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Posts posted by modelizer

  1. Just got these gut-wrenching news from Nanuq.

    Had the privilege to meet Bert in person and despite the fact that he had this fatal form of cancer lurking in the background during the last couple of years he remained positive and was so full of life that you totally forgot about his disease.

    R.I.P. my friend - you will be missed.

    My deepest condolences to Pim and the rest of his family.

  2. Wholly crap.. Back in 2009 when I signed up - just to leech a little bit of info - the thought of ever becoming this "active" on a forum did not even cross my mind. No way!


    Now, 1 648 days, endless hours, 7 extremely nice watches later (+ 1 for wifey and excluding all the ones flipped during the time), 2k posts and many good friends (some of which I have had the privilege to meet in person) later I am still here enjoying myself every chance I get.


    So huge thanks to everyone making this amazing place what it is to keep me coming back for more and more and more..



  3. Here is what i made this summer :) im not so mich in to lamb, im a more PIG guy :D but it was OK when it was done, i bet Modelizer loves it :D


    I am quite a big fan of lamb meat, yes.. ;)


    Here is what was left after a little barbecue we had during a bachelor party a week ago.. Sorry Ezel, it has most probably already been used up as energy efter being recycled so no need to PM me an offer on the bucket.. :D



  4. If a Mod of this forum was involved on this to get your things back, then i think this mod should do a "sticker" so everyone see that UW is NOT trusted and members shouldent send stuff to him!



    Well, to my knowledge he has never been a trusted modder officially here so I fail to see why a sticky action from the moderating team should be necessary. Unless we have a whole "warning section" where we list all problematic people with no "direct" relationship to the forum that is.



    Sorry I don't want to be an ass and I feel very sorry to all people who have problems with him.


    However as I said, I had best experience with him, only about 2 weeks ago.

    Maybe it's just because I only had one dial relumed.


    Of course there are sunshine stories with Uwe as well - no doubt about that. But there is a reason why he has been banned and had his sections closed on the other forums. And what separates someone trusted from the other bunch in my book is what kind of actions they take when shit happens (which we all know can every once in a while during modding). And in Uwe's case he chose to stick his head in the sand when my dial and hands got screwed up and just wished it all to just go away.


    Was he too proud to admit or felt ashamed about what happened? Beats me - but I think he should at least have the courtesy to not leave me hanging without a word for 16 months and counting.. And my warning is that if it happened to me - it can most definitely happen to anyone else too. Simple as that. And everyone are free to do as they please with that advice.

  5. Thanks for all the kind words everyone! Here's an update:

    Finally got my stuff back after involving a mutual friend of ours (a moderator here) and me asking Uwe to send all my stuff to him. Without his help I am sure I would still be ignored and would have to fly down to Dortmund to pick it up myself (which i would have - no way I will let myself get screwed over like this). In fact he did not even bother answering my last email asking him to send the stuff to the moderator. Not even a "OK, stuff sent, sorry about all this" - nothing.. Such class act after all this time - and never once have I been rude to him in any way during our communication and I did not send him hundreds of emails pressuring him - only like once every three months (maximum) kindly and patiently asking for a status update.. Unreal..

    Anyways.. According to our mutual moderator friend (extremely trustworthy and horological skilled person) the dial and hands is now damaged and needs to be replaced. And the case back has been worked on - to cover up tool marks I guess.

    To sum it all up as a little "review"/ feedback on this modding/ luming experience of mine with Uwe/ caruwe/ finedd/ Sweetwatches/ Urentechnik Regelmann:

    Was the work satisfactory? Nope

    Was his communication satisfactory? Nope

    Was the work carried out in a timely fashion? Nope

    Will I use his "services" again? Nope

    Would I recommend his "services" to anyone else? Nope

    So my warning to you all still stands. There are far better and trustworthy modders out there..

  6. That's the first bad feedback I've heard about Uwe... Everything I've had from him is top draw. And he's just as much the gentleman.

    Well, I really wish I could say the same.

    The worst thing in all this mess is that I have met Uwe in person and even considered him a friend. But his actions (or rather failure to act) has changed my perspective dramatically. A gentleman does not keep a friend's watch and then just disappear in my book.

    And believe me, I am the extremely patient kind of guy. The last thing I heard from him directly was that some problems had arised with the watch which would cause a couple of weeks extra delay and that he did not want any payment for his work because of it all. But knowing that shit can happen and being fully aware about his health situation I told him I had no problem waiting and insisted on paying him - as I am a firm advocate on putting health first no matter what. And that was the 2nd of April 2012.. :vava:

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