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Everything posted by redwatch

  1. If you do, let us know how it works out. I think the US cleaner might just have the right amount of agitation qualities to make this work quite nicely! Doc's posted pics of a nicely aged dial is a good target to shoot for!
  2. Well you are a large contributor to how it looks, so congrats to you! It turned out amazing Ziggy! Thank you very much! I will have to consult with you about servicing the movement. It's losing a lot of time! (14 - 15 min per hour)
  3. Well something is working because I just noticed the rating system is gone from this thread!
  4. Still not sure about the case set up at the moment. Debating whether or not I want to transplant this into my new MBW case. But then if I do that, the case will need a serious overhaul. Reworked CG's, drilled lugholes and at least a week in the pocket with the keys and coins. Not to mention the bezel insert will need a good treatment too. Maybe the salt water/sand/ultrasonic bath trick plus some time out in the sun. We'll see! In the meantime, here's a few more pics I shot this morning:
  5. Teejay, you may have also touched on something. Ocean water also has quite a bit of sand particles in it which may be causing an abrasive effect on the bezel insert. Perhaps amending my previous statement, how about a small amount of sea-salt and sand mixed into a small ultrasonic bath? And then let it soak in the sun for a while to age the luminous pearl?
  6. If that's the case then, you might want to try a salt water "bleaching" of an insert, but keep in mind, in order to get a more realistic version, the salt water solution would need to be constantly moving somehow to simulate the watch being in water with current flows and arm movements. Maybe an ultrasonic bath machine with a small amount of sea salt in the solution for like 10 minutes or so? Could be an interesting science experiment!
  7. Welcome! There is a very fantastic set of resources here! Don't be afraid to ask questions - it's the only way you will learn anything! Enjoy!
  8. Looks good to me! Or, as we discussed, you could build one too! Takes a while, and there are a lot of roadblocks, hurdles, and frustrations, but in the end it is a very satisfying experience!
  9. Even though it's running slow (like losing 15minutes an hour!), I am still trying out this guy!
  10. Come folks! Where are all the SoCal members? Or is asimplefarmer and I going to have to go grab a beer by ourselves?
  11. Beautiful Stephane! Enjoy it as I am sure you will! Congrats!
  12. My understanding is that the V5 is the one to get. The other new release that is hotly debated is the new Supreme Edition from PT (Precious Time). There are varying differences and pro's and con's to each. I think the general consensus is that the V5 DSSD is still the better one out of the box. Just make sure the blue lume is consistent across the whole watch. Hope that helps!
  13. I realize that I am somewhat still a noob here, but I have started to notice a bit of a disturbing trend as of late that may be scaring off the noob community. I realize it is just bad form for your first or second post to be "Who has the best sub?", but some people I find are a little too quick to flame the noob questions and state "Use the search function. It is your friend". Before the upgrade, the search engine was superb. Since the upgrade, I find the search engine very difficult to navigate through. Considering how much I used it before the upgrade and loved it, I cannot imagine being a noob now and trying to find some useful information through every single thread that comes back in the search results. I think it might be time to start pulling back the flaming posts a little bit and really step up to start helping the noobs who are brave enough to dare ask such questions as "V1, V2 or V-super-advanced-incredibly-amazing" Additionally, there have been quite a few people who have been quite quick to jump on people's sales threads practically calling them scammers - members who have been respected veterans for quite a while and have a superb sales reputation. Certain tones of writing that have seriously gotten out of hand and caused quite a bad feeling between members. I'm no super poster, but I love to contribute when and where I can and I love the feedback, advice, and general good vibes from everyone here who has helped me out with all of my little projects. Just thought I would share my 0.02 RED
  14. Caseback from Marble does not fit the 5513 MBW case, but I am currently using the caseset from Marble. The gen rolex crown does not fit into the MBW case (which is odd because I thought that was the whole point of the MBW case - it is supposed to accept gen parts). I put the movement back into the original case set from Marble and for some strange reason it lined up nicely. I may take you up on your offer for that caseback after all. Just to see if it fits the MBW case. Thanks for checking! I sure hope it looks authentic! Gen Dial, Gen Hands, Gen Movement! Of course, I probably could have bought a gen for what I put into this, but it sure is fun!
  15. The new search function still really frustrates me I liked the older one better. And I definitely miss the ability to star my favorite topics! However, that doesn't mean I am not posting on a daily basis. I manage with it just fine.
  16. Thanks Dems! I do like the look of the vintage watches! @ Lani - I think once the movement is serviced, it will be very hard to tear off of my wrist. I think I need to get a nicer bracelet for it though. Right now it is on a MBW 5513 bracelet which needs some love. Edges are too sharp and it squeaks and feels pretty cheap.
  17. Thanks GQ1! I really like the look of this one. I am definitely more into the vintage Rollies than the fancier modern ones.
  18. That seems pretty cool DB! Thanks for showing me that!
  19. The velcro is super comfortable! I highly recommend it! As for the Ark Tale, they sure did have a heck of a designer! Whether I believe the tale or not, I think the Quote is rather appropriate for RWG We have some supreme beings on this forum who certainly know how to mod and/or build a heck of a watch!
  20. My Ubi-Franken Tudor - almost complete:
  21. Here's a quick pic of the movement and dial re-cased into the original case set I got. Opinions please? Obviously I still need to send this out for movement servicing.
  22. So I have a few updates on my Franken Tudor Project. I sent the re-lumed dial and movement to Ubi so he could work his magic. Unfortunately, the case set I purchased was just a little bit off, so Ubi tried to make a spacer ring to hold the movement in place. This didn't quite work out. The case was just plain wrong and the gen movement and dial didn't want to sit centered in the case. Additionally, the movement itself is acting quite odd and within setting the time, 45 minutes later it had already lost 14 minutes. The watch came back from Ubi and I ordered an MBW case set for a 5513. Case set arrived today and the movement fits quite nicely and looks great in the case. I need to get some sort of movement spacer though just to hold it in place. Additionally, the gen rolex crown i had from the other case set does not fit inside the tube. The inside diameter is much, much too small. Of course, the CG's need an overhaul and the lug holes are far too small. So, i guess it's going to have to go back to the spa in the great white north for some serious love and attention. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions, I would love to hear them! Thanks
  23. HI folks, Anyone interested in another SoCal Get Together sometime soon? Say the same spot as last time? BJ's in Laguna HIlls?
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