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Everything posted by pabra

  1. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/310214/300_km_h_it_is_real/ another great one (that I hope has not been posted already).
  2. Better explain the nature of watches to your child. Sit her down, remove the stem from the movement and start talking about the birds and the bees. That the stem/crown is a simple thing, straightforward, functional and built for a grand purpose - in the name of equality you can skip the crown-part/superiority and so on. By doing so you can also explain that size doesn't necessarily matter as long as it fits into the hole. Also, if excessive force is used, it could be devastating. The movement on the other hand, boy there's a difference. Complicated, fragile, heavy maintenence. Sure, some are more easily entertained than other and can be functional if they exercise and move around. They should however still be serviced to ensure that it will be happy, and even then it will sometimes also crave a new stem/crown - or worse, use 'pushers' on the side. Thus, the watch could impossibly be gay, well... with the exception of Le Freak, but that one is leaning towards being a hermaphrodite.
  3. http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showforum=72
  4. pearl...placement
  5. wow, thank you! Will keep it in mind as my wallet doesn't really agree to a purchase right now
  6. It was your name that was mentioned in the pm to fitmic
  7. pm sent regarding a possible seller
  8. happy birthday!
  9. Yep, although on the panny-site it is listed with historic hands. The picture is not good however, and most likely resembles an edited 00021. My father also checked with davidsen who confirmed that the pannysites pic is misleading.
  10. Do You get anything extra for ads that are clicked that immediately lead to purchases? If so, I'll buy some clothing from amazon through them
  11. No problem, have answered your pm as well. If you found it helpful, you may post it here
  12. 1. It would seem so yes. My father has a mm20 from him, and the lume there when charged up is not even close to the 232s in his pictures. This 232 glows! 2. According to some italians I spoke with, the dial should be a bit brownish (yet not brown (actually they said marrone)). But in pictures it looks like a 177 that repaustria fixed (search). A bit greyish with wonderful texture. Yet pics don't always tell the truth. We'll see how the 232 looks in person. Panerai are probably trying to improve the dials and cases so that there's at least some difference to their older watches (eg. look at their new cali, where the case has case engravings). Another thing that I notiecd was the hands. This is however nitpicking. The split in the hands of the gen where the lume is does not quit before the pinnion. It travells to its base if you understand what I mean. Someone mentioned that it should have the mm20 hands. That suggestion does not match the gen at all imho. So what's my final verdict? When my father asked me what watch I want, I told him that I want the 232 (the mm20 was a present from me). It actually looks that good. Also, there will be 700 on the streets. Depending on whether there will be more base radiomirs of that size made, more than half will probably be stored in their owners safes for the next years to come. So the chances of running into one would be small
  13. posts of the month? Great vids V
  14. Wasn't the crown threading bad in the 'other' replicas? I.e that davidsens crowns hold as good quality as the rest of his stuff. Thereby not saying that this still wouldn't be an issue. Yet, extra crowns are readily available from him.
  15. Great post! Why not making it a sticky (or pinned if someone has problems with Freud)?
  16. nm edit: reply removed by me
  17. pabra

    Bentley Gt

    I think I've seen one of those (or at least an older one) ... a friend proudly showed me the latest watch he had picked up in Poland. I felt like a vampire looking directly at a dish completely made of garlic. Absolutely hideous; quite nice from the front, but horrid from the back. Tonka toy says it all actually!
  18. Dear god/ubiquitous/buddha ... we.. are ... not ... worthy
  19. Congrats!
  20. That sure looks good!?! /J&P
  21. That's just gorgeous! How much does that combo weigh?
  22. worked wonders for me actually ... then again, I had some seeeerious problems with IE so I might just be happy with that it actually works
  23. Tried using firefox? With IE it's the slump that decides whether the page will load or not
  24. They reaaaad heeeere *said with an eerie voice* ... indeed it is a great buy for that price! Sad to hear about moneyboogers
  25. If you try to checkout the only options available will be WU/Mb. I presume that the option of paypal is a copy/paste from his older site where this was written - but not an option (they just didn't bother removing it).
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