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Everything posted by Star69

  1. its simple ... you just want to archive this : :drool: :drool:
  2. finally - today came my Clarks crystal with gasket .... and success some lousy pics - hope you like yellow this is the clarks crystal mounted - not bad - if i had known - i would just kept this : and here the gen crystal : so yes - the Euromariner has a gen construction and takes gen parts - lovely cheers, Frank
  3. you mean this sexy vintage caseback ? a lot of people want to get rid of the black paint - there is no paint left after 30 years of wear
  4. the cheap way = zero $$ : bleach the insert carefully - remove the pearl overwork the case with sandpaper - shave the CGs - polish it up scratch the plexi and polish it with polywatch. the result is a nice vintage look cheers, Frank
  5. absolutely ! a simple ETA movement does the job as good
  6. some Summer 08 pics from me : cheers, Frank
  7. crazy - but i love it btw. the bracelet can not be from 72. cheers, Frank
  8. sorry - crappy moblie pic - but sushi and pam is yammy Frank
  9. that is the perfect way to go here is mine - DSN + Jimmy Fu Mix : cheers, Frank
  10. the sky is the limit i would get the parts (canon pin, crown+tube) from Davidsan and have it installed from a local watchsmith. the dial reluming is more expensive and you need to find someone with skills for the 001 - its cheaper to get a dial - already with SL from Davidsan too. cheers, Frank
  11. nice twins congrats ! thanks for sharing. i really hope you start now with the no dates - there so many variations - will keep you busy for the next years seeing the pics and reading the description of the problems i know now who the MM is but anyway : what happened to the white ? i came perfect from TTK - did you sent it to an other modder ? cheers, Frank
  12. back to black today cheers, Frank
  13. sorry - was just an one night stand don't have have the watch anymore Frank
  14. :o :o 14060 !!! me - pick me - i need it !
  15. yes - amazing how this Rep has exactly the same construction like the gen - hopefully i have my new gasket soon
  16. if anybody is interested - i found the gen construction : looks spot on with the Rep - i hope my Clarks gasket will work out - it needs to be a little thicker then the rep one i have - then it should work out. cheers, Frank
  17. Doenertown ?? what's that ? Berlin ? Koeln ? my cyclo looks like that (also not perfect ... ) with gen crystal : when - i have my clarks gasket and it fits - sure i don't need the rep crystal any more. but its a nice watch cheers, Frank
  18. okay - found this on ebay : #250254242187 it this the one we are talking about ? thanks ! Frank
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