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Posts posted by Award

  1. Im 26. Another question- yes, I am a health insurance salesman, and a very successful one at that. As for the poor man, he is indeed a poor man. I'm in a convenience store in the "bronx" section of worcester. Noone there owns a home, owns a car newer than 1988, and noone there has health insurance other than the state free-care. It is a complete impossibility that he could ever actually have a real one.

    He was standing next to me when I just took a very close look at his watch, and pointed a few things out to him. Based on the fact that he CANNOT speak english, I can say for a fact he did not understand a word I was saying. No harm, no foul. I just hate low end replicas, because their so numerous it "devalues" the rolex name and prestige associated with it. There really should be regulations on the fakes.

    This is by far the worst post I've ever read in here. That kind of behaviour is simply studpid. As some has pointed out, why on earth would you go and out him and then pass yours off as a gen? The man has bought a poor rep - and so what? You talk about poor reps devalues gens - what about the reps we buy in here? Why are they any different? The whole rep industry devaluates the gens, and that'st just the way it is.. nothing more too it - we all know and accept it, since we continue to buy them.

    I would be very ashamed of myself if I had behaved like you did. Doesn't matter how much you make, where you live, how you look or anything like that. It all comes down to how we treat eachother.

  2. I got one, off of this forum. A long time since I bought it, so I can't really recall which dealer sold it to me. Nevertheless. It's without the laquer stamp on the bottom - just says:

    St. Dupont


    Made in France

    # serial number

    I just regular St. Dupont gas(the gold one) to refill it. Cool it down for a bit in the freezer, and then warm up the lighter. The difference in the temperature makes the fluid run straight into the tank.


  3. Hi and welcome to the forum. As a rather new member myself I feel like I have to warn you though. This site and hobby is addictive. I just got four watches, and are planning to order three more... gheez!

    Anyways, good luck with it (the PO is fantastic, just got one myself) and as you are learning how to open and fiddle around with the watches, then the hobby becomes much more interresting:)...and expensive, because you will definetly break something :D


  4. You must have missed my Ultimate Planet Ocean bracelet post then. I recommended getting a watchsmith to size your strap as it's the toughest I've seen. :D

    I might have, although I thought I had been around them all! :)... well... sending the bracelet til a watchsmith might not be a bad idea either - because if you aren't stubborn enough, then it's practically impossible :)


  5. This is a do-it.yourself guide for beginners by a beginner. This is not a professional review (you will discover why later on), but I hope it can help others, like myself, who are stuck and have tried everything possible that they have read on the forum. So here goes!

    After recieving my PO from Paul it had a slight problem. The lume had fallen off a few places inside, so I figured. I'll just crack that thing open with my suction type caseopener, gently remove the entire movement, and glue the damn things back on! Piece of cake... it will probably just take a few minutes! It didn't...

    The suction type opener didn't do the trick. Neither did the tape on hand thing. So I figured... while thinking of a new and better idea to open it (I actually tried to make my own caseopener of two screwdrivers and two pencils... doesn't work), I'll try to resize my bracelet.

    I had read some place that a size 2 screwdriver set on the table, and the pushing firmly down could help removing the pins. That didn't work... they were tight as... well, you get the picture.

    So I had to order some more tools, which bugged me quite a lot since I really wanted to wear the watch. Anyway - I ordered a pocket caseopener for watches with the small squares on the back, and a link pin removal tool.

    It came today, so I unpacked my caseopener and tried to open the case. I had read tons of places that the thing would come right off with the correct tool. It didn't. It was stuck. I tried and tried, and finally I gave up.

    So back to the bracelet! My new tool worked perfectly! The pins came right out! Well sort of. They came out half way, and I took my plier to pull it the rest of the way. It was easy - or so the other reviews said. It didn't. It was stuck (getting the pattern yet?), and didn't move anywhere. What to do? What to do?


    I figured there had to be some way to get it that last half way out of there. There were a few extra bits with the tool to replace the standard one if the bracelets had thicker or thinner pins. There were one the same size as the standard one, so I took that one and cut the pin off - leaving a cylinder shaped bit.


    I put that back in the pin removal tool, and then a new problem came up. How do we get the pin out from reverse. I needed something to puch the pin from the back. So I took my screwdriver set and found one fitting in the hole where the other half of the pin had been(just removed the actual top from the handle). I stuck it in there, and then put the whole thing back in the pin removal tool and used the screwdriver to push the pin out the rest of the way.



    And when pushing the pin back in, just do the same thing all over again. Use the bit for the tool with no top to push the pin inside the link - but backwards!

    With the bracelet resized one problem was down and one to go. So I gave the case another go. It was stuck. It was still stuck like glued on. But I used all of my force (as little as it might be), and twisted the thing off. Turn it counter clockwise!


