Greetings! As you can probably tell by where I am posting, I am a newbie.
For me, the research into replica watches started about a month ago when I decided it was time to replace my daily watch, a Citizen Eco-Drive. I thought it would be nice to find something dressier for the office, so I went browsing in the local dept./watch/jewelery stores. Based on watches I had looked at in the past, I figured I would spend $200-$400, depending on features, material, etc...
I happened upon one jewelery store, and was shown an Omega Speedmaster. I immediately fell in love with the look. For me, it's the perfect combination of tastefully elegant and sporting. It reminded me of the first time I saw an Aston Martin DBS or Porsche 997. The fact that it evoked these images should have been my first clue.
"Wow," I thought, "I would be willing to spend $600-$700 for this!"
"That's nice. How much is it?", I asked naively. Up to then, the only "prestige" watch brand I knew of was Rolex.
Imagine my shock, then, when they told me $3000.00! Holy #!!$@**#@$!!
I figured there had to be some other brand that made something similar, but I haven't found anything nearly as beautiful, in my eyes, anyway. I searched in vain through numerous manufacturers' websites, and thought I was just out of luck.
Then I found a replica seller online. I soon found there are bajillions of places to get a replica of my favorite watch, but research soon made me realize that I could spend anywhere from $50 up to almost $1000. How can you tell a POS from a genuinely nice watch?
I started looking into forums for watches, and came across RWG. I am really excited to have found what looks to be such a useful resource. I am looking forward to many hours obssessing over (I mean "researching") watches and getting to know the other people here! Thanks again!