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Everything posted by asciwhite

  1. Wrinkle face Bonita says hi My girl ♥
  2. ----------- No! I don`t like......................... I LOOOOVE ♥ Damn!
  3. Do NOT use Cape Cod on brushed finishes!! You will ruin it and make it too shiny. As to oiling. You can soak the bracelet in sewing machine oil, chain oil e.t.c and dry it off afterwards.
  4. ----------------------------------------------------- Its been my "hobby" for the last 26 years
  5. ---- Same as there are black hat hackers and white hat hackers. We here are of the white hat variety!
  6. ----------------------------------- And? Did you like it Ephry?
  7. Damn you have a lot of cool microbrand watches mtbkr65
  8. "Liberated" some space in the front with a grinder! Now the front wheels can turn freely
  9. No one started one for today! I`ll do it! 351Ti on backpacker strap..
  10. Sure! He is a resident over at Homageforum now. Here is his Flicr for the MM https://www.flickr.com/photos/36251098@N06/sets/ And his email is gub39@yahoo.com.tw
  11. ----------- I had the choice between buying this one and Rivers Mille Metri.... This Blancpain will be too much "bling" somehow...... So my money went for a Mille this time
  12. Very good! What kind of polishing paste do you use?
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