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Everything posted by pabra

  1. Have you tried to order via paypal?
  2. *memorizes*
  3. A duck went into a bar. The bartender looked amazed but asked the little fella' what he wanted with a grin on his face. Bread, answered the duck. The bartender was shocked, but replied that they didn't have bread. The duck leaves, but returns the next day: "Do You have bread?" No, still no bread said the bartender with a tendency of suppressed agression as the duck left. And then it came back the next day again, asking the same old question: "Do You have any bread?" The bartender was infuriated and started to yell at the duck who took the hint and went away, only to return the next day: "Got any bread yet?" The bartenders face turned into a deep red color and he clarified to the duck that if it asks about bread one more time, he will nail its beak shut right down on the desk. The duck just looks at him for a while, but asks: "Do You have any nails?" The bartender is stunned by this question, but answers: "No" "Oh, great! Do You have any bread?"
  4. Pugwash: Congrats! @ kenberg, I believe that it was something 'odd' about the text under the day/date windows (started off before these windows or something like that)
  5. Nah, he probably just copied the previous q&a where he/they forgot to remove that. To test this I tried to make an order and was given the option of moneybookers and WU.
  6. Some things were left out prior to the publishing
  7. No wonder he is selling it, the voices that came from the phone/watch/wtf told him to!
  8. Wow, awesome amazon. Like new! Verkligen, en riktigt riktigt fin bil där.
  9. Indeed, there's really not much more to say. Tar and feathers perhaps?
  10. Thanks. We really should support this. The best 'protest' would however be if people stopped supporting these companies. That would be a sign of that the buyers actually like the free competition and that something is wrong. Yet, this could very well fit into 'a' plan as it would make them even more elitistic as there will certainly be (and are) buyers who only want to go to their lesser gods for servicing purposes. Then again, such an action could open up for more 'odd' brands to reach the public and, perhaps, threaten the established brands. Which in turn could translate to that they will open up for external repairs again - or in another scenario, tighten the grip around those adoring the name that comes with the watch.
  11. Although I haven't been here for long, it has been a delight to read what You have had to say. Hopefully things will turn to the better.
  12. What scares - at least - me the most is that I think that some people are actually going to chew down and swallow those words without even considering to 'investigate' those claims for themselves.
  13. Received my gift today and I must say wonderful, simply wonderful. Hats off for V. Thank You
  14. Why? Because...somebody...might...like it? That scenario did not occur to you? His pvd cases are excellent, especially if polished afterwards (according to pictures). And regarding the fonts: They are perhaps way off if compared side by side with a gen, or to someone that really knows panerais - perhaps someone like you . But are any of those scenarios likely to happen? And if they are, would you actually be 'ashamed' of wearing a rep? After all, you chose it. I like improvements as well, but you always have the option of not buying. It is not really forced upon you. I imagine that those who did buy his works are satisfied - with at least some things if not everything.
  15. yes they did very nice watch indeed. May I ask where you got that dial?
  16. I am honored pm:ed you back
  17. ... that the last day of his life was about to come. At least so the robed man holding a beautiful amethyst timer had said a few nights ago in one of his dreams. At least he thought it was a man, as the voice was unearthly, as it was gasping for air in a climate it was not accustomed to. So this was what the dreams were leading him to. Death. Or a preparation for it. The shortening of his lifespan. Taking away a matter more important than life. Time. Time was his life. And now the clockwork of existance was about to break. He stopped the car. Gazing at the clock, it became apparent that it was not about to aid him in his needs. It still stood at 11:59. So the quality of these cars hasn't improved, he chuckled to himself as he prepared to leave his hearse. As he exited, he noticed a silent stillness in the surroundings. Nothing was moving, well nothing except for him. The mosquitos that used to recon the air for scents, scents of blood, were hovering in the air. But their wings were not moving. He couldn't believe what he saw as he began to circle about his car. There were people about, their expressions were as cut in stone. The muscles arched in their faces as they were about to say something that could last forever. The feet were halfway through the step, accompanied by the torso that was turned to accomodate for a pleasantful walk. Nothing moved, especially not time. This was worse than dying. Or was he already dead. He turned his face down towards his watch. It was still moving. How could this be? How could time go by if time did not exist. What cogs of fate were able to power his watch. And why the hell was it running too fast, he was gazing at it for a while as it seemed to be gaining over 10 minutes per minute. Should've sent it to The Zigmeister when I had the chance he thought while he struck his face. Or was it simply speeding up to show him that it was not much left. How precious time was. Or how he had wasted it. He looked down again. 11:59. What was playing with what here, something with him, or his mind with itself. He was now certain that he would die. Not die in the conventional sence. But death, as a was trap in time - or by time. He would 'die' in the old viking sense. With nobody that would be able to remember him. Nobody that actually could remember him. In another way, life had turned. He went back to the car, only to see it further down the road - engulfed in flames. People were rushing to it. People moved! his existance was however unnoticed. People was passing through him, as he had passed through time, and apparently passed away. But he was still alive ... wasn't he? He could still think, he thought, which should definately qualify him as an existing being. And there was noone at the drivers seat, no body at all in the wreck he noticed as he stood amidst the flaming wreck like an ancient bird, ready to arise again. But he didn't.
  18. Let's say that you have 5 'bling' reps that you want to get rid of. If you would've donated the 5$ without making a fuss about it, you could have easily added 1$ to the expected minimum price you were willing to get. After this post however ... who knows.
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