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Everything posted by jkerouac

  1. My wife has told me a number of times, "Do not buy me a watch!" because she feels that she has enough (three) already. But if I did, I think it would have to be that Pasha. Subfrog and his wife have great taste.
  2. That case back is worth the price of admission.
  3. Why do cats terrorize people? The answer can now be told: Sieg kitty!
  4. You are all over analyzing this question. Here is the absolute, final answer to "What is a reasonably-sized rep collection?" One more than you currently have! By the way, I have 10 watches in my regular rotation, and a few more outside of that rotation.
  5. I've been thinking of getting a gen Breitling strap for my Evo. If or when I do, I would certainly not wear it into the store. Instead, I would simply tell them it is a gift for my brother or dad.
  6. I'll try to join in before tipoff on Thursday. This hasn't been a particularly interesting basketball year for me -- no Boston College, no Illinois (my alma maters) and no hometown team (U of Washington), so my prejudices will tend toward academically strong teams, such as Stanford, Georgetown, and Vanderbilt, west coast teams such as UCLA and USC, and a few other nostalgic choices such as Notre Dame (I grew up a few miles from the campus). Otherwise, I'll root against North Carolina and Duke and probably Kansas, Louisville, and Memphis as well. Of course by Final Four weekend I will probably be completely zoned in. Cheers.
  7. I can only imagine Andrew, Joshua, King, etc. quaking in their boots that we would discover a resource like this. I can't recall when I've seen a Web site with so many unique watch designs. Thanks for sharing.
  8. I just received an e-mail saying that my RWG subscription is about to expire and that unless I act immediately it will auto-renew. I've been thinking about the subscription renewal lately, and I was actually delighted to learn that I don't need to do anything in order for the renewal to take place. I know that many refugees from RWG 1 joined around this same time, so I expect that RWG will receive a well-earned infusion of subscription renewal money this month. Long live RWG.
  9. For his wedding, my brother wore a Cartier Roadster (gen), which I thought was a wonderfully stylish watch to pair with a tux. I wouldn't go with a large diameter watch, such as a Pam or even an IWC Jones. And the Seamaster, as beautiful as it is, remains a sport watch. Some people would suggest a small, discrete watch, such as a PP Caltrava. That's a good choice, but if you want something that stands out a bit more, The Roadster is both refined and distinctive. The other watch that strikes me as a good match is the Chanel Ceramic, particularly in black. One more option: the Omega Constellation two tone. One question: What type of group is the Blue Lodge meeting that you refer to?
  10. A few years ago I spotted posts on RWG 1 (or 2, I forget which) that led me to believe that a certain member worked in my company. Based on a dissection of his board alias, I was able to scan the company address book and identify a couple of good candidates. But the clinching clue was that this guy used the same distinctive sign-off in many of his board posts as well as in company e-mails, so I knew it had to be the same guy. One day he caught me checking him out and he confronted me ... with some agitation. After I explained our board connection, he confessed that when he noticed me checking him out he assumed I was the former boyfriend of a girl that he had just started dating. The truth, that I was an RWG member and trying to check out his watch, relieved him and we were able to share coffee and watch anecdotes a few times. He even bought one of my watches to give to his girlfriend. Note: He doesn't work there anymore, and I haven't seen him on the boards in a long time -- unless he resurfaced under a different alias, and minus his distinctive signature.
  11. As my collection has grown, service has become a greater consideration. The Zigmeister is finishing preventive service on the second 7750 that I have sent his way. At this time I have at least one more 7750 that I hope to send his way for preventive service in the next few months. The non-chrono ETAs will probably wait a few years before I have them serviced, unless of course one happens to break down before then. Non-ETA regular (non-chrono) watches will probably be retired when or if they die. New purchases are evaluated along with my service plans as part of my overall hobby budget.
  12. Team Bolt-ons Too bad the business is on hiatus. I'm sure this t-shirt would make a lovely birthday, anniversary or Mother's Day gift. Inspired by a design by Gerald Genta. (There, I got a watch reference in.)
  13. Ehhhh, what's a normal person?? The rep of this watch is coming folks, but it will only work on women with implants.
  14. Your post suggests that you haven't bothered to read the fantastic Breitling guidance posts that are pinned at the top of this section. Whether you have or not, they contain all the information you need to make an informed decision. You can also do a search in the dealer reviews section for all reviews that have to do with Breitlings in general and Navitimers in particular. Most of our main dealers have the same sources and similar pricing, so it's really up to you. Good luck.
