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  1. Ok so what's the basic difference between the eurotimez euromariner v4 ($475) and wm9's v2 sub ($540)? I can't seem to find any real differences... Anybody help me out? Also hope this isn't a silly question but is eurotimez the only place to get the euromariner?
  2. spidey7 you said both 3 and 5 tick marks can be correct depending on the year made, do you know when the 5 tick marks were made? I can't seem to find a pic of a gen with 5 tick marks "Swiss Made"
  3. Spidey and Shundi, I can't thank you both enough for the help! You are both gentlemen and scholars! Now that you have cleared up my questions I have decided to wait to purchase a WM9 V2 LV from BK as soon as they go on preorder. HA listen to me speaking in replica tongue. Anyway thanks again so much, in the mean time while I wait for the preorder and arrival I will keep reading up increasing my replica knowledge. I will be sure to take pictures and post them of the V2 LV as soon as it arrives! Thanks again! Josh
  4. OK so I hope to get some answers from some kind soul who was in my position at some time totally lost. For those who hate noob questions I apologize. I will start with I have spent many hours on here the past few days trying to read up on replicas and have learned a lot, however I am still very lost. The search function has helped, but a lot of lingo and acronyms and names with no websites have left me more lost. I am going to list some questions and would greatly appreciate any answers. First I would like to start out with I am interested in the best 50th Anniversary replica I can buy, I was willing to spend the $700 from idealwatches till I found this site, so now that I know a noobmariner really goes for 300, and a "better" one is maybe 500-700 I am ok with that. Now here are my questions. 1. From what can tell 3 common reputable online sites to buy the "noobmariner" (~$300) are www.eurotimez.com, http://www.jpc8118.com(perfectclones), and http://www.tt88time.com(trustytime), Is this correct? 2. Now I have been told that basically all these sellers sell the same noobmariner, however the thing you have to watch out for is quality control. But then I hear all dealers just drop ship, so this is a lost cause? 3. I also hear eurotimez has the best quality control, but then I also hear he drop ships, so which is true? I hear lots of people say he is great, but the first go around they got a bad watch, had to send it back and then got another one, so does he use quality control or not? 4. Now I am very confused by the whole WM9, and BK thing. I found WM9's site (Watchmaker9.tv) and searched around. his watches are usually around $500-$800. What is the extra cost, is he making these him self from scratch? Is he purchasing the noobmariner and just guarantees quality control fixing small problems? Or is he buying noobmariners and adding genuine parts? 5. Now the BK thing has me even more confused, I hear BK uses WM9's watches and then he does quality control? What is the whole thing with BK? Does he make his own? Does he have a website? For some Submariner specific questions. 6. There is a new V2 submariner that has come out, is this what eurotimez and the like are selling? Or is this V2 something you can only get from WM9 and BK? 7. Whats the differences between V2 and the V1? 8. I also hear that WM9 will be coming out with a V2 16610LV and it is supposed to "rock" I hear its supposed to basically be like the regular sub V2 but with the 50th anniv. hardware. What is the deal with this watch? 9. WM9 and BK both have preorder campaigns? Whats the deal with this if you buy within a certain days you save hundreds of dollars? This is very confusing to me. Why would anybody wait till the last date to spend hundreds more why not just buy in the beginning? 10. What is the benefit of buying directly from WM9 vs. BK and vice versa. 11. WM9 has two versions of the LV on his site a standard version and a VIP version. both of which are ceased, does this mean you can't get them anymore? Why does he stop selling watches? 12. How do you become a VIP to WM9? 13. I have tried to pick out differences between the gen and replica watches and the three most common items I hear are the crown guards (CG's), pearl, and the bracelet. What exactly is it about the CG's thats different? I can't seem to see anything. 14. When it comes to movements it talks about 25 and 28 jewel movements. What are the jewels they speak of? 15. I hear of 2678-2 in the V2, 2836-2 on the noobmariner, and 2892-A2 on WM9's site. Whats the differences? 16. Supposedly the three dealer above (eurotimez, trustytime, perfectclones) are selling the same watch but when you go on their site and look at the "Swiss Made" at the bottom near the 6 marker, some span 3 tick marks and some span 5, I believe 3 is genuine? I am very bad at spotting a fake, but this seems way to obvious to me. eurotimez (? tick marks): trustytime (3 tick marks): perfectclones (5 tick marks): WM9 (3 tick marks): Supposid genuine (3 tick marks): Are the three dealers above getting from the same source? Why would anyone buy one that spans the 5 tick marks with this being so obvious, however I hear no talk of this, but TONS of discussions of crown guards of which I can't even see a problem/difference. I thank anyone who is willing to help me with all this, I am very lost and am trying to wrap my head around all these questions. I can't afford a real 50th anniversary watch, am looking to just purchase a nice every day watch under $1000, the best my $ can buy. Josh
  5. What does all this mean? There's supposedly a WM9 V.2 LV And what dealer is Bk?
  6. Who is Bk? you say he is the best sub supplier?
  7. Is there any difference between a replica from perfectclones.com, and eurotimez.com? Besides the $18 difference in price?
  8. What is this PT/Josh, and MBW/WM, versions?
  9. OK, so I have been searching online for a while trying to find where to buy a good replica submariner and can't seem to get any straight answers. I find sites that sell them, but then they have their own review sites and they can't be trusted. I then find this site, and think oh a forum this will be good for information. However this forum is SOOO expansive I can't seem to find anything either. I tried to look in the dealer section but it just seems to be people and not really online websites. I then look in the dealer review section and got even more lost. Some dealers seem to be repair etc. I am just looking to purchase one. I can easily find where "not" to buy your rolex, but I sure can't seem to find where "to" buy your replica Rolex. Where is the best place to look on this site for reputable Rolex replica online sites??? This is my way of not asking what is the best place to buy your Rolex online.
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