good' as it could be!! It's kind of like us on here, asking why the factories make stupid mistakes or miss something we feel is really important, so we go find better parts, better dials, hands, movements. And so the wheel keeps turning. There will NEVER be a 'perfect' product as there will always be someone who wants, bigger, better, faster and louder!! Glad you got fixed By-Tor, enjoy the Baseball, game of champions it is!! Sixx
  24. I was just about to post that Zig and OS will love this link, but they beat me to it!! lol Thanks man, couldn't see the pics but the descriptions were real good, very nice find!! Sixx
  25. Lol, no one who has gone down the road on their arse would ever ask a question like that!! ( that wasn't a dig or disrespect by the way!! It's just a bike thing!!) I've had 3 pretty bad crashes on bikes, the last one broke my back in 2 places, being snapped in half backwards through a car! First one was a slide that took me about 100 yards up the road on my butt!! Oddlly enough my watch helped part of that slide also, but I had real good race gloves on so it didn't wear through to the watch, but kept my writ from friction burns! Any help while going down the road, feverishly trying to learn levitation in micro seconds because your arse is onfire, is always greatfully received!! Dude I'm glad it helped in your crash and also that you got it back to looking as awesome as it does!! Good also to see more of Domi's work coming out and onto the forum!! Sixx
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