Thanks a lot Lani. I def checked out the intro page and it helped me out a ton. This forum has everything i need no doubt. i decided to go with eurotimez to get my big pilot. it sounds like they are getting a lot of good hype here.
Thanks again for the welcome!
at the risk of sounding like a noob
i have been looking everywhere for a decent big pilot replica
do you guys happen to know a site where i could find a good one??
that one looks great btw
even with the little flaws i had to do double takes on a few of those pics
Hey Guys!
so i just joined up here because ive been looking online for a legit replica of an IWC Big Pilot. I found one on and i was wondering if you folks have any comments on the site and how reliable it is or the watch itself and how close you think it is to the real thing. Any comments would be really appreciated.