    So I guess my point is this: Don't give up if you have been stuck like me. Get the right tools, and when you figure out that they don't quite do the trick either - use alternative methods to make them work! :)...

    I cannot guarantee that this is the perfect way to do it - it's not. And if everything goes wrong. Use some of the excellent people here on the board to fix it. Because I'm in no way a professional, and it was most likely dumb luck that this ever worked out!

    I hope this has helped a little bit!


    And there it is... all perfect (or as perfect as it can be when it's a rep) :)


  6. I've been seeing quite a lot of posts about the Jay-Z AP watch, and there has been some fakes listed on craiglist (or whatever it is?), but no one seems to know where to source one!

    Since fakes are for sale, then I'm thinking (smart as I am), there must be some available for us to buy out there!

    So please share, because I haven't been able to find anything on our dealers subsites.

    Best regards


  7. The dealers does all sorts of trick to avoid custom seizing it. And most of them are fair when it comes to shipping a new watch, or refunding.

    If you are as worried as this every time, then you will never get a watch! ;)

    Talk to the dealer, and explain the customs situation - and then work something out!


  8. I see!

    Well I hope you guys are allright with all these noob questions, since I'm rather new to this. I'm afraid my watches will suffer death when I get my hands on the tools I just ordered. The problem is that opening the watches and figuring out what makes them work, is getting a lot more interresting than collecting ;)


  9. that is a nice collection

    Well thank's :).. I'm trying to get sort of a mixed collection... but the Pan fever might have struck down on me :s

    If you havent got any Rodico then all I can say is get some now perfect for re-locating the piece of loom, and a thin slow setting glue..

    What exactly is a Rodico? :)


  10. Jesus christ... everyone seems to be using that ducktape trick, and everytime it slips right off! :)... I used like ten meters of ducktape tryng to get the back off my sub, with absolutely no luck... even with a sucktion type caseopener, it was a pain in the *** ! :)

    Anyways, since I have absolutely no patience, and therefore can't wait for my new watchtools, I'll give it a new try. I'll keep you guys posted about the progress!


  11. I'm always doubtful of answering posts like this. My reasoning goes "If he doesn't know how to open his watch, what on earth can he do inside?" However, seeing as you have already removed one movement, it's fair to say you know what you're doing to some degree.

    The tool in the middle is the one I use:


    Just remember not to use Superglue. :D

    Well, I wouldn't say that I'm some sort of watch genius ;)... I am not planning to mess around with any of the parts in the movement, I'll let The Zigmeister handle that if there's a problem in that section, but just remove the entire thing and glue it back together ;)

    Why not superglue? :)


  12. Doubtful you can get enough torque with a suction one to loosen it...

    You should have a LG Openall caseback tool, it will open it, as well as ensure you can close it tight enough after the work.

    If you look in my How-To's, the rollie uncasing post shows this, as does the PAM crown one, and a few more, cost for the tool is $50 or so...


    I will look into this, thanks for the help!


  13. I just recieved a brand new PO, but during shipment the lume has fallen off at three places - they are laying around inside the watch.

    I dont tend to mess around with the movement - just take it out and glue the things back on (like I did on my sub)... But I cant figure out how to get the caseback off. I have a caseback opener (the suction type), can that be used?

    I hope you guys can help me!


  14. You should be able to get the bracelet off with a small (jewelers type) screwdirver, it's held on with spring pins, if you don't have a tool to get the back off use balled up sticky tape (sticky side out).

    Can I open the caseback with the same tool as the one for rolex+ The one I have is the rubber press and turn thing.


  15. I'm kind of new to collecting reps. Been reading in here and TRC for some time, and figured I'd show off my humble collection :). Just got 4 watches from Paul (YM, Nav, Pan and PO)

    So here goes... You guys probably all know the different watches better than me, so no need to go into that!


    There's the lot


    The breitling and Pan seemed a bit small when I got them... wonder if I bought the girly versions? :)


    Here comes the problem. As you can see on the Omega the lume some how has fallen off during shipping. I'm thinking it would be rather easy to fix it (I've done kind of the same on my sub), but I'm stuck getting the bracelet off... have to resize it as well... been searching all over the different subforums to find a solution to this, couldn't find anything (might be me that aren't searching the right way?)... and when the bracelet is off, how do I get the caseback off?

    I hope you guys can help me!


  16. When I went to London with my girlfriend, I found a store pretty close to our hotel who sold fake jewlery and watches... among other piles of crap... we stayed at a hotel right next to Kinsington Gardens. Maybe it was the same store? I'm not very familiar with the city, since it only was my third visit, so I can't say how common it is to see such an "open" sale of reps...


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