  15. If it has only been a few weeks, I would discuss the situation with Andrew. I think the best solution would be to take it to a reliable local watchsmith (one who is OK with reps) and have them fix it, and request a credit or discount on your next purchase from Andrew. Not all ETA movements were designed to support GMT hands, so this was likely modified to support the extra function. That might impact serviceability, but that will also depend on the abilities of your watchsmith. Good luck.
  16. I have the less expensive Asian version and it works well, except for th swishy noise that the rotor makes. This can be remedied, but I never got around to it. If this is going to be a daily beater, get the Asian version and save your bucks for your next purchase...... the Mille Miglia GMT!
  17. I'm curious, why do you consider a Seamaster rep as a special occasion watch? It's a great watch (both ETA and less expensive Asian versions) that many members wear as their daily beaters... and have worn for years of reliable service. I happen to have an ETA, but many people have raved about the quality of their Asian versions as well. And when yout alk about the "daily wear and tear of work," what kind of work are you talking about? If you operate a jack-hammer all day then I might not wear any manual or automatic watch. On the other hand, if you are a regular working person, in an office or therwise, then most of the watches that you see discussed here are excellent choices. So answer these questions, figure out more exact criteria, and read the forum.
  18. I have the white dial. It's a great buy. The rotor is a bit noisy. But at the price for an asian it is hard to go wrong.
  19. I've read this whole frigging thread, and I've asked myself-- * If I had a watch due from Neil, what would I do? * If I were Neil, what would I do? I've only had two transactions with Neil, and both were spotless. Some others clearly have not been as fortunate. My sense is that this is due not to Neil being a shallow, deceptive profit-motivated cad, but due to being someone who is passionate about rep watches but not a great businessman -- at least in the context of PR, and consistent customer service. So if I were to place a new order with Neil, which I still might if the circumstances were right, I would know what to expect. And if the dealer were tocommunicate that there would be delivery problems based on health problems, which several others have confirmed, I would consider my money to be at risk. But I would not place my risky investment above the health and well-being of the dealer. And even if I placed more importance on my $100 or $200 than on the health of the dealer, I still wouldn't shoot off at the mouth about it. My bottom line is this: Neil, take care of youself and get better. Your friends, and there are many more friends than enemies, are cheering and praying for a speedy recovery.
  20. The IWC Portugese is one of my dream watches. I have stayed away for one reason only -- seconds at 6. 'Nuff said.
  21. Earlier this year I bought a nice lacquered rosewood box for ab. $40 from Amazon. It holds 20 watches, nicely displayed in my office. The only problem is that my neighbors house was ransacked the other day. It's the first burglary that I know of in 14 years living here, but it makes me think twice about having my treasures displayed so prominently. Of course, if my watches were stolen, I would get some consolation when they would try to pawn them and found out they were reps. But that wuld be small consolution --relatively worthless to a robber, but worth a few grand to me.
  22. One more solution to this annoyance-- I downloaded the first part using my business VPN connection that I accessed over my neighbor's wireless network, and the second part over the neighbor's wireless connection after disconnecting from the VPN (I've told them that I use their wireless network from time to time, and they are OK with it). I then switched to my own wireless network to download part 3, and then reconnected to my business VPN from my own network to download part 4. Very interesting documentary. I gather there is to be a follow-up episode, which would be interesting as well. Thanks very much for sharing this with us.
  23. Serval kittens less expensive? I'm not sure I'd even want to know what you paid, then. Cheers, and best wishes.
  24. This thread focuses on Panerai, and serves to remind me (not that I really need reminding) of one of the many reasons why I am fond of my GMT-- watching that awesome second hand. In general, I never get a warm feeling toward a watch that doesn't have a second hand, and one that has a lovely manual/automatic (non-quartz) sweep. Even on chronos, I can't stand to see that large seconds timing hand sit idle at 12:00.
  25. A few weeks ago a serval actually got loose in our neighborhood. My wife spotted it a block from our house on her way to an evening class and it freaked her out. It was spotted a number of times over a period of days before animal control was able to capture it in a local schoolyard. The owner has not come forward, perhaps because it isn't legal to own a serval in Washington state. Just the same, serval kittens cost several thousand dollars, so you'd expect a person to use reasonable care. They are also supposed to be extremely high strung -- I read that an adult serval can be like a kitten on speed -- but in a 40-lb. package. I'm glad your cat has a good disposition. She's a beauty.
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