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Everything posted by 8o8

  1. i ordered one of the mod'd pam from angus before xmas(?) and it eventually showed up but I was having issues with the crown not fully engaged(?) to wind the watch properly. it would slip and spin freely until i pressed it in hard and then it would engage again. i had to wind it carefully. sent it back to get it sorted out. hopefully the insides doesnt look like this
  2. TTK thanks for making the offer here even though I missed it, with these sort of great offers even I wanted in. And I'm not a rollie man, but that black submariner just screams out at me everytime I see it. My fault for not being on the board the past week. Looking forward to other group buys. A suggestion to your spread sheet thingie. How about putting it onto a googledocs spreadsheet. I believe it can be shared online and you can have it in your signature so it always appear in every post you make so its easy for people to find.
  3. 8o8

    Panerai Guides?

    i think its one of those things that you have to have on your wrist and all will be revealed
  4. good choice, it is a beautiful watch. In my opinion, next thing you need to look into getting is a beefie strap. perhaps something from bob http://www.waccex.de/catalog/index.php?cPath=145
  5. I've seen an expose on an backyard outfit that makes fake eggs and they were secretly being filmed while teaching the tv crew how its done
  6. I am guilty of not replying about my feeling on more than a few occasions on this board (and other). the problem I have is that there are so many of YOUs that post great reviews/information etc, and there's just one little me.... how am i going to do that and get on with my day? *sigh* but, i guess, thats my problem not yours I'll keep this in mind and start to post thank you posts when they are deserved. thank you for the reminder
  7. The missus has the purse so she paid for it it was touch and go for a while trying to convice her that I need another watch LOL then the special river had came in under a magic number and she felt generous (read, i bribed her)
  8. Just picked up my christmas pressie earlier this week, i snuck it out and took some wrist shots. Too bad it'll have to be put away after the weekend until xmas day here's some pictures watch was purchased on the 8th, and posted on the 9th and on my wrist on the 13th and some pictures from today, is that proper AR? if... how do I remove this crystal? and is that what the water bead is suppose to do on a sapphire crystal? It seem to have done the same thing on my mineral glass crystal on my PO
  9. is it a staright forward swap of an ETA7750 movement with the asia 7750 valjoux / 28800 beat?
  10. 8o8

    Proud Dad

    Congrats Ken, as a father of a 9.5 months old baby. every day I feel like that when I look at him. I'm sure my attitude will change when he gets older and michieveous
  11. mate, i'm interested just because i like the information although I doubt I would put it to any practical use. pls see my pm, if I can be of any assistance pls feel free to contact me.
  12. *wow* that looks great... I'm waiting for mine to show up ... been waiting since I got notification/tracking a week ago, pooh holiday season. now I'm looking forward to mine even more.... although I did just recieve a 3717 to tie me over in the mean time :)
  13. thanks for putting this together, but perhaps I am a bit late but I cannot find that book at either his ebay store or online store.
  14. Thanks for that, so I need something like this? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/CASE-CRYSTAL-PRESS-...3QQcmdZViewItem I'll see about taking apart my PO when I get my other watches to see if it is somthing that I can do. I dont mind going to a professional to get things done, its just I have see professionals charge $120 to come and spend 15 min to unplug and unscrew the bits on the back of a washing machine to let the water and debris drain out the back and "fix" a washing machin, professionals telling users that Dont update your PSP firmware, send it to me and I'll do this for $50 otherwise you'll brick it etc etc... these sort of things I can do at home. I know how to hold a soldering iron so I soldered my xbox mod chip, took some time but the job's done and never had a problem. With the PS2 the job's more complicated so off it went to a professional. I just wanted to understand what the process is and judge to see if I am capable of doing this at home. If not, then I'll find a watch smith to help me.
  15. antomarty, thanks for your reply. That is what I was looking for. I'm not a very technical and precise kinda person. So i will look to see if I can find more information on how to use these tools before I commit to buy them.
  16. haha thanks for the replies I was hoping to avoid using the hockey puck thats why I asked. If I can clean the crystal I was going to consider getting AR done on it. Seeing that I have another watch or 2 coming inthe post at the moment and I am interested in getting AR done on the new crytals ... I might have to ask how to get the crystals out of a IWC3717 and a PAM 111H so... if I really want to do this I need to look into getting some proper tools?
  17. My 3rd or 4th gen 45mm PO with mineral glass has developed a film. it looks as though its something on the inside of the crystal and maybe albe to wipe off. I was wondering if it was an easy task to remove this to clean it and put back? This is about 1.5 years old and I started to notice this on the crystal about 3-4 months ago.
  18. how can no 1 mention the christmas theme?
  19. i'm interested though I dont have a watch for the date / day wheel... but thats not important... the important question is where/who am i going to take the watch to, to get it fitted etc? ... is there room for one more?
  20. would it be 784?
  21. so can this be cleaned off and proper AR coating put on?
  22. what a wonderful and generous idea. I love the selections and will be downloading this and enjoying it through out the festive season and thinking of all the collecters on here thanks mr g
  23. use news groups, fast and low risk
  24. on iOffer there seem to be a few quartz version of the Port... qwould there still be a lot of problem if it was a quartz model? I ask because the black/blue font on the white background has really high contrast which is ideal for someone with poor vision.
  25. i agree, use gmail to retrieve your bigpond email as well so all your email is located in the one place. then start updating your email with the various forums. eventaully you will ween yourself away from bigpond
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