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Everything posted by subzero1

  1. Yellow Chrono is stuck on me:
  2. Thanks! There's 2 ways you can do it, you can unstitch the old white stitch and re-stitch it with new yellow stitching (there's a tutorial here on how to do restitching), or you can use a yellow sharpie to color the white stitching. I went the sharpie route, it worked out pretty well
  3. It's surprisingly very good quality. Here's my full review: http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showtopic=23533
  4. Hi, just picked this up. Had some problems with the top lug screw but managed to get it sorted (despite King refusing to help me with it and accusing me of damaging the watch). Anyway, its a great rep and the quality overall is outstanding, easily among the top 5 reps I own. The strap is very good quality, best I've seen on a rep yet. I changed the stitching to yellow since I think it looks much sharper like that compared to the stock white stitching. Enough talking, here's some pics:
  5. OK, maybe the FER008 is a PAM, but I still included it because its currently my fave of the bunch:
  6. Newly received PAM Ferrari. Have a problem w/the lug screw which king refuses to help with, but it's still a hot watch. I colored the stitching yellow, I think it looks much better than the stock white stitch:
  7. Anyone try to change the strap yet? On mine one of the lug screws is completely jammed and the head got stripped when I tried unscrew it.
  8. Did you ever figure out a way to safely remove an existing AR coating? If so, I'm in for 4. Otherwise just 1.
  9. Oh what's this? Seems to be a new watch
  10. breitling bentley GT racing http://www.breitlingforbentley.jp/products/gt-racing
  11. Newly AR coated Bentley - beautiful dial, now that I can see it more clearly
  12. This watch looks especially great on a pilot style strap, which you can get from hktan, here's a couple of shots on different pilot style watches from IWC to give you an idea:
  13. Here's the shots of mine: SMP with AR on inside of crystal: Inge with double sided AR coating and new nylon strap: Bentley GT with double sided AR coating: For watches with a textured dial, it makes a very big difference, as it lets the dial really "pop". Without the AR, they looked a lot cheaper and way more washed out. After AR I am definitely holding onto the Inge and the SMP Chrono, both of which I was considering selling before getting the AR done. The only rep I have that comes close is the HBB with AR coating already included: For Single Sided, the AR coating on the PO Ultimate is a pretty close match to how the SMP Chrono looks:
  14. I think I'll wear each of my 3 newly AR coated watches in turn. Today - SMP with AR on inside of crystal: Saturday - Inge with double sided AR coating and new nylon strap: Sunday - Bentley GT with double sided AR coating:
  15. Just a couple of before and after pics of my Inge. I bought it from EL on the metal bracelet, and I liked it "OK", but it seemed a bit plain to me: Part of the problem was the crystal was really reflective, and the texture on the dial tended to get washed out, causing the watch to lose some of it's character. So, I sent off the crystal to get an AR coating on both sides (thanks chieftang!). In the meantime I ordered a nylon strap to try, figuring it would match and highlight the texture of the dial. And that's exactly what happened. Got the Crystal back yesterday, re-assembled everything, put on the new strap, and I really love the watch for the first time since I've owned it. The texture of the dial really "pops" in person, and it just has much more presence on the wrist now: Unfortunately the pics don't quite capture the magnitude of the change, but the overall "feel" of the watch is now much, much closer to the gen.
  16. OK, got the chrono fixed, it was a small metal level that acts as a spring - it had slipped and it was just a matter of resetting it to fix the chrono function - woohoo! For the crown, I removed it and used a more sturdy tool to depress the release button during re-insertion. That seems to have addressed the problem there as well. Thanks for the replies
  17. I thought it would just slip back in during reinsertion w/out the need to depress the release. How bad did I screw up the mvt?
  18. So, I had my SMP disassembled in order to get the glass ar coated. When I started re-assembling everything there was some resistance when re-inserting the crown. In fact it wouldn't catch and engage all the way in until I actually started to screw the crown down. But now I notice a couple of issues - 1st, the crono buttons do nothing now. pressing them has no results, nothing stops, starts, or resets. 2nd, if I manually wind the watch using the crown, the rotor starts to spin like crazy. When I stop winding the crown, the rotor stops. Any ideas on what the problem could be and how to fix it? I've got no problems opening the case & removing the movement, but am at a loss for what to do after that.
