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Everything posted by Star69

  1. man - some cool watches here ! Base is back today cheers, Frank
  2. Star69


    stop it ! im thinking of my Ex ...... why did i sell you ?
  3. Star69


    grrrr holy [censored] - makes me want an no date Sub again
  4. superb !!!! thanks a lot ! Frank
  5. sorry - cant help you - but 5 years ! wow - not bad for a Rep - do you have pics ? Frank
  6. a little "thank you" update thanks to mister chefcook who send me some very nice polishing stuff for free ! the rehaut was too shiny after my dremel-attack. i think now its nearly perfect thanks again ! Frank
  7. i tried - but stopped - its the same league like the noobmariner - at least on mine. you can remove it, but be very very careful. cheers, Frank
  8. ohhh - what a story ! but the good news - the watch will look like new - they really know how to polish cant wait to see some pics of your new SD Frank
  9. can you post a pic ? gen vs rep ?
  10. you guys are all crazy ! that's why i like it here because of you party pooper i went over the SELs with sandpaper - that's how they look now - i think i can live with the result - maybe some one has a pic of gen SELs from the same angle ? cheers, Frank
  11. and please stop this Fat-Endlink-Talk or i have to let out my Dremel again
  12. ahh - i understand what you mean don't think this is a big problem - here some pics : last one is the Euro cheers, Frank
  13. mmhhm what exactly is wrong with it ? here is a nice gen reference :
  14. LOL - i used a little glue - under the insert - but only because im a pussy and afraid to loose it
  15. this will be $$$ my bet over 1000 cheers, Frank
  16. i think i have to update soon ... not a single one of the watches pictured are left in my collection cheers, Frank
  17. this will be an Sub weekend cheers, Frank
  18. no lugholes - my watch stays virgin
  19. this for the next days : Frank
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