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Everything posted by stevethebest

  1. Which is dangerous. I am sure the all who like also the fake side of the moon (yes I am a poet) do not care very much to inform the gen geek (sometimes I surprise myself). Actually. The only difference is theat the gen forums are WAAAY more BORING than ours. Despite this, this behaviour is absolutely dangerous in my perspective. S
  2. Bono? New member, noobie?
  3. I think it is absolutely unfair to make these kind of comparison on a gen forum. If the guy is really a member here I agree with who says he should be immediately banned
  4. I simply said my watch has been running pefectly for three years now... and it is telling me that it wan't leave me without my GMTII for a long time. It has been serviced and relumed by The Zigmeister recently. And we all (at least the older members) know The Zigmeister's review about the bastardized movement. What you might have noticed is that the new GMTIIc has been presented both with correct and incorrect hand stack: some member argued that possibly the new correct hand stack is an improved movement, which could be swapped in case the previous modified movements coud fail... Maybe too soon to tell. I personally do not like the new GMT II, and since the previous version correct hand stack is almost impossible to find, which I think is one of the best watches our factories ever produced (read By-Tor reviews on this model), as all the good fathers care about the possibility my beloved baby could get ill one day!
  5. Wow Corgi, you definitely deserve entering the Olympus of our god-reviewers! This is one of the best reviews I've ver seen. I think the watch you chose to review is something that passes by at first glance but an absolutely otstanding watch when you look at it with bigger attention, classic and elegant but a sportman's watch as well: great choice!
  6. Welcome back, I'glad I'm in!!!! We do all appreciate your effort.
  7. WOW it remembers to me something...I don't remember
  8. I can assure you that no laser eye is needed: the stack is very visible indeed for who knows the issue of course (read: all GMT II, gen or fake owners ). I do not believe we should trick anybody... it is only a matter of how you personally feel your watch, and what you can or can not stand. I think I do not deserve a "circus" status for this More, I can personally witness here that my correct hand stack GMT is my daily beater since 2005: I wish it a LOOOONG life despite your kind post
  9. Besides the wrong hand stack you mean? I have (as you have By-Tor) a correct hand stack previous version GMT and the stack position of the hands has always been a highly disturbing fake screamer for me... As others say everyone of us has his own problems with replicas... Well I really can't stand wrong hand stacks and hour hands passing above GMT hands!
  10. Very nice collection ... You mentioned the Pams not to mention the Rolexes, of course! Congrats, ciao!
  11. I remember a famous review from The Zigmeister in which there was a deep insight in the 2836-2 Swiss ETA modified for correct hand stack (previous version GMT II), in which the reliability of such a modified movement was hardly questioned. Many members choose the incorrect hand stack for this reason (including By-Tor, which is the absolute expert of this watch IMO). I can tell you my experience: I own a correct hand stack GMT II previous version, which never had problems, run smoothly and changed date correctly at 12:00 PM. I heard of other members having had problems with the same watch. One more thing: don't you think the Anniversary is a little too ... "flashy"? I sincerely prefer the previous version of this watch.
  12. I continue being surprised and sorry for this thread's content. Other members, please tell your point of view! Mine is that if I am very happy with my new toy I post here, or in Geek, or wherever I can find people who share my enthusiasm and are not, at least, irritated. My 2 cents
  13. Jawo, congratulations for the little angel: she's a beauty! Congrats!
  14. I really hoped never to see a thread like this ...
  15. Yes, it still does side by side comparisons with good quality shots always scream!
  16. Fantastic job, friend, lots of knowledge sharing, as somebody else said RWG at its best! Wear it well, boy
  17. Wow that could have even been easier, it is a good suggestion and should in my opinion be publicised more clearly!
  18. Happy birthay from sunny Italy to both of you
  19. I really cannot believe that people have problems for 5 USD a month ... not people interested in this game. Moreover being an important contributor to the forums like Corgi or yourself does not exclude supporting the movement. I understood that there are some difficulties and did my job for a place I love. Not every member is such an expert to have the possibility to make high level contribution here, Andrew.
  20. I agree very much with this proposal, it could really increase the supporters' basis!
  21. And I am one of the 300 strong warriors!
  22. Wow My friend we definitely share the same passions!!!! Well I am more a Rolex / Stratocaster addict but your Omega /Kramer combo is absoutely stunning! We probably play the same genre (I never saw a Kramer in a Jazz Band)
  23. DJ is the only gen RLX I would buy if I had cash... This new one is absolutely the best, silver dial is the best choice for a very elegant piece. Wear it well, friend. And since we are in this place let me congratulate also for your old style, blue dial jubilee DJ: it is an amazing replica, seeing it so close to the gen makes it even nicer ... Whom do you bought it from ?
  24. Are you all sure it is not a ... GEN?
  25. Hey you Breitling expert friends ... Am I wrong or in the previous picture (assembled with black / silver dial) the date font is correct, with the serif on 1, and the dial is correct too (little mark close to 10)? Have you ever seen any pic of this in the sites of our dealers (maybe Ruby?) Thanks steve
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