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Posts posted by jlowdo

  1. Just wondering what people's experience with the rep bracelets are ( quality of finish etc.. ), more precisely the brushed steel one ( saw on Josh's site ).

    I also need to know if they will fit a 44mm 1950 style case. It is to fit on a Gen PAM ( 312 ), i'd like a bracelet for it but refuse to pay the silly money they are asking.

    Ultimately, my question is should i consider the rep bracelet for my gen PAM?

    Any thoughts or experiences much appreciated!!


  2. Not a big fan of Jackson, although some of his tunes over the last however many years are great, and his music is iconic to millions. I think some perspective is needed when we all pass judgement on him though.

    Shakespeare, Mozart, Monet, Hemmingway et al. form the tenet of a lot of what we call culture today, but we have formed this appreciation based on their legacy, ie their work, and not their personal attributes, as most, if not all of them had huge character defects that would be pounced on and demonized by todays media.

    Objectively, we should be able to separate what he has given to society from what he has done as a person, as surely this is what we are in a position to judge him on.

    If i am being narrow minded, well then i beg your pardon, but i don't think there are many people alive today that have given so much joy to so many people as MJ did, and i think it is churlish to deny that.

    If he was a troubled person and damaged others then that is wrong, but there are many people in the world that have done likewise, and i'll wager none have given an iota of what he has to society.

    amen brothers

  3. Ok, relatively new to the forum, been reading lots and not really posted so far. But, there has been something that has been niggling me for a few days so i thought i'd ask.

    General feeling ( from my understanding so far ) is that we buy the reps because we like the designs of the watches, and NOT that we want to try to pass them off as gens... at least most of us.

    So, and specifically within this area of the forum, i'd like to know why there is so much emphasis on the ROO having a Secs@12 configuration when it appears that it is unstable at best with the A7750 used to run it.

    Surely, from the perspective of A) appreciating the design and B) wanting a ( relatively ) cheap version of it on your wrist; the position of the seconds dial causes no detriment to the visual design of the watch and will give it a better chance of providing us with a reliable watch for a long time.

    Why then? I'd buy an RB11 if i thought it would still work in a years time....

  4. Only a week since joining and made my first purchase.....!

    will hopefully receive it sometime next week, and I am quite familiar with the gen, my neighbour when i was living in stockholm had one! got a good feeling about it.

    Be sure to post my thoughts on arrival.

    Great forum, I'm having a ball here.

    Cheers, and a good weekend to everyone....

    PS - intentionally not mentioning what it is yet ;-)

  5. And another introduction!

    1 more Brit to add to the number. Thought i'd jump on this thread instead of creating another.

    Spent a couple of days browsing and reading forum rules etc. in an effort to not make any noob mistakes. Maybe the increased # of Brits has something to do with us not being able to afford the gens at the moment, what with having no economy and all that.

    Been collecting watches a while but new to the rep thing. Until discovering this place i'd always been worried about shelling out $400 and getting a plastic 'Bolex' through the post. I'll tread tentatively at first, absorb the plethora of great advice available on this forum and go from there.

    A hearty salutation to all, and thank you for allowing me to join!

    Best Regards from rainy ol' England

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