  19. The design is very good on the chrono, love the black, charcoal, and yellow. I'm waiting for the yellow dial w/black subdials, that's a sweet watch.
  20. Fair enough. My own belief, or lack thereof, falls along the story of Jesus and (doubting) Admin, who did not believe until he saw the holes in Jesus' hands. Jesus told him that he is blessed because he sees and believes, but more blessed are those who do not see, yet still believe. I have to see to believe, and I'm ok with only being "blessed" by needing to see, and not being one of the "more blessed" who believe without seeing. Hopefully that makes sense to you
  21. Well, this is unfortunately one of problems with these discussions. Logic dictates that the onus of proof is on whoever asserts a positive position (god exists) and the onus of proof is not on the negative position (since a negative cannot be proven, period). Those are the rules. If you want to flaut those rules then you must also admit that you have abandoned logic. I'm not making this up, this is just how it works. As long as you are OK with saying that you will not rely on logic to buttress your points, then I'm OK with your "you can't disprove god" statements. But if you do want to have recourse to logic, then the onus of proof is on you. I'm not making this stuff up, really I'm not. Pick up any textbook on basic logic and it will say the exact same thing. So, if you would like to continue using logic in this discussion, you must move beyond just stating that god exists, and start giving reasons "why" he does exist. In other words if you say "X exists", you have to follow that with "X exists because of Y and Z". Then we can talk about the Y and the Z and whether or not they truly account for X. Now that would be a productive discussion. Far more productive than saying "X exists and you can't prove that it doesn't". I hope my reasons for asking for proof or evidence is more clear now. If so, and you agree, then we can move forward. If not, then I don't think I can be any clearer, and you might be right that it's simply time to terminate the discussion. I leave it up to you...
  22. Kenberg, I really hope the plug is not pulled, I think things have remained quite civil, and debate of this nature is very useful and interesting. We all have our beliefs and that's OK with me. What I find interesting is discovering "why" people believe what they do. Which is why I keep asking for evidence. I know these are smart, reasonable people, so I am infering that they have a strong reason for their beliefs, I'm trying to get at what those reasons are. As Craytonic already posted, people believe for all kinds of different reasons, and I"m interested in hearing about that. Once we establish that burden of proof is on the believer, then the next step is to seriously examine the evidence presented. We haven't gotten to that point yet, but I think we will soon.
  23. I am not sure how my post is an ad hominem. I'm merely trying to point out that the burden of proof is on you. I truly do not see how that is an ad hominem.
  24. [abstract summary] You: God exists. Me: Really? Show me. You: Lots of people believe in god. Me: Other people's belief is not evidence. You: Well, you can't prove god doesn't exist. [/abstract summary] I've already stated that I can't prove that god does not exist. No one can. And not just god. I can't prove the tooth fairy doesn't exist. Or that elves don't exist. Etc. Why don't you believe me? It's impossible to disprove them, or put another way it is impossible to prove there non-existence. But it is very possible to prove that the tooth fairy does exist, one simply has to produce a tooth fairy. It's the same for elves and for god. Once you put the idea forth, it's up to you to back it up. I'm still waiting for you to back your claims. Trying to shift burden of proof to me is merely a cop out. Are you saying that you cannot tell the difference between reality and figments of your imagination? No wonder you believe in god. (sorry, it was a cheap shot, but just too easy to pass up). More seriously, I can only present evidence for my existence and try to show why it is compelling. All I'm asking is for you to do the same.
  25. I disagree. Without first establishing that god exists, there is nothing else to talk about, the rest is just hubris. More genearlly, how does one show that anything (not just god) exists? By providing evidence. If you cannot do this, then your position cannot be taken seriously. I will grant that it's a simple argument, and a simple requirement, but that does not make it weak, merely simple. One other thing I will point out is your request for proof God does not exist is fallacious. It is impossible to prove that "anything" does not exist. If we were talking about sasquatch and you told me that I could not prove that Big Foot does not exist, then you would be correct, I cannot, and neither can anyone else. But it's not really up to me to prove that Bigfoot does not exist, it is up to you to prove (or at least provide some evidence) that he does. Once specific evidence is presented, then debate can continue. But in the absence of evidence there is really nothing to talk about.
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