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Everything posted by Linder

  1. On the other side of the coin, the increased growth has hurt the community in that several dealers no longer offer Paypal. Is this true or am I oversimplifying the situation?
  2. What is a concentric circle? In this case, just circles inside of circles inside of circles?
  3. You're right about the Crazy Hours using an asian movement.
  4. Thanks, Ken!
  5. How about a black face, white numerals crazy hours? It is a relatively simple dial.
  6. Thanks, Ubi. Pics make everything better!
  7. True. I would even guess the portion of the world population with the disposable income to purchase reps is in the slower gaining population group, too. If that makes any sense..
  8. Very good choice. I third that recommendation!
  9. Have a URL to the album?
  10. I was wondering that too.
  11. How about the new AP RO?
  12. Now I gotta try some of this Irn Bru. Where do I send my check?
  13. I have had a house burn. It is a very, very bad thing.
  14. Very pretty 1024
  15. Watch junkies need their fix too
  16. If my calculations are correct, moving the other lever should adjust the ratio of China to Taiwan reps in current production.
  17. May I suggest Sash's $80 AP Jumping Hour? http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=9326
  18. Perhaps a Rolex?
  19. Hi all, I have a genuine Patek strap that I would like modified to fit a quick release springbar to make it easy to remove the strap without any chance of scratching the case up. Can anyone recommend someone here in the US who could cut the strap to fit the springbar and then seal the new revealed edge to prevent it from fraying? Thank you!
  20. I remember participating in the first survey. Can't wait to see the results of the new one. Thanks!
  21. and if it was exactly the same, even better for your 2nd wrist!
  22. Don't fret, it was a fantasy. Something better will come along but I do understand being in love with something you cannot have. I am madly in love with a Patek 5109!
  23. If you need the extra spacing 5 tick dial, I was able to get one at a good price from Silix.
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